List of Women who want to Fuck Dietrich

Well I do see a very nice tool there!:D

Did I just add my name to the list?
ooo can i add my own name to the list?

no i don;t actually want to fuck him, but i don;t make many lists :D :p
QuickDuck said:
ooo can i add my own name to the list?

no i don;t actually want to fuck him, but i don;t make many lists :D :p

< snort >

Okay, I'm out for the evening. I'll check back in when I awaken and y'all can have a catfight over who gets to be first.
Can we get dinner first? I'd like to get to know you a little before... I'll day dream of your package* though.

*[tangent] I'm having trouble finding the word I like best for this apendage. I usually go with cock, but i can't quite pull it off. I don't think package is going to work either but it will have to do for now.
aly* said:
*[tangent] I'm having trouble finding the word I like best for this apendage. I usually go with cock, but i can't quite pull it off. I don't think package is going to work either but it will have to do for now.

"package" suggests unwrapping.... it could be appropriate :D