Like sitting in rush hour traffic?

Apparently we have to continue to allow one to two million legals and who knows how many illegals to move here EVERY SINGLE YEAR from now until the end of time. That will be several billion Americans in a few hundred years. Our progeny won't even be able to walk down the sidewalk without waiting in line.

The Hispanics and Asian-Americans also have to put up with overpopulation and overcrowding, competition for jobs, traffic, overdevelopment and environmental harm from population growth. Don't they realize that or do they just react on emotion to anyone who says we should discuss some limits on further immigration?
Apparently we have to continue to allow one to two million legals and who knows how many illegals to move here EVERY SINGLE YEAR from now until the end of time. That will be several billion Americans in a few hundred years. Our progeny won't even be able to walk down the sidewalk without waiting in line.

The Hispanics and Asian-Americans also have to put up with overpopulation and overcrowding, competition for jobs, traffic, overdevelopment and environmental harm from population growth. Don't they realize that or do they just react on emotion to anyone who says we should discuss some limits on further immigration?

Several billion? Might want to check your math.
Another day, another "Dark-Skinned People Are Destroying This Country" thread from renard.
Most smart people know that immigration adds significantly to our economy and culture. Most smart people.
Most smart people know that immigration adds significantly to our economy and culture. Most smart people.

Most smart people know that immigration adds significantly to our economy and culture. Most smart people.

And comparatively little to our traffic. That's mostly native-borns on the highway, any highway.