Lil Black Weenie Dog


Literotica Guru
Feb 20, 2002
ignore the weirdo with the red mohawk 'do and ho boots.....check out that groovy lil weenie dog at her ankles....i want one!


Ron English

kinda reminds me of unclej....but a cockdog....versus cockpig....thang going on....

hereeeee boyyy!....<patting lap>
I can't see it - the pic is too dark to make out the dog - at least it is on my monitor.
Another lovely Ginny thread.

Ginny-pimp the Dong Mistress...

A Wiener dong :D

Oh gods, my head is going to start getting lumpy soon.

I wonder if it's a new S&M version of those devices that they put on dogs so as to prevent them from scratching their faces...?

(it shows up fine on my monitor, Heretic; you must have a dark gamma setting)
lol....he does look like he has sharp claws....could be dangerous....if he was into a lil self doggy loving.....

i love the way he's creeping around in the he's up to something....lil personality going can almost hear the cartoon music timed with his steps.....;)
:eek: I'm gonna have to sheild my lil black weiner doggy from seeing that pic or he's gonna be mad! lol
The Heretic said:
I can't see it - the pic is too dark to make out the dog - at least it is on my monitor.

I can't see it either.
ma_guy said:
Killer just doesn't have the same head! :confused:

aawww...he's could make him a lil cockhead mask type thingy.....i guess.....;) might be able to adjust the brightness/contrast setting on your monitor....if ya really want to see him....;)
Ginny said:
aawww...he's could make him a lil cockhead mask type thingy.....i guess.....;)

Would that turn him into a chick-magnet for when I take him out for walks in the park? :D

<preparing paper-mache for molding>
ma_guy said:
<preparing paper-mache for molding>

i have this giant tree frog (well-endowed i might add, who'd thought frogs were so hung?) standing at the kitchen table doing this kinda Edward Scissorhands thingy with the paper mache...waaa laaaa....."Ooooohhh Killer baby, c'mere. Daddy has a surprise for you!"
you know, that kinda looks like my long, lost cousin phred.