Like the idea of a dominating older woman who has the tables turned on her?


Really Really Experienced
Aug 29, 2002
...Then please read my story & tell me what you think! :eek:

It's called 'The Policeman's Revenge' and is the follow up to 'The Policeman's helmet' in which a young officer is tricked by the older woman into doing something he shouldn't have!

Its under the mature section (oooh, I love older women, lol!) but may also appeal to those of you who like being told what to do!

If you do check out, I really appreciate it :D

Amsterdam :kiss:

p.s. kiss for females only, blokes can have a handshake. Yes, handshake, not handjob, oh never mind...
Hello amsterdam, :)

You know every so often in here I come across a story that, for me, is everything I really enjoy rolled into one. This is one of those stories.

I thought it was brilliantly funny and wonderfully sexy!

I noted a couple of words that didn't sound quite right to me, but I'm sorry I was too busy reading to note them down. A 'himself' that probably should have been just 'him' was one, and an 'and' missing somewhere I think. That didn't concern me at all. You wit and humor, not to mention the hotter than hot sex scenes, made up for any tiny glitches that may have been there.

I have to tell you, when Mikey broke into song with 'Please release me, let me go" I nearly fell of my chair. Then when he had to start imagining Margret Thatcher I almost cried laughing.

I do hope other people here will enjoy this just as much as I did. I'd hate to think I was the only sick little bunny around here with such dark sense of fun. :)

I am going to have to read "The Policeman's helmet" now. If I enjoy it just half as much as this one, I'll be all steamed up and laughing again in no time.

Never mind the handshake or kisses, I just want to blow you.........................................a big .......................kiss!

You got a well deserved five from me.

I wish you well with your future writing.

Have a great day,

Alex (female variety). :)
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Funnily enough, after reading those comments, I have had a great day - you sure know how to make a guy feel good Alex. Thanks for the fantastic write-up and I'm glad you enjoyed it.

I guess so far you ARE the only sick bunny out there! Still, you can blow me that cheeky kiss any time you like (and more besides if you so wish!)

I took time to check out a couple of your stories - your first female (this gave me the horn!) and the secretary one. Are they true. Second one was & provacative.

Two questions for you
1) Did you also like The Policeman's Helmet?
2) (I'm sure you've been asked before) Is that you in that FANTASTIC bra? Great AV

Thanks again :rose:

Amsterdam :kiss: :kiss: :kiss:
Read both and liked 'em

You have a nice, casual writing style with a delightful sense of humor! And the sex was very enjoyable. I had a pleasant mix of smiles, both turned on and amused, most of the way through both stories, especially the first and the latter part of the second.

Some of your grammar and sentence structure is a little too casual--I noticed a number of run-ons and omitted commas. In dialog, especially, you tend to use long unpunctuated sentences. However, they didn't detract from the overall effect. (I have a liking for British expressions, which added to the positives for me!)

What truly impressed me, however, was the way you acknowledged the awkwardness of the situation in the second story. If Julie had just jumped right in, rather than being reluctant at first, and if Mikey had expressed no concern for her enjoyment, that would have killed the whole thing stone dead. Instead, you let the characters have some reservations and some consideration for each other, and their interaction felt much more realistic and human.

One problem with group situations is the choreography. I didn't always have a clear picture of how everyone was arranged, but I also have the impression that if I were to re-read with close attention, I could figure it out. ;-) I saw no lapses such as using a shackled hand to do something impossible--you seem to have a firm grasp on the concrete elements.

I've read too many stories that seem to star plastic robots with genitalia rather than real people. This wasn't one of them. ;-) No matter how hot the sex or perfect the technical details, a story won't succeed if it's purely a mechanical exercise, IMHO. This has warmth and humor and a general positive outlook that I think will always serve you well as a writer.

And yes, Margaret Thatcher cracked me up like crazy!


MM, thanks for taking time-out to read the stories. Your observations and comments are very astute and very much appreciated. Thank you.

Not sure how I become less casual - I guess I write that way because of the subject matter. I want to make it real but I know its not totally serious if you see what I mean.

You're spot on about the choreography as well - dancing was never a strength of mine!

Cheers :rose:

Amsterdam :kiss: :kiss: :kiss: