Looking for a mentor


Nov 27, 2012
Uh, hello there. I really don't know what to write since this is my first time even posting an ad or joining a forum like this.

I'm not really looking for a master, or a dominant at the moment; I'm looking more or less for a teacher. I've been lurking anonymously in the stories, and I find BDSM and the whole lifestyle really intriguing. I want to learn more about it, and it is really an erotic thing that probably will develop into a fetish.

But foremost, I want to know my facts about it and what goes on in a typical d/s relationship before getting into any commitments so that there won't be any future problems. Advice would be cool too. :eek:

I guess PM works?

Uh, hello there. I really don't know what to write since this is my first time even posting an ad or joining a forum like this.

I'm not really looking for a master, or a dominant at the moment; I'm looking more or less for a teacher. I've been lurking anonymously in the stories, and I find BDSM and the whole lifestyle really intriguing. I want to learn more about it, and it is really an erotic thing that probably will develop into a fetish.

But foremost, I want to know my facts about it and what goes on in a typical d/s relationship before getting into any commitments so that there won't be any future problems. Advice would be cool too. :eek:

I guess PM works?


In my own experience there is no such thing as a "typical" D/s relationship; it is as infinitely varied as "vanilla" relationships. My own relationship with my pet resembles a 1950's style household. She is submissive but not a slave. I would also suggest joining FetLife as there are plenty of resources and opportunities to learn all you wish about the BDSM and D/s lifestyles. Feel free to PM me and I'll do my best to answer any questions. There are several others here who have far more experience than I.
I'm open to answering what questions that I can. I would suggest checking out the Library section and lurking in the BDSM rooms on here. As long as you don't act like a jerk or know-it-all people are pretty darn welcoming. :) Everyone's got to learn sometime, right? Biggest suggestion at the moment? Don't make assumptions or generalizations. The lifestyle is like anything else - what you make of it. Hope that makes sense.