L'officier, ou pas si officiel, parlant en français le fil.


Just draggin around
May 6, 2002
Le mien est si cassé à ces plus aisé, essayer de ne pas recevoir si fâché. Mon raisonnement est ceci vraiment devrait piss de de 10% du conseil.

To those that are trying to figure out what in the hell I am doing, I am doing what I usually do. Trying to piss people off.

fuckin freedom fry eaters...
next time ask me to help you to do the traduction

I hope no one will try to understand what you wrote in french

Ich denke, dass, Würfel Würfel Arroganz VON, Würfel denen, wählen, Tonnen überlegen ohne gleichmässiges A der FREMDSPRACHE, das sich denken, Verstehen smattering der Geschichte DES Wissens VON ANDERER von Kulturen ist stumpf.
cliffchuff said:
Ich denke, dass, Würfel Würfel Arroganz VON, Würfel denen, wählen, Tonnen überlegen ohne gleichmässiges A der FREMDSPRACHE, das sich denken, Verstehen smattering der Geschichte DES Wissens VON ANDERER von Kulturen ist stumpf.

don't you just hate it when you understand one word in three?
brokenbrainwave said:
Jesus, that original post really made no sense.

désolé I am!!!

Is even worse than that!!!


now you try to talk like Yoda?
smattering, language, knowelage,understanding, history,culture were the tough ones;)
plasticman33 said:
Non, non, francais!!:kiss:

freedom kiss doesnt have the same impact as French kiss ;)

tomorrow its your birthday? I will french kiss you tomorrow then :D

Im very glad not to be french on the board today!!!
Pregnancies went through the roof this year with thousands of unwanted babies being born in virtually every state, officals put it down to a patriotic reluctance to buy French letters:D
brokenbrainwave said:
désolé means grieved, right..or did I screw that one up also? :D

no no you didnt screw anything :D

"I am désolé" is the same as "I am sorry"
DéjàNu said:
no no you didnt screw anything :D

"I am désolé" is the same as "I am sorry"
translation: stick with little words, its all you can seem to Gérer, vous 'idiot!!!
DéjàNu said:
freedom kiss doesnt have the same impact as French kiss ;)

tomorrow its your birthday? I will french kiss you tomorrow then :D

Im very glad not to be french on the board today!!!

Merci beaucoup, ma chatte!!! Baiser avec beaucoup langue!!!:kiss:
brokenbrainwave said:
translation: stick with little words, its all you can seem to Gérer, vous 'idiot!!!

nahhhhh you are not silly... just not french ;)