Lit zoo

Foxy Wench

Literotica Guru
Oct 9, 2002
I have been warned that this place is a zoo.

If you could be any anmal in the zoo, which one would you be and why?

I would be cheetah. Sleek, fast, and playful.
I don't want to be in a zoo. I like to run free, hunt my prey, sleep in the sun and....


Nevermind. Can I be an otter?
An elephant

Yup, i would be an elephant. They are wise and gentle, family-oriented creatures.
Bengal Tiger or perhaps Siberian Tiger

Not particulairily inclined to say why, just one of either.
Well Foxy, I already told you I was an elephant in the other thread so you already know mine.

Hey BrownEyes - Wanna join my Church? It's only for elephants. COTSE :)
I am a squirrel. 'Cos I like nuts.
In fact I think I am nucking futs. :)
I am of the species deitius hornius, the rare and wild slut goddess.