Long Island Shoutout-Waiting on Sandy


Really Really Experienced
Apr 30, 2012
What to do as we wait on this storm? Anyone have any special suggestions to pass the time in the dark?

Who has gotten laid yet today? I have!

Take this time to go over your check list. Yes the one the weather channel has been droning on and on about all day. It is serious stuff. Take it from a gal that has lived thru (and stayed here during) more than a couple of hurricanes and near misses. Batteries, batteries and more batteries. Books, charged cell phones and fully charged Nook e reader. Good luck. Isaac was not as damaging to us as feared and hopefuly Sandy will not be as bad either. :)
Take this time to go over your check list. Yes the one the weather channel has been droning on and on about all day. It is serious stuff. Take it from a gal that has lived thru (and stayed here during) more than a couple of hurricanes and near misses. Batteries, batteries and more batteries. Books, charged cell phones and fully charged Nook e reader. Good luck. Isaac was not as damaging to us as feared and hopefuly Sandy will not be as bad either. :)
agreed. hope this doesnt fuck up too many more lives. peace!
South Shore here. Wind is picking up and blowing steady around 25 mph . The main part of Sandy is due late afternoon into Tuesday morning.
It's the sustained winds and high tides that will cause the most damage with flooding. Everything is pretty much closed up and folks were told to stay home and hunker down.

I made it out of Manhattan around 4 pm yesterday. It was either leave or stay for the duration.
LIRR and MTA were running their last trains out and closing up at 7pm Sunday.

This storm looks like it will cause some serious damage. I'm very close to the Atlantic but far enough up to not be worried about tides,water.
South Shore here. Wind is picking up and blowing steady around 25 mph . The main part of Sandy is due late afternoon into Tuesday morning.
It's the sustained winds and high tides that will cause the most damage with flooding. Everything is pretty much closed up and folks were told to stay home and hunker down.

I made it out of Manhattan around 4 pm yesterday. It was either leave or stay for the duration.
LIRR and MTA were running their last trains out and closing up at 7pm Sunday.

This storm looks like it will cause some serious damage. I'm very close to the Atlantic but far enough up to not be worried about tides,water.
be cool dude, middle island here
Northern NJ .. 10:30 am here.. Rain since 9 am. Most everybody is closed... at home..

Yeah NYC is shut up ! NO trains, buses.. Brooklyn battery tunnel is shut down... Southern NJ is taking a big hit even now,.

Even Starbucks is closed

Main brunt is starting later this afternoon. Weather map shows this storm is reaching Chicago...

You should be prepared but not like for a month!!!!!!

Literotic is still alive ! :)
You guys please be safe... if they told you to leave, I hope you did. My family was in Katina, and there were a lot of people that died because of it... ignoring the command to leave. Everyone talked about NO, but MS was where the real destruction happened. Two small coastal cities were wiped out. And I mean wiped out. Over 30 ft wall of water hit the towns and NOTHING was left standing. I saw the the ruins and sad to say, the Press said nothing about how bad it was. Please do what they tell you to do.
take care of my gf in her home on yim

who wants to pleasure my gf on yim? she will be home in heels, hanging out, wanting to be pleasured all day long.

PM me with your info.

I'd be interested...love a woman in heels ...
but I'm smack dab in the middle of a long intense blowjob by a woman named Sandy!

who wants to pleasure my gf on yim? she will be home in heels, hanging out, wanting to be pleasured all day long.

PM me with your info.

I'm happy to hear you and your family are safe...we'll talk soon!:kiss:

South Shore here. Wind is picking up and blowing steady around 25 mph . The main part of Sandy is due late afternoon into Tuesday morning.
It's the sustained winds and high tides that will cause the most damage with flooding. Everything is pretty much closed up and folks were told to stay home and hunker down.

I made it out of Manhattan around 4 pm yesterday. It was either leave or stay for the duration.
LIRR and MTA were running their last trains out and closing up at 7pm Sunday.

This storm looks like it will cause some serious damage. I'm very close to the Atlantic but far enough up to not be worried about tides,water.