Lit Chat


Oct 10, 2002
Hey all!
This is my first post. I want to start by saying how much fun I have had in chat. I've met a lot of you and genuinely like you. I was so happy to find a place that has a lot of intelligent, funny, like-minded people. Well, for some odd reason I haven't been able to get on, because it says I'm banned?!?!? I know I didn't do anything wrong, so does anyone have any idea what could have happened or what I can do to fix it?

Anyway, thanks in advance for any help and for welcoming into the Lit family.


p.s. maybe the nick led someone to believe I was a minor???? I'm 28, and if asked I would have told someone or changed it! Just a thought.
Jeopardy song plays quietly in the background!

Na, na, na,, na,, na, na,, na, na, na, na........

If you are trying to make me look dumb......well, you

Do you even know the answer to that question???

BTW....thanks sooooo much for the help!!! I owe ya one.
Oh, and one more thing......

If we were playing Jeopardy...techinically, that should read.....He was the first Treasurer of the United States.

That way I could answer in the form of a question!!! lol

hotlittlegirlwv said:
Oh, and one more thing......

If we were playing Jeopardy...techinically, that should read.....He was the first Treasurer of the United States.

That way I could answer in the form of a question!!! lol


You are right ...

and congrats on being experienced now!

?edit .... sorry ... I really faded there for a while
first treasurer

Might that be Hamilton? He was a compromise candidate, had an odd personal background but an amazing financial brain and is ususally held to be the originator of the idea for a central bank, the federal government assuming debts of the states and other ideas...


by the way, welcome and good to see you got your "banned" status resolved...