Little info


Feb 15, 2003

I'm sure that someone has posted a similar thread to this, but here it is again. I'm a first time user, have submitted stories to some other websites, and just write for fun. Currently live up in Canada.
Feel free to tell about yourself, or simply read about others.

Yes, its been done before. We call them introduction threads.

Welcome to the boards!

What's LQDSKY stand for?...liquid sky without the vowels?


I design those little crappy toys and stuff that comes in Cracker Jack boxes.

And I am Lit's only real centaur creature. I type fast for a hooved half-beast.

Welcome aboard, Liquored Sky.
LQDSKY said:

orginally its LiquidSky,

but I don't mind the latter either! hah.

Heh! I guessed correctly!

What's my prize? :)
Hi, and welcome to lit.

Here's my standard, WTL information. Use what you can, feel free to ignore the rest.

After 30 posts, you lose that virgin tag.
After 100 posts, you can have an avatar of your own. There are at least 50 threads if you need help finding one.
After 1000 posts, you can create your own title.

This thread has some information you should read The first post is frequently updated so you’ll know the latest info.

Also, please look at the following thread about one of the more prolific imposters here

This thread has a few things that can help us ALL enjoy lit more.

Sometime within your first day here, you’ll see a post about Magic. Magic is the unofficial Lit pubic hair remover. Thanks to our very own Cheyenne, we have thrown razors away. Here’s a couple of links to useful threads.

Lit Annon meetings are on Thursdays at 9 pm. If you ever feel the need to attend, please report back to us and let us know what happens there. There are some of us curious about the proceedings but we haven't been able to stop posting long enough to attend. :D
Hi ya LQDSKY :)

Sorry for weak hand shake ... I still hangover...
Welcome to Lit, may all your wishes come true. Post a lot and let everyone get to know you.
Welcome to the boards, I'm sure you'll enjoy them just as we all do. :)
Welcome to the zoo, LQDSKY. :)

Please tell us more about yourself when you're feeling a little less shy.
Thanks for the warm welcome, I'm not as much of a forum-addict as I used to be. I'll write/submit a story or two to get myself back into the swing of things.

1000 posts... that seems excessive, but I suppose when you have something to say, 1000 isn't hard to achieve.
LQDSKY said:
Thanks for the warm welcome, I'm not as much of a forum-addict as I used to be. I'll write/submit a story or two to get myself back into the swing of things.

1000 posts... that seems excessive, but I suppose when you have something to say, 1000 isn't hard to achieve.

Some of us don't need anything to say in order to say it. ;-)
Howdy Liquidguy!......

Greetings and Salutations!

Ride motorcycles?
Shoot guns?
Care to give a short, general bio for us?

I'm the nice somewhat annoying meddling middle aged aunt that people frequently forget about.

If it werent' for my likeing to write dirty stories and smoothed skinned younger men and my being curious about bi men (does that make me bi bi curious?) I wouldn't be here at all!

*laughs and hands him a cookie*

Ginny said:
Long Quick Dick Slathered in KY?

welcome to lit! :)

This is The Ginny-Pimp, if you look closely you can see she's not wearing knickers, and there will always be a Tortoise close by. She's the picture queen. Take a wander through her threads, you'll see what I mean. She's also one of the dirtiest minds on the board, if not the dirtiest. Which is cool.

And you see those Pictures under our names? If you didn't already guess, those are Avitars (usually shortened to AVs). Now there's one plastic lady around here (you'll get the reference sooner or later) who sports some of the most disturbing AVs ever. There were the feet (aaaarrrrgggghhhh, the toenails!), the cervix (I mean, who wants to get THAT close?) and most recently, for Valentine's Day, Open Heart Surgry. But we love her, dearly. And she is one of Lit's best wits. A very funny person.

Then there's the whole Pixie thing. There is more than one Pixie. Well not quite, you see Pixie (MY Pixie) joined a year or so ago and things were going so well, then a nice Canadian chick joined in November last year and called herself "Pixie Mischief". (There's also "Folded Pixie" but they don't post all that much). The thing is, this gets all too much for Hanns_Schmidt and he mixes them up.

Oh, Hanns_Schmidt... He's our idiot in residence. He posts the most offensive, hate filled crap and thinks he's all the cooler for it. It's best not to get rilled by him, read his posts by all means but "don't feed the trolls" you'll only pander to his delusions of grandeur. Let him stew in his own juice.

Now I'm going to end this post before it gets out of control, It's already written the last 3 paragraphs itself!

woodgie2 said:
Oh, Hanns_Schmidt... He's our idiot in residence. He posts the most offensive, hate filled crap and thinks he's all the cooler for it. It's best not to get rilled by him, read his posts by all means but "don't feed the trolls" you'll only pander to his delusions of grandeur. Let him stew in his own juice.

Now I'm going to end this post before it gets out of control, It's already written the last 3 paragraphs itself! [/B]



Even in the real life have people like this.

That what;s keeps thosea ass hole does not looks looks an ass


And i as
l also thinks .. Hanns here is for a reason....

To Makes stupid person Looks smart .

And also to makes people like you looks *pupuRla*(sp)

And when you have one finger pointing at him.

FOUR Others Is POinting at yourself!!!!!!!!!:D:D:D


DO NOT JUDGE a Person by what there POST/.

AND YOU AND I are all the same.!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Otherwise.. you wouldn't BE HERE !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

SO .

Beat it !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I Happen to LIKe him very very very very much !!!!!!!!!!!!

Sorry .

If you feels this way/.

And it;s all inside you.

*It* is NOT OUT there !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

What you says is what you ARE !!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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