Little Sister's Boot Camp (Closed for Hannah18)


Literotica Guru
Aug 31, 2000
Name: Paul Deveraux
Age: 24
Description: 6'4", short brown hair, green eyes, broad shoulders, muscular, several tattoos

Paul closed the door behind him with a swift swing of his arm, the breeze from the door slamming shut flowed over his sweat soaked shirt. He looked out across the apartment he had just moved into, boxes were stacked everywhere but he didn't mind. He was finally home and he was out from under his parents' roof.

Paul had just recently returned from his second tour of duty in the Army and he had finally been discharged on a medical waiver after being slightly injured in the line of duty. He wasn't severely hurt, but it was enough of an injury to his right leg that he would forever walk with a slight limp. He smiled to himself despite the task of unpacking that lay ahead of him. He was happy to have a place of his own and not have to live out of tent or barracks in some god forsaken desert or jungle.

He walked into the kitchen and opened one of the coolers that sat on the floor, filled to the brim with ice and drinks that he would soon have to unload into the refrigerator once it was delivered the next day. He grabbed himself a beer and popped the top, taking a slow long swig from the bottle letting out a slow refreshing groan as the cool liquid hit his lips.

Paul wasn't happy to be out of his parents' house because they were strict or difficult to live with. Hell, even his little sister, Hannah, was tolerable for the most part, he just felt it was time to build a life of his own, find a girl, settle down, and raise a family.

Paul walked back into the main living room and sat down in the only chair in his entire apartment. Another refreshing drop of his beer was just about to hit his lips when his cell phone rang. He looked at the caller ID and saw it was his mom. "Probably just calling to see how the move went..." he thought to himself as his finger glided across the screen to answer the call.

Fifteen Minutes Later

Paul hung up the phone. He couldn't believe all the things his mother had told him, or what he had gotten himself into. Something must have really changed while he was overseas with his little sister, and his mother had apparently run out of ideas of what to do with her. His mom suggested maybe a change of scenery for the summer would change her for the better and get her off the path she was on. Before he knew what had happened Paul had volunteered to watch over his sister for the summer in an effort to help his mom and they'd be at his front door in two days.
5'2 long black curly hair, big brown eyes, pale skin, slim

Hannah was fuming as she throws her clothes into her suitcase, her parents really was unbelievable. "Don't think that sending me to live with him, will magically straighten me out" she snaps at her mother.

"Hannah..." She replies warningly, him obviously meant her big brother, in truth Hannah was a little worried, her parents were weak and had never set any rules, her brother had always been more disciplined however and as much as she hated to admit it, he intimidated her a little, especially after years in the army.

"What the fuck ever' she mutters, pushing past here mum and leaving the room. "I'm going by myself" she yells as she grabs the keys to her car and storms out of the door, she throws her bag into the boot and climbs inside starting up the engine and begining the long drive ahead of her.

How dare they mess with her life like this! Who did they think they were. She lights up.a cigarette as she drives, a habit she had picked up from a new group of friends. Hannah takes the long road as she fumes silently. She puts her cigarette out, thinking about how much she needed a drink, hopefully there would be a few places to go out near him. She was sure her mum would have been on the phone about it already.

A few hours later, she pulls up at her brothers new house parking up, she climbs out of the car, marching up to the door and knocking loudly, she lights up another cigarette. Lhey" she says as the door opens, blowing smoke in his face.
Paul glances up at the clock, it's nearly two pm and he knew his little sister would be there soon. It had been two days since he took his mother's call and agreed to try and help with his sister and her issues. Boxes were still strewn about the apartment as he had spent the last two days getting his spare room ready for Hannah, putting together a small twin bed, moving the spare dresser into the room and installing locks on the outside of the door. Paul wanted to be prepared for anything, because if his sister was as unruly as his mother had described then he didn't know exactly what to expect.

He glanced back down at his Sports Illustrated when a loud knock came to his front door. He got up and peeked out to see Hannah standing there, her hand cupping the flame of her lighter as she puffed on a cigarette. He shook his head and opened the door only to receive a face full of smoke.

Coughing as she walked by, smelling like a chimney, burning his nostrils he blurts out, "Haven't seen me in over a year and a 'hey' is all I get?" He coughs one more time " and we will be having none of that in this apartment!" He grasps the cigarette from her lips and breaks it in two before tossing it out the door and closing it.

"You're living here with me now and things will be just a little different from the lax times at mom and dad's, and you can learn to live with these new rules or you can suffer the concquenses. It's up to you."

Paul steps forward and gives his sister a stern look. "Now have a seat over there and we can calmly discuss the rules of the house while you live here."
Hannah shrugs her shoulders, it was easier for her not to show emotion, everyone left eventually, so why let them in. Paul left for the army, her parents were hardly ever home and they had just kicked her out, family was a dissapointment and one that she didn't need. However on the inside a glimmer of happiness was there, there was a time when she would have ran to Paul and hugged him, but she wasn't a little girl anymore, she was an adult.

"What the fuck?" She snaps as he takes the cigarette out of her mouth. She glares at him in disbelief, who does he think he is!

"Oh I'm so scared" she mutters under her breath, rolling her eyes however the stern look made her flinch back slightly, her brother was intimadating, at least a foot taller than her and she doubted that she'd have any chance overpowering him if it ever came to it.

"No I'll stand here." She sighs "look I don't wanna be here and you don't want me here, so leave me alone and neither of our summer's have to be worried, got it?" She asks as she flicks her hair back over her shoulders as if bored of the conversation.
Paul scoffs at her attitude, knowing full well where she picked that up. "Look mom and dad may have taken that kind of shit off of you, but looks at me. Do I look like either of them?" He asks her teasingly. Not waiting for her to answer, " Obviously I'm not, and I won't be taking anywhere close to the same crap our parents put up with over the last few years from you."

Paul took hold of Hannah's arm tightly and guided her slender frame over to the chair he had pointed to a moment ago. He pushed her into a seated position before releasing her arm and standing up at his full height over her. "Now you can determine exactly how your summer goes while you're here, it's 100% up to you and your attitude."

He took a step back and looked his sister in the eye, trying to give her the same look his drill instructor had given him on his first day in the army, my god he hated that look and he hoped Hannah would fear it just the same. "So, tell me Hannah, you ready for the rules of the house? And better yet, are you read to follow them to a 'T'?"
"Hey" she protests in frustration as he grabs her arm and forces her to the chair, she leans back in it, folding her arms over her chest, she was annoyed, but she was smart enough to keep her mouth shut.

Hannah sneaks a peak up at Paul, biting on her lower lip gently. Hesitating the truth was she would love to have a close relationship with her brother, shed never had that with her parents.... They weren't bad people, but they never had time for her, which is probably what resulted in her behaviour.

A sinking feeling fills her as she sees the look on his face, he was scary and he made her nervous.

Hannah sighs loudly and just nods at him once. "I"ll listen" she mutters under her breath, but she refused to give in completly and as a small show of defiance, she stands up, still a lot shorter than him.

"So what are they?"
"So what are they?"

Paul feels a small twinge of anger bubble up as his sister stands up in defiance of his request to sit in the chair. He knows she's feeling him out, seeing what she can and can't get away with and how far she can push him. He's not going to let her win. Paul takes a deep calming breath and places his hands on his little sister's shoulders and pushes her back into a seated position.

"First off, what I say goes around here. If I ask you to do something, you do it. You don't ask why, you don't ask for how long, you just do it. No matter how crazy of a request I may make, you simply nod your head and say 'Yes Paul'." He squeezes his hands tightly on her shoulders before releasing her and standing back up.

Paul began pacing slowly back and forth in front of Hannah as he spoke, not taking his eyes off her, constantly keeping his eyes locked on hers. "Secondly, you will not be leaving this apartment alone without my permission. There will be no sneaking out, no running off with friends, none of that. And to ensure that doesn't happen..." Paul reaches out and grabs Hannah's purse, riffling through it and removing her keys, placing them in his pocket and looking back at Hannah for the undoubtedly rude reaction that was forthcoming.
Hannah doesn't say anything as paul forces her back into the chair, in fact she felt a little scared and insecure, Paul was making her feel like the little girl she used to be, the shy one who just went a long with everything and did as she was told, so she just stares at him, completly unsure of herself.

Her fingers play with the end of her hair, just like she always did when she was scared about something.

"But I..." She begins.

And then he has to go through her personal stuff and immediatly the new Hannah slams into place. "What the fuck are you doing?" She yells, how dare he. "This isn't the army Paul, I don't have to do what you tell me" her face was flushed a deep shade of red as she stands up and storms towards him. Her hand snaps out as she hits him as hard as she can across the face, barely having time to think about it as she puts her hand in his pocket. "Your such an asshole" she mutters, her hand is stinging but she barely feels it.
Paul doesn't have time to react or avoid Hannah's hand. He stands there a moment, in shock at the reaction he did garner from her. His face tingled, and then had a slight burn as she placed her hand in his pocket, undoubtedly searching for her keys. Paul shakes his head and regains his thoughts and a wave of rage washes over him, all directed towards his little sister.

Paul drops her purse and takes hold of her arm that is buried wrist deep in his pocket. "You fucking spoiled little brat!" His anger spills out of his lips as he squeezes her arm tight enough to cut off the circulation to her hand. "YOU ABSOFUCKINGLUTELY WILL NOT EVER RAISE YOUR HAND AGAINST ME AGAIN!"

Paul's nose was now inches away from his sister's as he yelled in her face. Without thinking he raised his free hand and brought it down across Hannah's ass with a loud pop. They were never spanked growing up, and Paul wasn't sure where that reaction came from, but there was no taking it back now. He jerked her hand out of his pocket and kept a tight grip on her arm as he threw her forcibly back in the chair, her keys still safely in his pocket.

"Now fucking sit there and don't say another word until I'm done talking!"
Hannah yelps at the feel of her brother grabbing her arm, she opens her mouth to protest but he begins shouting at her, which shuts her up instantly, no one ever shouted at her and she could feel the tears springing to her eyes, she closes her eyes as she tries to stop them.

;paul' she whimpers as he squeezes her arm, it was starting to hurt and she was for the first time truly scared. The tears slip down her face as she tries to squirm away from him.

And then a burning pain spreads through her ass, the loud pop ringing through the room, her eyes snap open looking up at him unable to believe what he had just done. She doesn't say anything as she is forced back to her seat, instead pulling her legs up against her chest and buring her head there as she cries silently, she had no idea why she was reacting that way to him, he made her feel like a child again.

"Just leave me alone" she whispers. "I want to go home" she sits there for a few minutes before standing up! Grabbing her bag and walking quickly to the door, she walks along the driveway as he still had her keys, instead lighting up a cigarette and smoking to calm herself as she leans back against her car.
Paul doesn't immediately chase Hannah as she gets up and walks out. He knows she won't and can't get far as he feels her keys up against his thigh in his pocket. He walks over to the window and stares out at Hannah, watching as she lights another cigarette. He was feeling slightly guilty for spanking her, knowing his reaction wasn't right but she had to learn.

Paul stood there a moment before walking out the door and back up to Hannah. He took the cigarette out of her lips and pressed it out with his foot on the ground. "Hannah, you need to go back inside. We both know you're not going anywhere. You won't just walk away from here, you're way too far from any place you know to get there on foot. Let's go back inside and see if cooler heads can prevail and we can finish going over your home rules."

Paul pointed back towards the door and waited for Hannah to begin moving.
Hannah just glares at paul, her eyes we're red and puffy from crying, she was more upset by the way he was treating her than it actually hurting, she sighs and leans back against her car folding her arms over her chest.

"I don't want to" she says simply, her defiant attitude slamming into place, she was feeling defensive and she didn't understand him at all.

"Just fuck off Paul or I swear I will...." She trails of both of them knowing any threat that she made would be completly empty there was nothing she could do. She couldn't even argue because she had hit him first.

She puts both hands on his chest and pushes him back. She sighs "just give me a few minutes and I promise I'll be in a bit okay?" She asks trying to give him some kind of compramise.
."just give me a few minutes and I promise I'll be in a bit okay?"

Paul simply stares at his little sister. He knew when to push and when to ease up, and he also knew going into this summer that Hannah wouldn't break right away. How could she? She was set in her ways for eighteen years and just fifteen minutes under his rule wouldn't change that, no it was going to take time. A slow methodical change had to be rooted into Hannah, and Paul knew just how to accomplish this. He would get his way with her and it would be on his terms, but pushing too hard right away would only make her dig her heels in even deeper than before, and he didn't want that.

"Fine Hannah, you want a few minutes that's just fine. But in the meantime I'll be taking this to ensure you don't try and hitch a ride." Paul takes her purse off her shoulder and begins walking back inside the apartment. "Take five minutes and be back inside after that so we can finish reviewing the rules. In the meantime I'll just be going through this to make sure there's nothing eels I need to take away from you while you're here." He said to her, holding up her purse, knowing he was going to get some kind of reaction from Hannah, and knowing she wouldn't stay outside for very much longer as he stepped back inside.
There was a small smile on her face as Paul agree's to give her what she wanted, maybe this would be a lot easier than she first thought, maybe she could get her own way the way she did at home.

"What the fuck?" She snaps as he takes her bag away from her " asshole" she yells after him, resisting the urge to run after him. She wanted to slap him again but she couldn't, she was slightly scared that he might do it back to her. She just hoped he didn't search her bag, she didn't want to risk him taking anything away from her, mainly her fake I'd

She stands there thinking it over and the longer she did, the angrier she became. She storms inside slamming open the door not even bothering to close it.

If he wants to go through my stuff I'll do the same, is the only thought in her head as she walks up the stairs throwing open the doors until she finds his room, immediatly she begins going through drawers and cupboards emptying everything out onto the floor, pushing things of the side and letting them land with a loud smash on the floor. It was childish sure, but she was fuming.
Paul walked back inside and sat down at the table, dumping the contents of Hannah's purse out onto the table. He began searching through them, surprised she hadn't come running in after him trying to steal back her possessions. Paul found Hannah's cell, putting it aside as something he would take possession of, her make up he threw back in the purse. Next he pulled out her wallet, opening it and looking over what little money and cards she had in there. Tucked behind one card he found a second ID. He pulled it out and could tell right away it was a fake, it said Hannah was 22, which he knew for sure wasn't true. Paul placed the fake ID back in the wallet and placed the entire wallet next to the cell phone.

That's when Paul heard the whoosh of the door opening and Hannah's angry footsteps marching through the room. He was expecting venom, but was surprised not a word was said. Instead he listened and heard quite the commotion coming from the bedroom area of the apartment. "What the hell is she doing?" He thought to himself before standing up, grabbing the cell and wallet and rushing back to his room where the noise was coming from.

Paul flung open his door and was appalled at what he saw, clothes everywhere, drawers lying on their sides, and in the middle of it all his spoiled little sister. Paul raced over to her, grabbing both her arms from behind. "What is your fucking problem Hannah?" He growled in her ear. "What are you? Five years old? Mom was right, you need a lot of help and a lot of structure, and that's what you're going to get!"

Paul carried the small frame of his sister from his room and across the hall to the spare room he had set up for her, tossing her on the small twin bed he had made that morning. He walked back to the door, pulling it shut and slapping the padlock on the outside, trapping his sister. "You fucking stay in there for a while. You won't even consider coming out until you're ready to fix the mess you made!"
Hannah screams loudly as he grabs her from behind "get off of me" she struggles against him as she tries her best to pull herself free from him, but he was so much stronger than her and she had no chance at all.

"Put me down" she demands as she tries to kick him to make him let go, but she had no chance at all. As as soon as she lands on the bed, she stands up running towards the door. But it was too late he had already closed it. She bangs on the door loudly. "Let me out" she tries for a few more minutes before kicking the door loudly, turning she walks over to the window, trying the handle but of course it was locked.

Sighing loudly she throws herself on her bed, laying there and feeling sorry for herself. She hated it here.

About an hour later and she has calmed and suprisingly she is starting to feel a little bad.

She goes to the door "let me out please" she calls out hesitating before adding a much quiter "I'm sorry"
After locking Hannah in her room Paul walked out into the living room and put his headphones in to drown out the yelling coming from the room and proceeded to unpack some of the hundreds of boxes that were still lying about the apartment. He didn't want it to be like this, he didn't want to treat Hannah this way, but she needed to learn that there are limits she can't pass and this was just one of the ways she was going to be taught.

After about an hour and a half oaf unpacking and not really making much progress because of all the breaks he was taking, Paul removed the headphones from his ears and listened closely. He didn't hear any yelling, in fact it was quite quiet in the apartment. He walked towards Hannah's room.

"Let me out please....I'm sorry."

That was all he heard her say, nothing else. She repeated it again as he reached up and undid the padlock and pushed the door open slowly.

"Already using please huh?" Paul knew this would irritate Hannah and he wanted to see if she would react or if she really was sorry and wanted to redeem herself. "So, what else do you have to say for yourself? You ready to behave and listen to your big brother? If not we can always stay locked up until you're ready."
"Fuck y..." She begins to say but quickly slams her mouth closed after remembering what he has and could do to her if he wanted, besides she was just relieved that he had opened the door right now.

She takes a deep breath to calm herself, looking away from paul at the ground. "I'm ready to listen to you" she couldn't guarentee that she would follow everything he said to her because that would be a complete lie but she was willing to hear him out.

"Can we just not do this, I'm tired and I don't want to fight with you right now." And she really didn't, her temper just often got the better of her and she ended up in a position she really didn't want to be in.

Hannah flashes paul a small smile, maybe if she tried a nicer approach he might give her what she wanted, hannah was being nice for now but it wouldn't last.
Paul stands there in the doorway of the room and listens to his sister's request to talk later, which he quickly rejects. "Sorry Hannah, that sweet shit worked at mom and dad's but it ain't gonna work here. I've got too much to do tomorrow and you're going to be busy as well right along with me so we are going to talk now."

Paul walked inside the room and stood next to where Hannah was seated, he took hold of her arm, a little more gently than before, and pulled her up to her feat and began walking her back out into the livid room and into the chair she was seated in before. "Now you can either sit back down here and listen to the rest of my rules, or you can be locked in the room for the rest of the night. And when I say listen I mean you don't say one damn word. Am I clear?"
Hannah frowns at Paul, clearly unimpressed, but she doesn't say a word as he takes her arm and leads her downstairs, she resists the urge to glare at him, why did he have to speak to her like that? Did he not realise that it just made her want to speak to him in that way more.

She wasn't always bad, beneath it all Hannah was actually a nice girl, she just didn't let anyone see that anymore, maybe it was an attention thing or maybe she was just spoilt, either way it had worked for her so far.

She wasn't up for any argument tonight though, today had taken the fight out of her. She just nods and sits down on the chair, pulling her legs underneath her. She looks up at Paul. "Okay so what are your rules?" She was going to try and stay calm, but Hannah had a feeling that these were going to make her angry.
"okay, so what are your rules?"

Paul could detect a small bit of spite in Hannah's words as she spoke him. He had a feeling that no matter how strict or how lenient his rules were his little sister would try her best to fight him all the way with each rule he made. In short, Paul knew he was up for a long summer fight with Hannah unless he broke her right away, so he went for it.

"Okay Hannah, just to review the first two rules, one: what I say goes no matter what and there's no questioning it. Two: no leaving the house unless I give you permission or unless I'm with you, and I'll be keeping your keys in a safe place to ensure you don't try and run off." Paul touched his leg where Hannah's keys laid safely in his pocket.

"Next rule," Paul held up the cell and fake ID confiscated from her purse, "you will not spend all day everyday on your phone texting and talking to your friends about how awful your big brother is treating you. If you have a complaint, the tough, you're a big girl and you need to learn to deal with it. I will be keeping your phone. And this obvious forgery of an ID you had," Paul pulls at either side and rips it in two "it is no more."
Hannah was fuming, getting more and more angry with each rule, how dare he think that what he was doing was okay, touching her private property. As he takes out her I'd, she jumps up.

"No don't you dare" she darts towards him, but he was too fast and it was in pieces by the time she reaches him. Hannah stands infront of him. "Whatever, I can easily get another one" she says with a roll of her eyes.

She was trying to stay calm. But it really wasn't working.

"Just give me my phone" she demands, she was so annoyed at him. "What else am I supposed to do while I'm here? Hmmm?"

She was resisting the urge to hit him or scream at him, but she didn't want to be locked up again or worse.

"Give me my phone and I'll follow the rest of your rules okay?" She tries to compramise.
"Give me my phone and I'll follow the rest of your rules okay?"

Paul snorted at Hannah's last words, "Ummmm, yeah, that ain't going to happen little sister. You see, you fail to realize that you're in my house, under my roof, and you will follow my rules regardless of what you think is fair or unfair. So you can just sit your ass back down right now and let me finish, or we can go back to your room and lock you in for the remainder of the evening."

Paul paused for a moment, holding Hannah's phone in one hand, his other extended and ready to react to Hannah's next move, he thought there was no way she'd try anything now. She wouldn't be dumb enough or that spoiled to think she could get away with anything again. Would she?

"Well? What's it going to be Hannah?"
Hannah just glares at him. How dare he? How dare he think he control her! "Your such a fucking prick" she snaps at him, her dislike clear in her voice, she loved her brother of course she did, but right now she really didn't like him.

Hannah huffs loudly blowing the fair out of her face. "Urgh I hate you" she says as she stamps her foot loudly, she turns on her heel and storms back to the chair, throwing herself back on it.

She sits there, arms folded over her chest as she watches him. She would get her phone back whether he anted to give it to her or not.

"O you have anymore stupid rules?" She mutters.
"That pissy attitude is definitely not a way to get on my good side Hannah." Paul quips back in her direction as she stamps he little foot like a child would and sits back down. "You'll find that the better the attitude is around here the more likely you are to get something you want in return. Think of it as a reward."

Paul places Hannah's cell phone in his back pocket and turns back towards his sister, hoping he would get through to her eventually and make both their lives easy. "I hold the right to make up rules any time I want and no matter what you're going to follow them or suffer the repercussions. Now starting tomorrow we're going to work on cleaning up this..." Paul's hand motions across the room to all the boxes that still needed unpacking. "So you can get up in the morning with a pleasant attitude and a willingness to listen to me, or you can spend the day sequestered in your room, alone, with nothing but your thoughts to keep you company."

"Now go upstairs and get yourself ready for bed. Bed check will be in five minutes." Paul had flashbacks to his army days as the last few words left his mouth. He turned and pointed Hannah back towards her room.