Looking for a specific mind control story

May 27, 2012
I’ve tried every search term I can think of based on what I remember but no luck, so I’m afraid it might have been deleted. But if anyone remembers what I’m talking about I’d be grateful.

It started with a guy and and a girl who were classmates working on a class project together. They had created some kind of electrode cap that was connected to a computer. The guy was surprised when they tried it on the girl and her brain showed up on his computer desktop like a mounted hard drive. He experimented with dragging an mp3 file and a text file onto it. She responded by humming the song, saying it was stuck in her head, and she obeyed the commands he’d typed in the text file. Eventually he uses this to turn her into a bimbo. Then with her help, he uses it on her mom, and starts to get a bigger and bigger harem. He created backups of anyone’s brain that he’d messed with in case he needed to undo the changes. There were a bunch of chapters. I remember also at some point a reporter is suspicious about him so he has to use it on her, too.
That sounds like "The Peripheral Cocksucker" by Big_Kahuna_69.
Some of their work has been removed for publishing. Check their profile to find out where this story can be found.