Lodgers (CLOSED for Fortran5885)


Literotica Guru
Dec 31, 2003
Melissa Smythe, 22, small, medium build, brown hair and green eyes.

I was on my way home from a long day in the office, and was absolutely dreading it. The nearer the train got, the heavier my heart felt. For everyone else, Friday night was party night. For me, it meant the start of locking myself in my room away from my roommate.

It had been great when I first moved in. I'd actually moved in with my ex, Steven, who already shared with his best mate. When Steven and I had split, it was because he was moving with a new job, and it had been amicable, so it wasn't a great surprise I was invited to remain on, rather than him find a new lodger.

But things had gone rather steeply downhill since then. He spent his weekends bringing anything in a short skirt back from the clubs. He'd spend a few days with them, then dump them by the following weekend, when the cycle was repeated over and over again.

I'd finally decided to do something about it, and had pointedly left a copy of the previous night's paper with various ads circled where they were looking for a lodger. I was hoping he'd have picked up on it and would also start looking for a new tenant.

My stop was called and I stepped off the train.
Craig Wrightson, Tall and thin, with unkempt, scraggly dark hair, and brown eyes. Favours ratty T-shirts featuring bands that no longer exist and battered old jeans.

“See? Exactly, the kind of passive aggressive bullshit I'm talking about. Papers with ads circled, left strategically about the place. I mean, how do you get through life like that?” I showed Vicki the offending newspaper, though if it turned out she couldn't read the damn thing, I'd hardly be surprised. Vicki was ... well, she was quite fetching in a trashy sort of way. Short and a bit heavy, but mostly in the right places. Clothes half a size too small, and makeup half a shad too much. A blonde with a bob cut and the kind of smile that says she's down for most anything, just so long as there wouldn't be any math.

She laughed and snuggled closer, putting her hand on my leg. “Aw, the poor little thing. Scared of Big Bad Craig. You big meanie.” As she reached across me for her beer, I plucked the paper back and swatted her across across her big round arse with it. “Don't you forget it.” She squealed and laughed, but there was a new undercurrent in the room, and I figured she'd be across my lap before the evening was done.

She slapped me on the shoulder and settled in again, closing her eyes and sliding her fingers along my thigh in time to the music we had on, and I leaned back and pictured her arse in the air, wobbling and jiggling under my hand. Or tried to, rather. The rear I saw when I closed my eyes was narrower, dressed more conservatively, and probably had a stick up it if one could reach far enough.

It was the oddest thing. I'd never really fancied Melissa. Fit enough, I suppose, but I'd never had tried for her even if she wasn't going with Steven. In the months since he'd moved out though, as things grew more and more strained until Melissa and I barely passed a civil word, that had begun to change. As time went by, she spoke less and judged more, sniffing and eye rolling her way through the day, but never daring to approach me about anything that was bothering her. I have no patience at all for that sort of thing, but I found that the less I liked her, the more I wanted her. To the point where now, she was almost all I thought about.

Any other chippie, I'd fuck 'em. Or make 'em feel terrible about themselves until they ran away in tears. Or both, if I was lucky. But Steven was a true mate, and I knew he still thought well of her, though I couldn't tell you why, so I just let things go, fully prepared to be reasonable if she ever decided to approach things in an adult matter. In retrospect, that was probably my mistake, letting things build up like that.

Vicki laughed again and sat up, which was when I realized that I'd been going on about the newspaper ads again. A girl with any real sense of self worth might take offence at being ignored, but good ol' Vick wasn't thinking about anything but me. “Poor Craiggy,” she cooed, “Would you feel better if I taught her a lesson?” She balled her chubby little fists, and put up her dukes, oh so coincidentally squeezing her breasts together. It was all a bit too much of a performance to be all that sexy or funny, truth told, but she looked so ridiculously harmless, and her chest was truly impressive, so it got a chuckle and an impure thought out of me anyway.

I reached out and grabbed her shirt like I was going to sock her one, 'accidentally' getting a handful of her big soft tits en route “I'll teach you a lesson if you don't watch out.” She pulled a face like she was scared, and things were probably just about to get interesting, which of course is why I heard Melissa's key in the lock just exactly then.

I rolled my eyes, and was about to say something about it, but Vicki, bless her little heart put a finger to my lips. With a sparkle in her eye, she leaned in and gave me a quick peck on the lips before lowering her face down and giving laying another peck on the crotch of my jeans. As the door opened, she started bobbing her head up and down. And making slurping noises. It wasn't, objectively speaking, much more convincing than any of her previous performances, but the door faced the back of the sofa, so it didn't really have to be.
I could hear them already even as I opened the door. He must have been out early. I gave a very loud and pointed sigh, and rolled my eyes, slamming the door behind me.

I stomped straight up to my room, showered and changed into something more comfortable. I wasn't in the mood to put up with him tonight. Luckily, I wouldn't have to. An old friend was passing through town with her new guy on their way on vacation. Sure, it was only dinner, but it would get me away from him for a couple hours.

She was still all over him when I stomped back down the stairs.

"I'm going out" I stated, glaring at both of them. "Do you think you could at least have the decency to move your latest piece of skirt..." I looked down at her "...assuming that's what those few threads of material are meant to be... could at least move into your room before you start behaving like animals?"

I was aware she was getting off Craig, shrieking at me, but I just gave her an icy, superior smile, and left, banging the door behind me.