Lit-related *Urban Myths* 👀 *Real* [crazy] Stories* & *Conspiracy Theories*


Sep 2, 2020
I'm just going to keep piling subjects to this thread until I'm satisfied...

So let's talk about Lit-related Urban Myths, Real [crazy] Stories, and Conspiracy Theories...

There is plenty of you who have been here more than a couple of years, some more than a decade. Some of you left and came back with different usernames. Some of you have become close friends with people who have been here a long time and some of you even have met in person. When you spend here so much time, there's ought to be a story, you may hear gossip, you may create your own opinions, with all that in mind...what is a Lit Urban Myth, a crazy [or worth sharing] story, or a conspiracy theory you've heard/have?


An Urban legend or myth​


Is an often lurid story or anecdote that is based on hearsay and widely circulated as true
— called also urban myth

In a place where hundreds of people come and go there aughta be stories that you have heard over the years (or your time here) that have been spread from section to section, from person to person but that no one knows whether that story is actually true.


an account of imaginary or real people and events told for entertainment.

Conspiracy Theory​

an explanation for an event or situation that invokes a conspiracy by sinister and powerful groups, often political people/alts in motivation, when other explanations are more probable.
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I've heard rumors of hot young sweet innocent virginal girls hanging on lit. I don't have too many details because apparently Jezebels like me scare them away or something. I think they may be afraid of boobs and vulgar language. 🤷‍♀️ The men who have told me of these legendary barely legal unicorn virgins frequenting the lit forums often do not make much sense, seem exceptionally upset, and are hard to follow, especially when antagonized by me. I do not believe these men have actually spoken with these unicorns, but merely believe they exist for some reason that none have been able to articulate.
I've heard rumors of hot young sweet innocent virginal girls hanging on lit. I don't have too many details because apparently Jezebels like me scare them away or something. I think they may be afraid of boobs and vulgar language. 🤷‍♀️ The men who have told me of these legendary barely legal unicorn virgins frequenting the lit forums often do not make much sense, seem exceptionally upset, and are hard to follow, especially when antagonized by me. I do not believe these men have actually spoken with these unicorns, but merely believe they exist for some reason that none have been able to articulate.
Being one of these sweet, innocent, virginal girls, I can confirm that they (as I) do exist. Exceptionally sexy women such as yourself do not scare me off as I like to learn from you. I take all of the vulgarity and boobs you can offer so that I can improve on my sex appeal 😁

Pssst, is your box open for personal lessons 😏
Being one of these sweet, innocent, virginal girls, I can confirm that they (as I) do exist. Exceptionally sexy women such as yourself do not scare me off as I like to learn from you. I take all of the vulgarity and boobs you can offer so that I can improve on my sex appeal 😁

Pssst, is your box open for personal lessons 😏
sweet innocent, not sure I am buying that.

:ROFLMAO: I think you have me beat on the sex appeal. I am just kinda slutty and awkward which makes me approachable but sure my box is open if you want lessons on awkward or slutty. There will likely be vulgarity and boobs though. sometimes even vulgarity on my boobs.
I have heard people speak of gatherings of denizens of liit, referred to as Litogethers, but I have never spoken with anyone who actually has been to such a gathering. (And I don't see anyone trying to organize them any more).
Can confirm these are true. Lit hit differently before other types of social media existed. For many years now, while individual meetups clearly happen, more often than not friendships escalate by just adding people on their irl socials.
I have heard people speak of gatherings of denizens of liit, referred to as Litogethers, but I have never spoken with anyone who actually has been to such a gathering. (And I don't see anyone trying to organize them any more).
Hell...we even posted pics here of the get together. It was a competition of which was bigger....east coast vs west
Being one of these sweet, innocent, virginal girls, I can confirm that they (as I) do exist. Exceptionally sexy women such as yourself do not scare me off as I like to learn from you. I take all of the vulgarity and boobs you can offer so that I can improve on my sex appeal 😁

Pssst, is your box open for personal lessons 😏
From surface appearances, you seem to be an very apt pupil.
um I keep hearing this myth that "there are no women on lit". However, I do not believe this to be true. Why? Well, while I may not be a shining example of womanhood, I have found that I do not have a penis, I conceived a fetus by ovulating and screwing a man, I carried that fetus in my uterus until it was the size of a watermelon and pushed it out of my decidedly not watermelon sized vagina, I spent 2 years as a milk cow, men are hot as fuck 3 weeks a men, then 1 week a month I want to stab them with a spork because they say really annoying things like "hello", I swear I explain myself quite clearly yet men often say they do not understand, and I can not resist a sale because I am "saving" money by buying all the things. Therefore, I am rather confident that I am in fact a woman, as very much not a man. I am also quite sure I am typing this on Lit. 🤷‍♀️