Literature Characters You'd Want to Date


Literotica Guru
Jun 21, 2009
There doesn't seem to be anything quite like this, so, inspired by the third episode of Nice Girls Crew ( ), I was wondering whether anyone had crushes on characters from literature.

I think literature is an especially interesting medium on which to focus, because there isn't a definitive physical appearance, like with TV shows, movies, graphic novels, and video games, so that aspect is much more open to interpretation, and other features are more important with regards to attraction.

As for myself, my top three, in random order, would probably be:

1) Kissy Suzuki, from You Only Live Twice, by Ian Fleming. She's my favorite of the Bond girls. She has a very strong core, she knows what sort of life she wants, and she willingly left behind a life of movie stardom to have it. She's capable, strong, determined, and she'll do whatever it takes to keep her man.

2) Pretty Butterfly, from Interesting Times, by Terry Pratchett. She's intelligent and skeptical, but still an idealist, as indicated by her political goals. I like that she's extremely capable, able to kick ass, and even keep up with Rincewind on foot.

3) Death, from the Sandman series, by Neil Gaiman. If she showed up every time someone died, suicide would be a much worse problem. Cheery, chipper, and cute, she's unexpectedly great at comforting people and helping them with the passage from one world to the next.

Those are mine. Anyone else have some literature crushes?
A) Juliet Capulet from Romeo and Juliet
B) Cathy from Wuthering Heights
C) Lady Arwen from JRR Tolkien's LOTR
D) Cosette from Victor Hugo's Les Misrables
Great topic:

1) Nabokov's Ada. By far my biggest literary crush. She's just so damn smart and sexy, much more so than the far more famous Lolita.

2) Anne Shirley. Not the teenage version, but the well-studied girls school teacher of later books. Yeah, she's a romantic, but you just know that once you got her going she'd be a total firecracker. (Admittedly, the Megan Follows film portrayal colours my fantasies here more than the books.)

3) Scheherazade. I like a woman who can tell a good story.

4) Hester Prynne, of The Scarlett Letter. I like a woman who has a reputation, too.

5) Rebeca, from Hundred Years of Solitude. There's so much great sex in this book, but Rebeca obsessing to the point of illness over her brother by adoption, losing her virginity to him in his hammock... one of my favorite sex scenes ever, brief though it is.
Love this topic!! I would love to be Elizabet Bennett in Jane Austin's Pride and Prejudice. Everyone woman loves a good romantic love story with the usual ups and downs.
Top two without a doubt are Howard Roark from The Fountainhead and Atticus Finch from TKAM - both intelligent, successful, interesting men from whom I could learn a thing or two.
Aragon: LOTR

Henry: Farewell to arms. I think that character got me started onto dominant type men

The great Gatsby.
I agree Atticus from To Kill A Mockingbird.. :)

Not exactly great literature but I definitely would not turn down Ranger from the Stephanie Plum series by Janet Evanovich. :D

And Roarke from the Eve Dallas/Death series of books by Nora Roberts.
I agree Atticus from To Kill A Mockingbird.. :)

Not exactly great literature but I definitely would not turn down Ranger from the Stephanie Plum series by Janet Evanovich. :D

And Roarke from the Eve Dallas/Death series of books by Nora Roberts.

Ranger or Joe Morelli for that matter Love the Stephanie Plum novels
literature characters

Love this topic!! I would love to be Elizabet Bennett in Jane Austin's Pride and Prejudice. Everyone woman loves a good romantic love story with the usual ups and downs.

Ooh. I forgot about Elizabeth Bennett as a romantic partner.
Cool idea let me think:
1) Laura Raith from the Dresden files: Lust vampire: check, domineering bitch check, hot, check
2) Lord Ruthuven from The Vampyre: The one who started it all, sexier then Dracula but not as whiny as Lestat and most importantly DOESN'T SPARKLE
3) Rachel Morgan from The Hollows: Ok so she's not bi but hot tough red heads are sexy damn it
4) Anita Blake: Bad ass, short and tough, cute in the comics at least
5) Death from Sandman: for pretty much the same reasons as above
The Miller's Wife from The Canterbury Tales
Ophelia and Gertrude from Hamlet
Jamie Fraser from The Outlander series. Both his younger and older selves. :)
WarriorQueen an xXMissmaidenXx( i know i didnt spell it correctly, but owell)