Literotican's born on Christmas


Anti-M 0derator
Jan 2, 2002
RazeByFire's birthday (26)
CelticsHeart's birthday
Enchanttress's birthday (42)
Christy1's birthday
Sweetp4u's birthday (29)
blue-eyed swede's birthday (48)
joeuser691's birthday
Jesus_CHRIST's birthday
Naomi's birthday (35)
Sexaddict's birthday (33)
Avintine's birthday (33)
reelbigfish's birthday
My Sacrafice's birthday (21)
alwaysMDhorny's birthday (35)
certifiedsick1's birthday (45)
wooohman's birthday (21)
Dark Jaguar's birthday (21)
BluBawls's birthday (48)
Mr. Big Schlong's birthday (28)
Mr. Big Cock's birthday (28)
eatme2's birthday (26)
k0d3's birthday (24)
gumbie's birthday (43)
teacher_lou's birthday (37)
Groovybuddhist's birthday (33)
Martel7's birthday
searcher80027's birthday (48)
Jesus's birthday
The Bishop's birthday (35)
gettingbig40's birthday (23)
Dominique_Afric's birthday
Dominique52's birthday (52)
Dominique_longs's birthday (52)
digtal1969's birthday (33)
llokibear's birthday (47)
slamer111's birthday
m. brady's birthday (34)
Cunnilingual's birthday (24)
StormChaser's birthday (28)
TallManMD's birthday
Ross's birthday
Brayden's birthday (28)
kld122540's birthday (62)
AmorousJoe's birthday (22)
coneon's birthday (34)
mrecolorado's birthday (29)
travellingman's birthday (36)
needsex's birthday (28)
Cocksman's birthday (34)
TroyS's birthday (29)
Babyblues_181's birthday (21)
AngelicRebel71's birthday (19)
String12000's birthday
Jack The Ripper's birthday (34)
cumalloverme's birthday (33)
jahkte's birthday (20)
fsrsa's birthday (30)
Indigo.Rose's birthday (24)
someone2do2000's birthday (21)
ibee6ubee9's birthday (26)
Cave Bat's birthday (24)
wes420's birthday (20)
Verbal Kint's birthday (34)
xtreme123's birthday (18)
richndeb's birthday (37)
identiti's birthday (48)
e.e.'s birthday (31)
liku4ev's birthday (32)
JR - Hard's birthday (52)
funspirit's birthday (29)

Should people born on Christmas get any extra presents?
Yes- my sister was born on Christmas, andwe celebrate her birthday early so that she gets birthday and Christmas presents.
christmas birthday

know a woman who had a daughter on Christmas , they celibrate her birthday in May so she doesn't feel lost in the shuffle of the holiday.
My Dad's b-day, too.

And Mr. Big Cock, Mr. Big Schlong, and IR!
No but they should celebrate their half year...and have a little extra fun on Christmas :)