Lo saves his semen in a gallon milk jug!


sarcasduck ruffleslut
May 20, 2001
<grin> V~ made me do it, or was it the devil? hmmmmmmmmmm...

Coincidence? I think not!

:D I heart you LO!!!
Yanno...I heard this rumor somewhere.

Huh. <shrug> Well...we all have our own hobbies.

I still dig ya, Lo. You're alright by me.
I'm bumping this times infinity.

:D he's so fun to tease
I only put sugar on my cheerios, and no shake stands...

I'm thinking vitamin K stores
Launching a new hair care product!

Remember the movie " There's Something About Mary" ?

Elmer called, lo, he needs more glue.
I think it's better to keep it in glass.

It goes bad in plastic.
mbb308 said:
I think it's better to keep it in glass.

It goes bad in plastic.

it goes bad??? okay, how exactly do you know this?

Hiya TWB!
perky_baby said:
it goes bad??? okay, how exactly do you know this?

Yeah, that was my question.

I'm now getting disturbing images of someone mistaking it for actual milk ... *shudders* Something about sperm in a jug is so ... the opposite of arousing...
I think lo is the photographer for all those cumslut photos. yep... *nods head*
perky_baby said:
it goes bad??? okay, how exactly do you know this?

Hiya TWB!


I remember one of the first penthouse forums I read. It was about a woman who had sex with the mailman on the condition she could keep his cum. She would warm it up in a toaster oven to spread over her husbands belly to lap up in the evening when he came home from work.

I think she used an old jiffy peanut butter jar.
celiaKitten said:
I somehow knew I would find a new sigline tonight... LOL

heh! Goooooooooooooooooooooooal!

TWB, I so did not need to know that.