Literotica Discussion Board


Desert Rat
Sep 7, 2015
I found an icon on my browser that I've never noticed before. It's inside the right edge of the address window while I'm reading the forum. It looks like a computer monitor partially obscured by a download arrow. I see it on Chromium, but I haven't found it on Firefox. It pops up the tool tip "Install Literotica Discussion Board" when I hover over it.

What is that? I didn't know the "Discussion Board" was something that could be (or should be) installed. Have any of you installed it? What's it good for?
No idea, but commenting so I see notifications, because I'm curious as well.
In the Edge/Win11 environment it makes a single page browser environment for Lit. You can pin the start button to the taskbar or the start menu so it's there when you click on the start button. If you right click on a hyperlink and select "Open in a new tab" the tab will open in your default browser.

This thing opens up superfast so you don't have to wait for your browser to come up then the page for the forum to come up, and the icon on the task bar will show a bubble with any notifications you have so you don't have to be looking at the board to see if a notification came up. It's kind of handy, one of the better things I've seen come out for the chromium environment lately.