Looking for a specific story


Feb 3, 2005
Hey, I've searched and searched, but I can't seem to find this one particular story I'm looking for. I know I read it on this site a while back (years ago?), I don't read stories elsewhere.

The story is a romance (of that I'm pretty sure), and I also pretty sure it's not a multipart story (I could be wrong).

The story is about a man, a widower who lost his wife early in life, no kids, I think it might have been a motorcycle accident. The wife had a twin, but the story is not about her. His best friend at work is a lesbian.

On the way to work, he sees an accident (or near-miss accident) which involves a motorcycle. I'm quite sure it's the anniversary for his wife's death, or close to it. When he gets to work, he gets into an argument with a female co-worker (the female he ends up loving). It ends up with him being reprimanded by the HR department, and to cool off he goes to a park across the street, sits on a bench which is dedicated to his wife.

Some arse calls the police on him, making him look like a perv, but the officer is kind and understanding.

I hope that is enough details to spark someones memories, because I can't find the darn story. I knew I should've favourited it last time I read it.