John Jordan, 48, was a busy man, always on the go, in town, out of town. And very successful. He was not satisfied with his present cleaning service and decided to fire them and hire a new cleaning lady. He never knew when he would need to entertain clients on any given weekend, so his condo need to be ready at anytime.
Rather than call an agency, he decided to try Craig's List . . .
Needed: Cleaning lady for successful businessman's downtown condo. Minimum of once/week; more often as needed. Top pay for right person. Looking for someone who is not afraid to get on her hands and knees. Must be available at a moment's notice. Please respond with photo and qualifications.
Let's see what happens.
Rather than call an agency, he decided to try Craig's List . . .
Needed: Cleaning lady for successful businessman's downtown condo. Minimum of once/week; more often as needed. Top pay for right person. Looking for someone who is not afraid to get on her hands and knees. Must be available at a moment's notice. Please respond with photo and qualifications.
Let's see what happens.