Lookin for Music advice....


Really Experienced
Nov 22, 2002
I'm getting bored with my music collection....20ish gigs is not enough! and so I am comming here looking for suggestions from people about good tunes to listen to/bands that don't suck.

I'm a big fan of swing, Louis Armstrong, and anything big band/jazzish.....

But then....Blues is good too.....

OTOH I like Rage against the machine, Rammnstien, and Kid Rock.....

But I have a Very special place in my heart for the Medieaval Baebes.........

And My current favourite bands are Bond, and Apocalyptica......

Anyone got any advice on songs/bands to seek out that fit with these kinds of music?
Have you checked the resources at www.amazon.com and www.cdnow.com?

At Amazon, when you open the page for a particular album, there is a list of albums that purchasers have also bought.

An album page on CDNow's site will include a "related artists" link, which shows similar artists, influences and collaborators.
BF loves Medieaval Baebes and Miranda Sex Garden. Hmmm lets see, love Type O negative, Lanuca Coil. I love the song I will find you by Clannad (I think thats the name of the song) hmm I love the song "Realm of darkness" by darwell.
Ever try UBL.com?

The Ultimate Band List. It's a good site to waste lots of time on. Any time you punch in a band or group, the page offers suggestions on others that you might like. Each individual album is given a short review, and the trivia included in them often give me inspirations that send me off in other directions. I've found lots of enjoyable music that I never would have been exposed to if I hadn't been surfing around on UBL
You might broaden your horizons with some Bach. Seriously.

And if you dig around in one of your well-stocked music stores, you'll probably find the first album (in CD format) by the New York Dolls, featuring "Frankenstein", "Looking for a Kiss" and "Vietnamese Baby." Great stuff.
Amazon.com also has little realplayer samples, so you can get some idea of what you are buying, which is nice.

Trip hop can be very interesting, I agree. I listen to Tricky, sometimes--who was in Portishead, wasn't he? Or massive attack? I forget the names of the bands.

You check out different types of music at:
horny_giraffe said:
Amazon.com also has little realplayer samples, so you can get some idea of what you are buying, which is nice.

Trip hop can be very interesting, I agree. I listen to Tricky, sometimes--who was in Portishead, wasn't he? Or massive attack? I forget the names of the bands.

You check out different types of music at:

He does work with Massive Attack...but he too is very very cool. First album Maxinquaye very very very good album in deed!

edited to add this link

New Music Thread

Take a look, good stuff in here..peoples opinions, impressions. Just a good review from users around the board.
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alricflaim said:
I'm getting bored with my music collection....20ish gigs is not enough! and so I am comming here looking for suggestions from people about good tunes to listen to/bands that don't suck.

I'm a big fan of swing, Louis Armstrong, and anything big band/jazzish.....

But then....Blues is good too.....

OTOH I like Rage against the machine, Rammnstien, and Kid Rock.....

But I have a Very special place in my heart for the Medieaval Baebes.........

And My current favourite bands are Bond, and Apocalyptica......

Anyone got any advice on songs/bands to seek out that fit with these kinds of music?

You have a pretty wide range of musical interests, that's good.

Bond is also one of my current favorites...here are some suggestions...

Delerium "Karma"...modern beats with international sounds and luscious female vocals

Libera "Libera"...a classical CD featuring a boys choir with some modern beats. If you like Bond, then you may like this one.

Fiona Apple, her first album...It's really a good album!

For female vocalists, try Norah Jones, Sarah Brightman and/or Emma Shapplin.

For really hard edge stuff I dare you to try Tristania "World Of Glass"...a dark metal group from Scandinavia.

Hope this all works out.
You might also want to check out ...

Cocteau Twins & Dead Can Dance
20 GIGs of music and he's bored with it? OMG, you poor devil.
Somehow, I dont think he's been BUYING music at Amazon. Sounds more like downloading lots thru KaZaa or similar. More power to ya, I say.

Kazaa is having legal problems with the Recording Industry and it is likely that they could go the way of Napster. More new services are opening up all the time, my new favourite is Blubster, no ad-ware, no spy-ware, just Mp3's galore.


it also features a Bulletin Board, similar in feel to our own one here at LIT (altho LIT's much more liberal...LOL)

IF you're ininterested in Good Hip Hop.

Check out Talib Kweli's new album "Quality"

or these artists: Jurassic 5, Dead Prez, Mos Def, Shabaam Sahdeeq, Kool Kieth, and ask if you want more ...

The Mummers' Dance by Loreena McKnight (However it is spelled) is a great song.

hmmm Modern man by Bad religion is great, so is the generator by bad religion. both great.