Lit Story Distribution



So, as of this evening, here is the distribution of stories across the various categories on Lit.

... 7795 -- Erotic Couplings
... 4720 -- Incest
... 3564 -- Loving Wives
... 3452 -- Group Sex
... 3239 -- BDSM
... 2247 -- Exhibition & Voyeur
... 1900 -- NonConsent
... 1858 -- Lesbian Sex
... 1722 -- Romance
... 1455 -- Fetish
... 1363 -- Mature
... 1350 -- Celebrities
... 1242 -- Novels and Novellas
... 1106 -- Interracial Love
..... 824 -- Gay Male
..... 667 -- NonHuman
..... 507 -- Anal
..... 479 -- Sci-Fi & Fantasy
..... 458 -- Non-English
..... 441 -- First Time
..... 361 -- Humor & Satire
..... 355 -- Mind Control
..... 338 -- Non-Erotic
..... 214 -- Toys
..... 175 -- Transsexuals & Crossdressers
..... 108 -- How To
....... 64 -- Reviews & Essays
....... 62 -- Chain Stories
....... 27 -- Illustrated
....... 26 -- Text With Audio

What do you think?

Any surprises to you as an author?

What about those categories that rank low but are a (ahem) guilty pleasure of yours?
ProofreadManx said:
What about those categories that rank low but are a (ahem) guilty pleasure of yours?

Oh, Manxie - you know that YOU are always a guilty pleasure of mine . . .:heart:
ProofreadManx said:
Any surprises to you as an author?

What about those categories that rank low but are a (ahem) guilty pleasure of yours?

I'm a little surprised that the "toys" category is so low... Maybe I could get to work and try to corner the market?

Sarah, Erotic capitalist
Re: Re: Lit Story Distribution

sweetsubsarahh said:
Oh, Manxie - you know that YOU are always a guilty pleasure of mine . . .:heart:

Psssst ... "Manxie" is not a category, SSS. And don't get anal with me on this one. :p
Re: Re: Re: Lit Story Distribution

ProofreadManx said:

Psssst ... "Manxie" is not a category, SSS. And don't get anal with me on this one. :p

A question

Do these totals include all stories that have been submitted from the beginning, or do you take stories down after a set period of time (or perhaps due to lack of readership, low scores, or whatever)?
Re: A question

a_quietguy said:
Do these totals include all stories that have been submitted from the beginning, or do you take stories down after a set period of time (or perhaps due to lack of readership, low scores, or whatever)?

They appear to go back to the "beginning."
sweetsubsarahh said:

I sense a slight pang of disappointment in your four question marks.

(You're naughty. :D )

Edited after actually counting the question marks.
I thought that "celebrities" would have more...

of course if we went through "erotic couplings" we'd probably be able to send 90% of them into a "fetish" category of some sort.

ProofreadManx said:

Go on! Nibble at it. Bite it. I dare ya!

(Licks lips, gives you a naughty leer.)

I'm sure we'll discuss it AT LENGTH soon enough, sweet Manxie! :kiss:
sweetsubsarahh said:
(Licks lips, gives you a naughty leer.)

I'm sure we'll discuss it AT LENGTH soon enough, sweet Manxie! :kiss:


With moi???? *

*Please note the four question marks.
As in foreplay?

(oh geez, that's awful - I blame the wine - I'm going to go sit down over there and be sick!!)

The bottom

ProofreadManx said:
I'm mildly surprised that Anal is as low as it is.

If you'll think about it, Anal is anatomically low subject. How much lower can you go than "the bottom?"
Re: The bottom

MathGirl said:
If you'll think about it, Anal is anatomically low subject. How much lower can you go than "the bottom?"

Foot fetish.

(And I do think of anal ... a lot.)
I'm surprised there are so many novels. Didn't think there'd be that many people who did that.

Celebrities is a thankless job. If you don't get the characters just as people want them to be...

The Earl
TheEarl said:
I'm surprised there are so many novels. Didn't think there'd be that many people who did that.

Celebrities is a thankless job. If you don't get the characters just as people want them to be...

The Earl

You're certainly right about that. My Celebrities story is more of a humor and satire (about Gilligan's Island). It is above 4 - but it is by far my lowest scoring story. And I thought it was funny . . . :(

Guess people didn't want to hear about the Howell's being into femDom!

I'm surprised that there are so few Non-English... I was sure I had written more than that..?:confused:

(If I had translated any more last year, Laurel would have renamed the category Svenskaflicka's Stories...):rolleyes:

First two don't surprise me, an awful lot of pervs about, and half of them humping a relative or several.

Re: Hmm

Chicklet said:
I thought that "celebrities" would have more...

of course if we went through "erotic couplings" we'd probably be able to send 90% of them into a "fetish" category of some sort.

Actually, I’m surprised there are that many. I’ve read a few “celebrities,”—just not my thing—it’s like adding caricature on top of caricature. I agree with sweetsubsarahh; for me, it's seems to be more lampoon-ish than sex fantasy.

TheEarl said:
I'm surprised there are so many novels. Didn't think there'd be that many people who did that.

Celebrities is a thankless job. If you don't get the characters just as people want them to be...

The Earl
The novel numbers surprised me, too, Earl. Not all of them, by the way, at least for me, classify as “novels”; some only have 6 or 7 Lit pages to their name and are really short stories, or to use that "other" term: novelettes. And a lot of it is page after page after page of drivel. (And no, I don’t think Laurel has any fucking time nor the inclination to decide if a story qualifies as a novel vs. a short story or novelette.)

Svenskaflicka said:
I'm surprised that there are so few Non-English... I was sure I had written more than that..?:confused:

(If I had translated any more last year, Laurel would have renamed the category Svenskaflicka's Stories...):rolleyes:
I’m slightly surprised that there are that many. But we have a large, international contingent, with many who are multilingual and multicultural that bring the rest of the world to all of us, and the world becomes a little smaller because of it. ;)

pop_54 said:
First two don't surprise me, an awful lot of pervs about, and half of them humping a relative or several.

The numbers for Erotic Couplings don't surprise me, but those for Incest does. But Pop_54, I really think the incest “taboo”-ness is a primary reason for the reader attraction, rather than people actually engaging in it. Personally, I like reading the genre for that reason (go ahead, call me a perv :devil: ), because I don’t practice it. But with that said, I’m still surprised it is written about as often as it is.