Litzens are in higher or lower level

depends which board.
the average iq of an ampic viewer is around 70.
compared to average people

thirty, I have always enjoyed and appreciated your presence on the GB.

From 1996 to 2001, Literotica was probably frequented by people with a higher than average level of intelligence compared to the Average of the General Population of the respective countries of the active membership base.

After 2001, the Internet User generally became (on average) less intelligent, a natural outcome of the increase in both Internet Usage and Penetration Rates.

GB users probably all think they are smarter than average.
Myself excluded, I'd say that most on the GB are smarter than average. I don't think that this website is all that attractive to most average porn-viewers, since it's primarily based in literature rather than photographs or video.
depends on the test. depends on the day.
i've never scored less than 132. i've never scored more than 142.


Oh my god you're a genius, ring the bells, club the gongs and fire the flares. You're in the top 2 % ... now what?
thirty, I have always enjoyed and appreciated your presence on the GB.

From 1996 to 2001, Literotica was probably frequented by people with a higher than average level of intelligence compared to the Average of the General Population of the respective countries of the active membership base.

After 2001, the Internet User generally became (on average) less intelligent, a natural outcome of the increase in both Internet Usage and Penetration Rates.

GB users probably all think they are smarter than average.

Have to agree with you on this one Lance, although I'd put the threshold date closer to the 2004-2005 time frame. It's been downhill ever since.

thirty, I have always enjoyed and appreciated your presence on the GB.

From 1996 to 2001, Literotica was probably frequented by people with a higher than average level of intelligence compared to the Average of the General Population of the respective countries of the active membership base.

After 2001, the Internet User generally became (on average) less intelligent, a natural outcome of the increase in both Internet Usage and Penetration Rates.

GB users probably all think they are smarter than average.

Thank you so much, what you said made my day!

Yeah, I guess you are right, the same happened to our neighborhood online forum: the average intelligence is getting down.