Looking for a removed story


Feb 23, 2023
A story titled "The Office" (not much to go on I know). It was removed a while ago and I'd love to find it or the author that made it.
I've tried Internet Archive, but it sadly wasn't saved there. I hope someone can find it cause it was a damn great story.

Info about the story:
One of the tags was Mind Control
Title: The Office
Original Link (in case it somehow helps): https://www.literotica.com/s/the-office-52
Synopsis from memory:
It begins with the main character (F) having a discussion with her boyfriend about why she keeps working at her job if she complains so much. She then goes into the building passes through security during which some lights flash and her hypnotic suggestions activate making her free use to any man in the building. She then goes to a locker room where she changes into much sexier clothing than she came in with and chats with another female coworker. After finishing dressing she gets offered to be fucked by a male coworker but she must decline as she is the boss's personal secretary and must "take care" of him first. She then heads to the boss's office and gives him a blowjob before he heads to a meeting with heads of another business that he is trying to partner with. The men with the other business are offered the use of her and any woman in the building should they partner with them. The men agree and fuck her in various ways for some time. After that is done she goes back to the locker room changes back into the clothes she came in and goes back through security where she is "deactivated" and her boyfriend picks her up.