Links To Stories In Sig Lines

yep i do. if i have time or i'm curious, i'll click on a link and read as much as i've time for. if it's interesting reading, i'll make sure i go back and finish the story. :)
I usually do. What I hate more than anything is when I decide to take a look at someone's stories and they haven't got a link there. I'll get annoyed and usually won't bother.

Be warned!

The Earl
TheEarl said:
What I hate more than anything is when I decide to take a look at someone's stories and they haven't got a link there. I'll get annoyed and usually won't bother.


i hate having to go off and find them.

I don't always go look at story links but it is really helpful when you do want to look aty someones work and they have a link right there for you, no messing about :D
I almost never follow story links in sigs. I prefer browsing through the titles in the category of my choice, and then clicking on to a story that has a)a nice title, or b)an interesting comment line. I usually don't notice who the author is until it's time to send the feedback.
Guess I'm the opposite of Star. I like the links myself and often take a look at them, It's nice to have the convenience and I probably see a lot of stories this way that I normally would miss. But I haven't used one myself before mainly because I don't know how to insert one permanently in the sig (I'm sure there is a way but I guess I'm too lazy to go and try and figure it out) and putting it in everytime is a pain in the ass.


stories by jfinn
I follow story links if I like the posts of the person, that's how I got to read stories by people like Chicklet :)
I rarely do, usually preferring to know the writers work before knowing the writer. Weird, eh?
I usually have a look at the top lists, and occasionally read someone's story who's asked for feedback on the boards. Apart from that I check the 'New stories' list for something fresh out of the oven.:p
I was inspired to try to create a link to my own stories. I'm not sure if it's going to work - don't mind me, I'm just testing.

To answer the question - yes, I've done it, but I don't always.
I just have the one link to my Lit homepage: It's all about me, and what I've written and even has my IRL pic on it.

I sometimes ask for feedback on my poems in that board, but only once asked for any on a story. And that wasn't exactly 'on' the story, but if it could be turned, possiably, into a book.

On the GB I'm pretty much ignored so I doubt anyone there goes and reads my stuff.

However, after I win the survior contest ......*sly wink to Flicka, KillerMuffin and others....* I'm sure I will be much more popular.

*falls out of chair laughing*
the links in survivor...

last year i didn't read many of the survivor stories, but this year almost everyone has been using links in their scoring sheets. i've been going through and reading almost all of them. when i'm really in the mood for erotica i go out and look at stuff on the toplists and randomly and stuff, but i also like to see what my friends're writin'
