Literotica is fucking great! 😊


You can call me "M"
Nov 1, 2022
I recently joined another literary site to widen my boundaries and viewership. That site (which shall remain nameless) has many upsides and a very positive user-base, and I've met a number of very nice fans on it. Yay. 🎉

On the other hand, the site also has a number of unsavory and anti-user practices, and some super-fucking-annoying-bullshit which make me so glad that Lit is here.

@Laurel, thank you so much for putting up with our nonsense here on Lit and in the AH.

Authors constantly bitch and complain about everything here, but this place is pretty fucking cool at the end of the day.
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I recently joined another literary site to widen my boundaries and viewership. That site (which shall remain nameless) has may upsides and a very positive user-base, and I've met a number of very nice fans on it. Yay. 🎉

On the other hand, the site also has a number of unsavory and anti-user practices, and some super-fucking-annoying-bullshit which make me so glad that Lit is here.

@Laurel, thank you so much for putting up with our nonsense here on Lit and in the AH.

Authors constantly bitch and complain about everything here, but this place is pretty fucking cool at the end of the day.
Not all the authors bitch and complain. I like it here as well. No desire to spread my wings.

Not all the authors bitch and complain. I like it here as well. No desire to spread my wings.

I have heard you bitching before... At least once. 😅(Maybe it wasn't about the site per say, but we all complain about something on here occasionally [myself included])

But don't sweat it! I know you like it here! I do too! 😁
I have heard you bitching before... At least once. 😅(Maybe it wasn't about the site per say, but we all complain about something here occasionally [myself included])

But don't sweat it! I know you like it here! I do too! 😁
Not about the site AFAICR.

People? Some people suck. But most here are lovely.

Not about the site AFAICR.

People? Some people suck. But most here are lovely.

You're probably right. I can't think of a specific instance where I complained about the site itself either.

But I include the user base as part of "the site" as a whole, and yeah... not everyone on here is awesome. Just most folks.
I agree. There are things I would change about it, but the story selection is vast, the readership for my stories is big, and the community here is enjoyable to interact with. And it's all free.

"For everything gained, something is lost."

We could make changes, but they would fix one thing and break another. There's no perfect solution. This place has the most upsides of any literary site I've posted on.

"For everything gained, something is lost."

We could make changes, but they would fix one thing and break another. There's no perfect solution. This place has the most upsides of any literary site I've posted on.
I haven't even posted anywhere else. Before I started writing stories here seven years ago, I had spent about 15 readings stories at all the other sites, but eventually I pretty much settled here because it has the types of stories and authors I like. And I'm lazy, and I like knowing I'm getting more readers here.
You're probably right. I can't think of a specific instance where I complained about the site itself either.

But I include the user base as part of "the site" as a whole, and yeah... not everyone on here is awesome. Just most folks.
You were thanking Laurel. She’s only indirectly responsible for the behavior of a tiny minority of members.

You were thanking Laurel. She’s only indirectly responsible for the behavior of a tiny minority of members.

Em, are we really gonna debate about this? 😂

I never even said "all authors".

We all find reasons to complain about stuff concerning and/or relating to the site. (you do it, and I do it, we all do it) Laurel has to deal with all that stuff directly, and she also has to deal with the complaints as well, so I thanked her.
Em, are we really gonna debate about this? 😂

I never even said "all authors".

We all find reasons to complain about stuff concerning and/or relating to the site. (you do it, and I do it, we all do it) Laurel has to deal with all that stuff directly, and she also has to deal with the complaints as well, so I thanked her.
I didn’t think we were debating. Then I get that shit wrong all the time.

I agree with your sentiment. Laurel (and Manu) has (have) been unfailingly lovely and supportive to me. I don’t have a single complaint about her (and him).

That’s all 😊.

I agree. There are things I would change about it, but the story selection is vast, the readership for my stories is big, and the community here is enjoyable to interact with. And it's all free.
And now Simon will lead us in the singing of Kumbaya.

Hugs optional but encouraged.


(Lit IS pretty great but Christ do some people lose the plot sometimes.)
I did try another site a while back and my submission was rejected for being too big. I was told to break my 18k-word story into smaller parts and resubmit. I didn't bother. Lit is enough for me. I don't remember which other site it was.
I did try another site a while back and my submission was rejected for being too big. I was told to break my 18k-word story into smaller parts and resubmit. I didn't bother. Lit is enough for me. I don't remember which other site it was.
That's kinda ridiculous lmao. 18k is too much but that's not even novella length and fits into like 4 pages here.

On the other hand of this thread, I've been asked "why don't you move to another site?" Because the other sites are too restrictive or not enough. There's too many erotica sites I've seen with lax guidelines about ped0 shit and bestiality. I can't contribute work to a place like that.
And now Simon will lead us in the singing of Kumbaya.

Hugs optional but encouraged.


(Lit IS pretty great but Christ do some people lose the plot sometimes.)

I'm not really the singing Kumbaya around the campfire type, indications in this thread to the contrary. A brief "Good show, Laurel" will do it for me.
I'm not really the singing Kumbaya around the campfire type, indications in this thread to the contrary. A brief "Good show, Laurel" will do it for me.
I will have my S'more vengeance, in this life or the next.

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I have written on a few other sites and most have turned me off for one or more reasons. One was because of their policy of mandatory editing by one of their chosen editors prior to publication. Another was because I had a story sitting in queue for three weeks while the authors who seemed to be favored by the site owner had their stories published. When I asked for a reason, the answer was basically, "That's how it is and you don't have to stay here if that's a problem for you." The last posted stories in a "forum" format with very few restrictions on what was published as far as length or readability. One author kept bumping her stories so they'd stay on the first page. She had enough to almost fill that page, so if I submitted a story, it would stay on the first page for about a day and then be relegated to pages that few people ever accessed.

Literotica exerts minimal control over what is posted, and I don't understand how Laurel manages to keep the queue times down to just a couple of days. I also get more votes and comments here than I have on any other site. I also like the contests.
I can't say that I have published on other websites (YET) but I do have to agree that the site is... pretty solid. Other than the occasional wait time, I've found few things to complain about.

But this did get me curious on the experiences of people with other websites and I'd like to hear those (maybe in another thread to not derail this one). The good, the bad and the weird.