Lit Is Cliquish

BoobsNBrains said:
Clit is Lickish...I like that one better.:kiss:

Don't worry, it'll be a thread title in about 30 seconds, and some one will think they are oh, so witty.
BoobsNBrains said:
Clit is Lickish...I like that one better.:kiss:

Very nice!:) (And quick too!)

Yeah, but you find out quickly who your friends are, too.:)
we have clicks? I didn't notice, well might be because I am so oblivious to other people. or not might be because I don't care what other people think about me or might be because I am in all of them. or none mostly none.
Problem Child said:

Don't worry, it'll be a thread title in about 30 seconds, and some one will think they are oh, so witty.

I'm witty...but I'm also very, very modest. ;)
lavender said:

Now, if it were started by someone named ClitNCerebrum we'd be in business.

I wasn't knocking miss BnB, but the copycat thread titles do tend to get really stupid.
BoobsNBrains said:

I'm witty...but I'm also very, very modest. ;)

You are a modest, wanton sex goddess (in your own words from your profile)? That's cool...sort of contradictory, but cool.

You're a grammar freak too, so we'll get along fine. ;)
RastaPope said:

You can be on my dodgeball team! Welcome to my clique!

Just a friendly note:

If you lose, you will die very, very slowly and very, very painfully. It will involve quite a few broken joints, shredded muscle tissue, and perhaps something creative with a hot iron and mucuous membranes.

Let's have some fun out there!
