Literotica Bookmobile


I Am Little Spoon
Aug 10, 2002
I'm looking for new reading material. So, I thought we could title swap.

What are books that you would reccomend to people, or put on the bookmobile if you had a copy to spare?

1) I Raise My Eyes To Say Yes...A captivating memoir of a woman with cerebral palsy who can only move her eyes.

2) Doctors by Erich Seagal

3) The Red Tent

4) The Pilot's Wife by Anita Shreve
The Alienist or Rose by Caleb Carr

Pilllars of the Earth by Ken Follett

The Fifties by David Halberstamm

The Glory and the Dream by William Manchester

oh golly.... I could go on and on.....
A Distant Mirror - by Barbara Tuchman

A History of the Arab Peoples - by Albert Hourani

Foucault's Pendulum - by Umberto Eco

My Name is Red - by Orhan Pamuk

Any of the Garfield comic book series
must reads

1) 'Butterfly Stories' by William Vollmann

2) 'Not In Front Of The Children' by Marjorie Heins

3) 'Nonzero: The Logic of Human Destiny' by Robert Wright

4) 'The Secret Life of Houses' by Scott Bradfield

5) 'This Wild Darkness' by Harold Brodkey
Neuromancer - William Gibson

The Soulforge - Margaret Weis (or maybe Tracy Hickmen, I'm not entirely sure)

10,000 Leagues Under the Sea - Jules Verne
Tap-Out said:
10,000 Leagues Under the Sea - Jules Verne
Don't forget volume two (I'm assuming that's where the other 10k leagues went).
Currently, I'm rereading John McPhee's Giving Good Weight, a collection of his pieces from The New Yorker in the '70s. When I'm through, I promised it to Perquita, so maybe the book mobile can deliver it for me.
kotori said:
Currently, I'm rereading John McPhee's Giving Good Weight, a collection of his pieces from The New Yorker in the '70s. When I'm through, I promised it to Perquita, so maybe the book mobile can deliver it for me.

Sounds like a plan!