"Like Eating a Box of Chocolates"


Really Experienced
Apr 29, 2013
"Like Eating A Box of Chocolates"

Trent tossed his overnight case and garment bag into the back seat of his new Cadi', settled the bill at the motel's front desk, and settled in behind the wheel for the six hour drive home. It had been a long weekend of sometimes mind numbing seminars, and all he wanted now was to get home to a few beers and his own bed.

He was halfway home when an unexpected down pour began. At the height of the storm, he pulled off at an exit to stretch his legs. Instead, he ended up "stretching" his penis.

In front of the off ramp convenience store, a rain soaked young woman stood under the eaves, looking up at the sky of endless, gray clouds. She had a small back pack and a crumbling cardboard sign that indicated she'd been thumbing for a ride in Trent's direction.

She'd obviously gotten caught out in the sudden storm: she had no jacket in sight, and her slacks and cotton shirt were glued to her body by the rain, showing off the fine, erotic details of her shapely, fit figure. Trent's gaze settled upon the black bra showing through the white cloth of her tee shirt -- or more specifically upon the large, cold-swollen nipples that revealed themselves easily through both the dark bra and lighter shirt.

The sight of such feminine perfection caused his mind to run wild with fantasies and his dick to quickly swell to what be -- a Human Resources professional -- referred to its "employable" size. The last time Trent had "had" a woman this young and this beautiful was almost two decades ago. That woman was now sitting at home, cooking a caserole in anticipation of Trent's return home that evening.

When the young woman turned and found Trent looking her way, he smiled politely and rolled down the window. He called out, "I'm going your way ...to Hartford ... if you need a ride."

Trent had no illisions that something was going to happen between him and this "girl": she was probably half his age of 36, and despite being a good looking, athletic man with a still fit body, even in his late teen years she would have been out of his league. If she did take him up on the ride, she'd probably sit scrunched up close to her door, with her finger on the 9-1-1 speed dial button of her cell phone in one hand and a canister of mace hidden in the other.

But that would be fine with him. He simply wanted . All he wanted was a long, casual, freeway conversation in which he could occasionally glance he way and -- with eyes hidden behind his dark glasses -- inconspicuously ogle that unbelieveable body. He hoped it would fuel his imagination and help him to enjoy the fuck with his wife that he knew would be obligatory after his days away from her.
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Valerie (Ria) Meadows

The day had literally been a wash out. Ria had decided to hitch a ride over to the lake some 50 miles from Hartford where she lived. Showers, they had said, but she had figured they were easy enough to dodge. And the skies had been clear when she’d ditched her last ride at the diner a mile or so back. The guy had seemed fun enough, he certainly had the looks, but his disinterest in Ria had been confirmed after they had gotten chatting after a while and he had casually dropped in a comment about his boyfriend. It wasn’t that she was anti-gay, but she was craving attention and a bit more adventure than the day had offered her thus far. And so they had parted company amicably, she electing to walk along the road side confident that she would be able to thumb a lift back home.

And then the heavens had opened!

To say she didn’t look her best was an understatement, but her appearance for once wasn’t top of her agenda right now. She was drenched and cold and frankly totally pissed. She hadn’t even seen the car approach and it was only the voice as the driver called out to her that drew her attention.

"I'm going your way ...to Hartford ... if you need a ride."

Despite her desperation she ran an expert eye over the car and silently approved. She was too wet and cold to swagger provocatively and hastened to the passenger door with a genuinely grateful smile, looking every bit the teenage of 19 years that she was.

”Thanks … rain kinda caught me out … “

She told the driver as she pulled open the door and dived into the car, unable to avoid bringing a scattering of water droplets with her. Finally her good humour kicked in and she chuckled as she dragged closed the passenger door. With a deft movement she captured her dark hair and flicked it back so that though it remained plastered to her skull, neck and back it at least looked slick and ordered.

”You saved my life, thanks I’m … “

She halted in her introduction doing a double take as she saw the man who pulled forward accelerating once more.

”I’m ... Ria .. “

She told him quietly watching his hands on the steering wheel and expecting that at any minute … but no … he was sympathetic to her plight, charming, but showed no sign of recognition.

Easing back in the seat a mischievous smile lit her face then she reached out and turned up the car heating.

”You don’t mind do you? I’m soaked…”

She asked sweetly as she ran a hand down first one thigh, then the other, feeling the thin fabric still wet and moulding each shapley leg and kicking off her water-ridden sandals she eased her legs apart so as best to attempt to dry the slacks.

”It was so good of you to pick me up…”

She purred softly gratified by his reaction to her casually attempting to dry out and moving her fingers to the buttons of her shirt, unfastening them slowly from the bottom upwards.

”I’m so grateful … “

She smiled as he turned to look in her direction and chose just that moment to peel back the thin fabric of the shirt and expose her clinging black bra to him.

… no … he had no idea who she was … She confirmed mentally before commenting.

”Getting steamy in here, isn’t it?”

And then nodding to draw his attention to the rising condensation on his windows …


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(OOC -- Sorry it's so long.)

Trent was, to say the least, tickled pink when the young woman hustled her way to and into his car. She'd taken a moment to study him first, and he feared disappointment. But as she plopped into the seat, sending a spray of cold droplets all about, he chuckled, both thrilled and amused at the same time.

”Thanks … rain kinda caught me out … “

She slicked her hair -- darkened even further by the rain -- back against her, revealing the perfection of her youthful appearance. Trent had a moment of panic when he thought she might be jail bait. Then he say the patches on her back pack and -- assuming them to be her own and not some older sibling -- relaxed and decided to just go with it and inconspicuously get her age out of her down the road.

”You saved my life, thanks I’m … “

She hesitated, not finishing what he assumed had begun as an introduction.

Trent glanced her way as he shot the car out onto the road and back onto the freeway. She seemed to be studying him, as if she recognized him or something.

That was doubtful, of course. How could a random young babe on the freeway possibly know Trent?

”I’m ... Ria .. “

"Trent Taylor," he said, reaching down into the small console in his door and pulling out a hand towel he kept handy for after drive through meals. He handed it to her, briefly taking another gander from behind his dark glasses at that ... oh, so perfect bod'.

As he negotiated the traffic and shot clear of it, out into a relatively abandoned portion of the interstate, he glanced toward the driver and passenger side mirrors often -- more often than necessary, of course, as he was actually checking out his passenger, not the passenger side mirror, when he was glancing to his right.

She had eased back in the seat, still wearing that knowing smile, after cranking up the heat. ”You don’t mind do you? I’m soaked…”

"Of course not." He switched the control from Heat to Combined, knowing that the Cadillac's dehumidifier would help to dry her out just as much as the heat itself.

As he watched, she slipped a hand down each thigh, shaping the fabric of her slacks to her legs. He faked another mirror glance to watch her, just as she parted her knees a bit. It may have been horny, wishful thinking, but Trent was certain that he could see the folds of her pussy beneath the closely fitting cloth.

He looked back to his own mirror, aware that he had been staring. He warned himself, Don't blow this by acting like a pig, Trent!

It had been a long time since he'd been in a tight space like this with a young woman, particularly one as attractive and shapely as this ... and, essentially, wearing the costume of a wet tee shirt contest over her whole body. Despite the fact that he knew he'd never be laying a hand on this young thing, this was shaping up to be the most erotic moment of the year, or possibly years, plural.

”It was so good of you to pick me up…”

"Of course, my pleasure," he said. He pretended to be checking the mirrors again -- his side, then hers -- as he continued, "I don't think they were expecting it to ... rain like..."

His words trailed off as he realized that she was unbuttoning her water soaked blouse.

”I’m so grateful … “

She pulled the blouse open, revealing her smooth, flat belly and full, round breasts.

Trent was staring now; there was no doubt of that, particularly when the passenger side tires struck the lane safety bumps and let him know he was beginning to drift. Trent steered the car back into his lane as casually as he could, but he could feel his heart beginning to race, and his cock, which had been threatening to swell the crotch of his slacks to a conspicuous look was hardening rapidly at an angle that wasn't the most comfortable for him.

”Getting steamy in here, isn’t it?”

He felt a blush flood his face and quickly looked back to the driver's side mirror, making an unnecessary lane change simply to make it seem that his attention was on the road and not on the undressing beauty beside him.

But he couldn't resist. He wanted to look at her. He needed to look at her. What good came from picking up a sexy, young woman with her clothes rain-plastered to her body if you didn't take the opportunity to ogle?

But her comment about it getting steamy concerned him. He hated being so transparent to anyone, let alone someone so out of his league and untouchable. She knew he was hot for her, not that that would have been a stretch to consider. Any man in this situation would have been as rock hard below his belt line as Trent was now.

Untouchable? he thought again. Why? Why should she be untouchable for you

Trent knew guys -- at work or the gym -- who were fucking women half their age or close to it. Why couldn't he? That was simple, of course: he was married with children!

He hazarded another look her way and caught her nodding her head toward the condensation building on the inside of the glass. And, instantly, he felt stupid. She hadn't been talking about him. He laughed nervously, then reached down to turn the fan on Max. "It'll clear out in a moment."

As he was leaned forward, he couldn't resist taking a quick, closer glance at those impressive breasts. They were so perfect. The black lacy bra wasn't giving those beauties an unnatural, pushed up shape: that was Mother Nature perfection, less than two feet from the lips and tongue that so desperately wanted to be upon them and their pert nipples.

He sat back up and looked away toward the traffic again. His mind was reeling with desire to fuck ... fuck ... Ria! his mind recalled. At the same time, though, he was reminding himself that his wife was waiting for him at home with dinner in the oven.

Out of the corner of his eye, he saw Ria waving her blouse to and fro a bit, trying to dry it. He looked to her again -- to her perfect face, to her plentiful breasts -- and smiled. He glanced over his shoulders to the bags in the back seat, and his smile widened. He tried to contain it -- tried to hide the animal thoughts fighting to betray him -- and suggested politely, "If you wanted ... you know ... 'cause your wet. I, um ... I have clothes in the back. Just coming back from a conference. There's, what ... a couple of shirts? You could change into one if you wanted. Throw your blouse over the vent if it would help it dry. You know ... if you wanted."

He was trying desperately to sound more helpful than horny. But the truth of the matter was that all he wanted was to see Ria undress more, even if it was only in the center rear view mirror.
OOC: I can take it as long as you want to write it - great post!



Trent, ‘Mr Taylor’ was definitely becoming ‘flushed’. Ria smiled innocently at the man as she wafted her blouse and finally picked up the towel and began to run it in smooth strokes along the hair shafts in an attempt to draw out the worst of the water as Trent’s hands moved somewhat clumsily to the control buttons to clear the windows. The action of ‘drying’ allowed her to move her body seemingly in an attempt to reach her elusive hair, but in reality every movement was for effect, every arching, stretching and flick of head and hair offered him a new angle of her body to observe. And all the while she feigned ignorance both of his attention and of the growing bulge in his pants. She had thought it would be fun to tease him, to get a reaction from this man who didn’t recognise her, but in reality his response to her ‘teasing’ had far exceeded her expectations. She glanced over at Trent approvingly. She liked older men as a rule and was more than attracted to the man beside her, perhaps even more so due to the fact that on many levels he was ‘forbidden territory’.

"If you wanted ... you know ... 'cause your wet.”

Alerted by his hesitant tone of voice, Ria looked over at Trent as he made his halting suggestion.

” I, um ... I have clothes in the back. Just coming back from a conference.
There's, what ... a couple of shirts? You could change into one if you wanted.
Throw your blouse over the vent if it would help it dry. You know ... if you wanted."

Silently she praised herself for not grinning at his oh-so-transparent intentions. Outwardly she seemed to take his offer at face value, glancing towards the back seat where a small case sat.

”Well, I am wet … “

She commented softly as if giving the suggestion deep consideration and with no hint that she had intended that double entendre.

”And these slacks sure are uncomfortable…”

She sighed as she opened both legs and ran her hands down from her inner thighs to her knees and beyond.

” … but … “

She paused as if indecisive, whereas in reality she was gauging just where they were and considering how to play this out.

”As long as you don’t mind … “

She gave him a dazzling smile, then almost before he could reply, Ria had eased up in her seat and knelt upon it, her body swaying closer to his as she leaned between the two front seats extending a hand to capture the case on the back seat and to move to the zip to explore within. Biting her lip to hold back a giggle, Ria made heavy work of the simple action, focusing more on the fact that her pert ass was now distractingly raised and temptingly close to his gaze and his reach. The slacks moulded her rounded ass like a second skin and the tiny thong she wore would offer no significant second layer. But she seemed oblivious to this as her head disappeared into the back of the car. After a show of trying to get to and open the case, accompanied of course with a deliberate rise and fall of her ass, she eased back with a pout.

”The zip seems stiff … “

She told him, but unable to carry off the double meaning this time as her eyes were irresistibly drawn down to his crotch, her eyes widening as what she saw there.
Were the words in her head, or had she spoken them?
Surely he was as horny as she was? But would he act upon it?

”Maybe we should turn off and park up … “

She suggested breathlessly, her eyes rising to his, the rise and fall of her breasts more rapid now.

”Don’t want to risk a crash … “

She told him reasonably, though it was no longer clear whether she was referring to the clothes change or … something much more…

”… and … I really need to get out of these clothes … “

So saying she moved her hands to the waistband of her slacks and popped open the button, fingers toying with the zip and lowering it, displaying only smooth skin below thus far. Even these actions made it obvious that the garment would need peeling from her body as the water had sealed it securely to her skin.

”… you may need to help me… “

She prompted thinking that even though he was obviously horny as hell, he might need prompting to act upon it. And if she could stay the right side of the young ingénue and get him to make the first move, then … well, if she played this right, Ria was already thinking that this could be so much more than just a one-time fuck …
Trent was beginning to spend more time with his eyes on Ria -- inconspicuously and conspicuously both -- then he was on the road. He simply couldn't resist watching her, as she milled about in the seat, drying her hair and body and twisting into these slow poses that highlighted her plentiful breasts one moment, her slender neck the next, her flat belly after that ... each of which he so desperately wanted to put his mouth upon.

He took one moment in which she couldn't see him to reach to his crotch quickly and rearrange his cramped, swollen cock. The idea was to free it from the twist in his boxers it had gotten into during its sudden expansion, but after he'd done it, Trent realized that all he'd accomplished was allowing it to become even more obvious should Ria glance downward. Oh, well, nothing to be done about that!

”Well, I am wet … “

Trent's stomach rolled at her words. He wanted her so badly, and to hear her talk about being wet -- even though he knew she mean rain on her skin, not ... that ... there ... it still caused his rapidly fantasizing mind to scream for him to pull over and simply begin savaging this young beauty.

”And these slacks sure are uncomfortable…”

She parted her legs even further, and Trent looked to where they met -- to that heavenly spot -- before even realizing he'd done so. He looked up quickly, to her face to see if she'd noticed and then quickly back to the road as, again, his tires began catching just the slight edge of the line marking safety bumps.

” … but … as long as you don’t mind … “

Ria unbuckled and turned backward in the seat, moving close to Trent as she fished around for the bags in back. Even drenched by Mother Nature, he could smell what ever heavenly thing -- perfume, soap, spray -- she had applied to that beautiful figure of her. He drew in a deep breath as inconspicuously as he could.

He returned his eyes to the road as he heard the bag unzip. But when she leaned farther to the rear of the car, her own rear was right there just inches from his eyes. With her slacks glued to her and, seemingly, no underwear present at all, it was like looking at the second skin of the shapeliest ass he'd been near in ... in forever.

He simply wanted to bite it!

”The zip seems stiff … “ Ria said, leaning back toward the front a bit.

Trent hadn't really caught what she'd said, and when the words finally did push their way into his otherwise busy mind, he glanced her way to find her gaze on...

Oh, god, did she just look at him dick?

He looked off to the traffic again, his face exploding with a rush of blood. He made a lane change, as if to cover his attempt to not face her.

”Maybe we should turn off and park up--“

Trent's head spun to face her, finding their faces just inches apart. She'd just ogle his swollen cock, and now she was wanting to pull over some where? Was this really happening? Or was his mind playing tricks on him? Maybe she'd said something totally different, and--

”Don’t want to risk a crash … “

His mind was suddenly filled with both disappointment and relief. One the one hand, for a moment he'd thought he was going to get laid. On the other hand, for a moment he was afraid that he was going to get laid.

"Of course," he said, checking the mirrors and beginning to pull over to the right. "Good timing. The rest area is just up ahead."

”… and … I really need to get out of these clothes … “

Trent's dick literally leaped with excitement at the thought of Ria in less clothes. He remembered what his mother used to say about being a fly on the wall to eavesdrop on others. He was beginning to wish he was the fly on the wall of the rest area bathroom where she was changing, when she shocked him by beginning to shed her slicked slacks right there within arms reaches.

”… you may need to help me… “

Trent's eyes became glued to her own as his mind was overwhelmed with the thought of helping Ria strip. The lane bumps woke him again, and he jerked back into the lane just as the Rest Area exit appeared. He followed the exit to the passenger car area, barely slowing in his eagerness to address her last statement.

Before them, the rest rooms -- and all the cars of those using them -- were on the right. But, on the left, was a large parking area with virtually no cars in it. Wishful thinking -- and extreme horny-ness -- caused him to pull left, of course. He parked under the shade of a huge Maple, turned the car off, and turned to look at Ria, first to her devilishly smiling face, then to the unzipped pants, and again up to her face.

All he could seem to get out was, "Excuse me...? You want me to ... what?"

Trent’s eyes met Ria’s as she sat sideways and still unbuckled in the seat, noting with some disappointment that he had picked a regular rest area to pull into. She had been hoping for something somewhat more secluded; but just as she feared that Trent would use the cover of other people to put things back on a safer footing between them, she saw steer the car away from the main parking area and pull up instead to the far left of the rest stop.

She smiled widely at him as Trent finally secured the brakes and turned to face her.

"Excuse me...? You want me to ... what?"

She chuckled at his confusion.

”Oh come on Trent, don’t look so shocked. I’m freezing in these things … “

She moved so her back was fully against the passenger door and lifted her bare feet so that they extended towards him, past the gear shift and onto his lap, ‘accidentally’ nudging his crotch as she did so.

”The sooner I get these off … “

She started, lifting her ass and attempting to peel the thin fabric down her hips, but only succeeded in bunching up the garment so that it remained tantalisingly just above her sex.

”Help me…?”

She requested wondering how long she had to feign being trapped by the uncomfortably damp material before he moved to assist her.


She coaxed.

”We’re both adults, if that’s what you’re worried about … “

She reassured him with a smile in case he had suspected she was under age.

” … and consenting … “

She added with a sexy purr as she allowed one foot to stroke the throbbing bulge of his crotch.
”We’re both adults, if that’s what you’re worried about..."

Trent first thought Ria only meant that they were old and mature enough to not let something like a little exposed skin embarrass them. Then he felt her foot moving about atop his rock hard cock in a way that couldn't be misunderstood.

As if to reassure him further, she added, ” … and consenting … “

"Oh, god," he murmured without realizing he'd actually spoken the words.

This is really going to happen. This is REALLY going to happen. You're gonna get laid by this ... by this...

He looked to Ria's body as she struggled with the pants. She was really asking him to help her strip. She was really saying they were going to get naked with one another. She was really saying they were going to ... going to FUCK!

This was something men dreamed about, picking up a beautiful stranger and getting fucked and sucked in the back seat. Okay, so they were in the front, but ... this was really happening!

Reluctantly, Trent grasped Ria's ankle and moved her foot from his crotch, parting her legs as he did. He leaned over her and reached to her hips, taking hold of the wet slacks. He hesitated, looking into her eyes for some kind of verification that this was really what she was looking for.

My god ... I'm gonna fuck teenage Goddess in my car.

Trent hadn't had sex in a car since his early twenties. He and his wife had had a go of it in the back of a limo on their first anniversary, which had been exciting as they hadn't raised the barrier, allowing the limo driver to hear and see all; and then again, a couple of anniversaries later, they'd crawled in the back seat of their new mini wagon, an event which had turned out to be far less exciting as the previous one.

Getting the go ahead from Ria, Trent pulled downward on the wet clothes ... intentionally taking the waist bands of the thong along with the pants...
"Oh, god,"

The words confirmed to her that he fully understood her meaning, her invitation.
She didn’t react when he moved her foot away from its teasing of his crotch, but smiled as he seemed to ease her legs wider, then leaned forward to reach to her hips, his hands gripping the wet fabric. His eyes rose to hers as if checking finally that this was what she wanted receiving an encouraging smile and the slight rise of her hips as he began to pull.

Ria couldn’t believe her luck! Part of her was excited by the fact that she was being stripped by ‘Mr Taylor’, the ‘forbidden’ nature of which would of course make this interlude all the sweeter in the future, but right now she was seeing him in a whole different light. ‘Trent’ as she thought of him right now was a hot looking guy and obviously as horny as her judging by the quick work he made of pulling both her slacks and her G-string clear of her hips and down her legs, exposing her smooth sex and long legs to his hungry gaze.

”Mmmmm, much better … “

She approved softly as she raised first one foot then the other to allow him to pull the slacks and underwear free of her legs all way while aware that she was giving her a clear view of her pussy.

”You don’t look quite as comfortable… “

She observed softly as her hands went to her open shirt and with a deft movement of hands and body shed the still damp fabric casting it into the foot well of the passenger seat.

”Anything you want to …liberate…?”

She asked him, the foot moving to his crotch once more, teasing him as she lay draped along the front seats clad in only her black bra.

”Or perhaps we should make some … adjustments … so we can get ‘comfortable’ together?”

She suggested, her hand moving to the switch beside the seat and searching for the recline wondering how far it actually went back and curious as to just how he would take her…
Trent was surprised -- and greatly relieved -- at how easily and quickly the wet clothes stripped clear of her body. As Ria moved her legs about, enabling him, he came face to face with her pussy ... and was simply entranced: the phrase Smooth as a baby's butt came to him, the word baby reminding him that this girl was barely old enough to be doing such things with him.

That only made him want her that much more though. Something about young women was just so exciting for him -- for most men. Youthful, firm, fresh bodies were just so ... intoxicating.

Trent had no illusions about Ria's innocence: she may very well have been as experienced in sex as he was, though hers would have been much more recent. Trent hadn't fucked anyone other than his wife in almost two decades, and even now he couldn't recall the last time he'd fucked her.

But he didn't care whether she'd had one, two, or ten lovers before him. All he cared was that she was going to have him, here and now.

”Anything you want to …liberate…?” she asked. ”Or perhaps we should make some … adjustments … so we can get ‘comfortable’ together?”

He realized that she meant Wanna strip, too? And he understood that get comfortable was her way of asking How we gonna get this done right?

He answered her by pressing a button on the dash that raised the steering wheel to its highest setting and moved both seats to their farthest back position. It still wasn't enough room for them to fuck in the front seat, but it was enough room for him to do what he wanted to do right now.

He twisted in his seat, and slid down into the floor board. He lifted her knees higher, giving him some room, then leaned down between her thighs and pressed his mouth to her pussy.
She was surprised by his response.
Without speaking Trent deftly flicked a couple of switches which moved the steering wheel forward and both passenger seats back. Although there was not a lot of room, it definitely gave them breathing space.

”Neat … “

She had barely managed that one word of approval when she realised that he had slid to the floor and was moving towards her, his intent clear. She gave a soft cry as his hands moved her knees, opening her up further to him watching wide eyed as he lowered his mouth to her pussy.

”Mmmmmm…. “

She purred as she felt that first contact, more than happy to follow Trent’s lead. They both knew she was no blushing virgin, but it was important that, horny though she was, she played on her youth and ‘played the ingénue’ sure now that if she presented herself as ‘his for the taking’ she would be more than satisfied.

”Ohhhh… oh my Godd…. “

She exclaimed, his hunger evident as his mouth worked at her sex.

”Uhhhnn… Trent … “

She moaned his name softly as her body eased downwards into the passenger seat, moving her knees and legs higher to spread herself and offer him full access, her heels now on his shoulders so that they could oh-so-easily hook over them should he choose to pull them in that direction.

”Ohh yesss… “

She moaned, her body undulating and ass rising in genuine pleasure.

”Fuck, you’re good … “

She praised breathlessly.
”Mmmmmm ... Ohhhh… oh my Godd…. “

Trent was working his tongue and lips slowly upon her pussy and enjoying every moment of it. My god! You're eating out a fucking teenager in your car!

Ria shifted her body, enabling him to get more comfortable between her thighs. She moaned, and sighed, and called out, ”Uhhhnn… Trent … “

He found himself surprised at how sensitive she was to his touch, at how much noise she mad as he licked up and down upon her clit and gently played the tip of a finger inside her swollen labia. He wondered for a moment whether it was all an act. He'd been with women as a young man who faked their excitement, thinking it was what he'd wanted to see and hear. It hadn't been, of course. But as what he's really wanted was his own excitement, he really hadn't cared whether they laid their in a coma or stood tall and screamed Fuck!

But now, here, as he turned a hand palm up and inserted his two longest finger inside her, all he wanted was to make this girl scream. He began playing the tips of his fingers against the wall of her vagina just behind her clit -- where he'd been led to believe a mass of sensitive nerve endings existed -- desperately searching for that perfect touch that would drive her nuts.

Trent had been married for two decades. He hadn't had to find a way to please a new woman since before his daughter was conceived. He hoped it was like riding a bike and you never forgot, but it had simply been so fucking long since he'd so truly and so desperately wanted to please a woman.

”Ohh yesss… Fuck, you’re good … “

It seemed that he was getting the job done. He found a rhythm with his tongue, lips, and fingers, then looked up over Ria's writhing body to her face, eager to watch her orgasm...
She loved being eaten out and it always drove her wild and when he eased his fingers up inside her, she knew she had hit the jackpot! This was so hot! She liked to be on the edge of discovery, although she wasn't an out-and-out exhibitionist and knowing his reputation for being a good old family man, her body revelled that right now he had his fingers and tongue up inside her, driving her body ever nearer to the opportunity for release that had evaded her all day ...

And yet she held off. She wanted to push him more, wanted more from him.
She caught his eye as he looked down at her writing body, clad only in that black bra now.

"Ohhh that sure feels good ..."

She moaned softly as his delicious rhythm continued, catching his eye with a mischievous smile.

"But I'm a bad girl Trent ... "

She wanted to call him Mr Taylor, but could not risk that, not just yet.

"... and you're much too good to me ... "

She cooed...

"I could cum sooo good on that sweet mouth of yours .... those wonderful fingers..... "

She moaned and flexed her sex as if to illustrate the point.

"But I need to be fucked ... "

She told him directly.

"Don't you want to ram your fingers and your cock up inside me...?"

She asked sweetly.

"I'm so horny for you..."

She told him breathlessly.

"I could suck and fuck you any way you want ... "

She offered lewdly, wondering if he would indeed take her up on her offer.
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The offer didn't need to be made twice. Trent reached both hands to his pants, quickly making way for his cock to come out for air even as he continued tonguing Ria's pussy. He hated to stop pleasuring her in this way, but his goal was to make her explode; and her anxiety to begin performing upon him instead told him that she likely wasn't going to cum with a strange man eating her in the front seat at a public rest stop.

Trent knew when to quit and move onto something new!

With his slacks and boxers around his ankles, he pulled his face away from her pussy, returned to his seat, finished shedding his lower clothes and shoes, too, and turned her way, parting his legs for her.

"God, yes, Ria," he almost begged. "Please do."

His mind was simply spinning with delight. This wasn't something that happened to guys like him, except maybe on the internet and in porn magazines. He couldn't wait to tell Gregory at The Man's Gym that on the way home--

Oh, fuck!

Disappointment suddenly struck Trent as he realized, You can't be telling anyone about this! Fuck! What are you thinking?

Trent was surrounded by men -- some married like himself -- who had lovers or mistresses or had had spur-of-the-moment trysts as he was having now. Some of these lovers were young enough to be daughters, as Ria could have been to himself. And many of these men bragged about their exploits, having no fear of getting in trouble for what ever reason was protecting them.

But Trent, he couldn't dare tell anyone about what was happening here today. He was a happily married man, depending upon your definition of happy. He had children, one of whom was close to Ria's age. He had a home and career and frickin' membership at the Elks, for Christ's Sake!

You can't even fucking brag about this!

But, he got over his disappointment quickly ... as the devilishly smiling Ria came to him...
"God, yes, Ria, Please do."

That was interesting. Given the various invitations she had thrown out to him, the idea of her blowing him was the one that drew the greatest reaction. She watched him pull eagerly at his clothes and eyed his cock with interest as he exposed himself to her. She had been so close to cumming that her body still throbbed in need, but Ria did her best work when she was at her horniest and she knew that she had to play this carefully. Time taken to reel him in now would pay dividends later ... and later ... she would be calling the shots, she vowed.

And so she flipped and knelt up on the passenger seat, crawling sexily across the upholstery to lean over towards him. But something was wrong. She had seen his hesitation, a sudden crisis of conscience she assumed. She had to hook him now, before he totally changed his mind about all this.

"You relax back ... "

She cooed softly easing him back into the driver's seat as she skilfully drew her body closer.

"I know just what you need ... "

She knew just how to angle her body to lay over the gears and brakes that came between the two front seats enabling her to lay face down across her passenger seat and angling herself so that her ass was high and her head lowered towards his cock.

"You're in the driving seat, just show me how you want it ... "

She invited as she extended her tongue and flicked it across the tip of his shaft.

"mmmmm.. "

She murmured and dipped her head further to drag her tongue along the sides, licking him like a popsickle.

"Every girl loves a treat... "

She cooed before parting her lips and taking his first couple of inches into her mouth, her tongue going to work to swirl around that cockhead, lathing it with her tongue before applying suction so that he could hear as well as feel her mouth working. And then oh so slowly she slid her mouth down that now rigid member, impressed by its length and girth as he filled her face. Her mouth latched around his cock now, her face buried in his groin, she held herself there loving how he throbbed.

And then she began to ease up allowing his cock to slowly ease free, then after sucking the tip once more, she moved her face downwards and took him into her mouth once more. Slow and steady, she began to blow him, confident that if he wanted the pace to pick up that he would 'drive'. Surely he wouldn't be able to resist grabbing her head and directing her how to blow him?
The most erotic thing to ever happen to Trent Taylor -- sex with a hitchhiker -- suddenly fell to second place, now closely trailing a heavenly blow job. Just the work "suck" from Ria had called Trent's cock to begin throbbing noticeably. His wife had never been very proficient at oral sex: she'd never made him cum simply by sucking his cock. And, as often happened with married couples once the vows had been exchanged, the act of oral sex simply faded away, as if a buggy whip or Beta video tape, never to be considered again.

Trent had hoped to high heaven that Ria would know what she was doing. And ... oh, did she. Her tongue licking at his tip, her lips swallowing his shaft, her fingers tightly grasping the base or toying with his balls ...

It was absolute heaven, and Trent sighed, then moaned with obvious pleasure as she "worked" him up and down. She'd told him that he was in the driver's seat -- figuratively, as well as literally -- so he took the chance to guide her, "cutting short" those things that simply teased or tickled his head and concentrating her on what sent shots of pleasures through his groin.

Soon, as he moaned deeply to each repetition, he had Ria toying with bis gonads in one hand while the other grasped the base of his shaft, working in concert with her warm, wet mouth to quickly bob up and down his shaft. He watched her with delight, sometimes tilting this way or that to be able to see his cock disappearing into her face.

Trent couldn't believe how much of what his wife called his "Naughty Nine" Ria was able to take into her mouth. It was like watching a live porn act. She was unbelievable.

Unfortunately, her skill was driving him toward climax too quickly. He had just a moment to consider how ironic that was, that the goal was to cum and yet at the same time, Trent didn't want to. The pleasure Ria was imparting ... he wanted it to continue forever.

It's not the destination but the journey...

As he felt the orgasm building, he wondered whether that old saying really worked here. It's not the sucking but the cumming...

It didn't matter: he was there.

Trent had been playfully interlacing his fingers within Ria's hair as she "worked", sometimes urging her to go faster or deeper and sometimes simply wanting to touch her.

Now, as the pleasure rose exponentially, he found himself holding her head more tightly. He wanred to cum in her mouth. He's never done that before ...ever! He'd seen it so often online, and all he wanted -- just once in his life -- was to see his cock firing shot after shot of his thick, white goo into a woman's mouth.

Ria knew he was close. If he hadn't let this be known with his deepening moans and tightening body, then he did with his announcement -- in increasing volume and intensity -- "Oh, god ... oh, GOD, Ria ... I'm gonna cum ... I'm gonna fucking cum ... Jesus Christ, I'm gonna cum."

Trent wouldn't even realize he was ranting that way until his mind began to work for him later, post-coitus. Right now, all his brain knew was that the Hiroshima of all orgasms was seconds away away.

Suddenly, Trent grasped Ria's hair tightly in one hand, pulled and twisted her head gently up and over, and he could see her mouth and cock just an inch apart. With his other hand, he grasped his own cock -- not an unfamiliar sight at all-- and began pounded it fiercely.

He was going to explode, he wanted to see it happen, he wanted this incredible teen goddess to take ever drop ... and he was hoping to God that he hadn't "driven" them to a road Ria didn't want to travel.
Ria loved giving head and blowing Mr Taylor was definitely a highlight of her sex life thus far! And he proved a skilled 'driver'. And she revelled in the feeling of Trent's fingers laced through her hair guiding her, teaching her just how he liked it, just what he needed, which in turn made her hornier and more eager to please him. Her fingers toyed with his balls and the closer he came to his release the more demandingly he positioned her. The eroticism of the situation was not lost on her. She knew that people were walking about just a short distance from the car and that if they glanced into the car, they would see a teenager, laid face down with her head pressed into the driver's groin as he seemingly forced her to service his cock.

It seemed Trent found the situation equally hot. Judging by the twitching of his cock, the rougher handling of her and the escalation of his moans and groans, Ria knew that he was gonna shoot soon.

"Oh, god ... oh, GOD, Ria ... I'm gonna cum ... I'm gonna fucking cum ... Jesus Christ, I'm gonna cum."

His words confirmed what she had known. She was curious as to how he was gonna blow his load and was shocked when he pulled her determinedly turning her head upwards so that he had clear sight of her. She would never have imagined that he had it in him, but he had her head pinned as he pounded his cock aiming towards her mouth making it clear that he wanted to feed her his cumm and that he expected her to take every drop!

Her eyes locked with his, hiding her excitement and giving him her wide-eyed-innocent look knowing he was too far gone to halt now ... and then his cumm was spraying towards her and after that initial jolt as that first explosive shot hit, Ria set to work mouth latching onto his cock and attempting to swallow his copious load. It was truly an ambitious task, especially as the stream seemed non-stop and poured mercilessly making her struggle to take it all. And all the time her eyes locked with his. He wanted to see her eat his load and she wanted him to remember her expression as he had left her no option but to take all he gave her ...
It was simply the most incredible thing that had ever happened to Trent in his entire life. There was no doubt and no comparison.

By the look in her eyes as he jerked desperately at his cock, Ria had known of and accepted Trent's intent to cum in her mouth. She'd kept her lips parted, just before his swollen head, and extended her tongue just a bit, as if having her throat checked by a doctor.

Although he wouldn't think of it until later, watching himself cum like this reminded him of what people always said about startling accidents: It's like it happened in slow motion. Trent felt his cock leap in his hand and watched at that first volley of cum shot deep into Ria's mouth. A thinning trail of his discharge trace a path from the tip of her tongue to far out of his view.

As he was exclaiming with a deep grunt, the next volley fired, and another, and another ... and it seemed as if it simply wasn't going to end. Each ejaculation delivered another great glob of sticky, white goo onto Ria's tongue, her lips, her chin; as the force with which he was feeding her lessened, she moved her mouth forward, trying to catch every drop, eventually taking the tip of his dick onto her tongue but leaving her mouth open for Trent to watch.

And he just kept pumping! He was grunting and groaning to the greatest, most erotic pleasure of his life and watching the pool of cum build on her tongue at the tip of his cock.

Finally, depleted, Trent relaxed his body and collapsed back into his seat, his gaze still shifting between Ria's eyes -- which had never stopped studying him -- and the thick puddle threatening to spill off her tongue and down upon her face and his crotch.

As he gave one final long grunting Oh god, he moved the hand that had been pumping himself dry to Ria's chin and urged her to close her mouth. There was just one last step to this phenomenon that was changing his life: swallow.
His cumm filled her mouth as he shot down her throat and then into the mouth she offered him the sounds of his moans and grunts music to her ears as he finally pumped himself dry.

Oh god

He exclaimed almost dazedly, his hand moving to her face, to urge her chin to close her cumm-laden mouth. Obligingly she did so, her eyes not leaving his as she swallowed his seed down, the generous dosage finding its way down her throat freeing her mouth so that when she parted her lips again and extended her tongue he could see that she had obligingly taken all he had given her.

"You like to suck and fuck.... "

She murmured softly.

I sucked you ... so ... does that mean that you get to fuck me...?"

She queried playfully wondering if he would now want to latch his mouth onto her pussy or if he would want to get inside her.

"Time to get more comfy I think ... "

She announced as she lifted her body and with a saucy grin began to climb over into the back seat ...
Ria swallowed his load, then -- knowing how much he'd wanted to see it happened -- opened her mouth and extended her tongue, showing it clear of his ejaculate. He chuckled a bit, excited even more.

"You like to suck and fuck.... " she murmured softly.

"Oh, yes," he replied between gasped. "You ... that is. I like to ... suck and fuck you..."

"I sucked you ... so ... does that mean that you get to fuck me...?"

He wasn't sure whether she meant that as in You get more enjoyment by fucking me? or You get to give me more enjoyment by fucking me?

"Time to get more comfy I think ... " she said, climbing into the Jag's back seat.

Trent watched her eagerly, leaning to get another view of her pussy as her legs parted, clearing the seat. God, he wanted inside there so badly. It had been a long, long time since he'd had young pussy, but he remembered very well what joy it had been to fuck a young woman.

He shed the rest of his clothes -- then hesitated as his heart leaped in his chest. Some time during the blow job, a tall standing 4x4 pickup had pulled into the parking spot two spaces over, and both the young male and female occupants were crowded up to the opened passenger side window watching with wide smiles. Trent's first thought was to fire up the car and find a more private spot. But -- unbelievably -- the female in the truck was gesturing him to the back of his car, mouthing Do it! Fuck her!

Trent looked to the rear seat, unsure of whether Ria had spotted the couple peeping on them. But when he saw her laying back, thighs spread, wet pussy smiling sideways up at him ... he suddenly didn't care whether his wife and daughter were in the big pickup. He crawled over the seat, grasped Ria, lifted her into his lap with her knees near his hips, and said, "I want you to cum. Please. I want to know I can make you cum."

He reached one hand around to the small of her back and pulled her body closer to his own. With the other hand, he directed his cock to her pussy, working it against and through through her swollen labia. She was tight, and he couldn't penetrate her initially.

"I want in you," he said unnecessarily, and I want you to have the time of your life."

He was continuing to push hard at her hole, and suddenly she opened for him...
Ria set about making herself comfortable in the plush back seat. She wasn’t aware of the audience they had attracted, but then it was unlikely their voyeurism would have stopped her if she had. She grinned as she watched Trent making his way over to the rear seat, his eyes widening at the sight of her laid out on the back seat, clearly displaying for him what was on offer. As he lowered himself to the far end of the back seat, she reached behind and unclipped her bra, easing it free and casting it aside between the seats. Her full breasts seemed to stand to attention for him, her whole body was hot and horny after what had passed between them.

“I want you to cum. Please. I want to know I can make you cum.”

He pulled her body onto his lap, not wasting any time in getting her into position.

”Oh you will ... you had me so close before Trent ... I could suck and fuck you all day, every day ... “

She purred and gave a soft gasp as he lifted her body positioning her so that he could guide his cock towards her entrance. She mewled as his tip rubbed up against her, knowing that not only as he packing a generous length, but that his girth was thick and solid. She felt him attempt to enter her and no doubt ‘cos he didn’t want to hurt or force her found penetrating her impossible.

“I want in you,”

Those words made her cream instantly.

” ... and I want you to have the time of your life.”

She smiled widely up at him.

”I won’t break Trent ...”

She assured him.

”And I already know you’re gonna be one hot fuck ... “

Whether it was her encouragement, her dirty words or perhaps he just became more determined to get inside her, but somehow their bodies aligned and he pushed forcefully allowing his cock to enter her tight sex, causing her to gasp sharply.

”Oh my Goddd... “

She exclaimed breathlessly as her sex fluttered around the first couple of inches that her body had taken.

”Don’t you hold back now ... “

She warned him. She could already tell that his dimensions would be too much for her to take initially at least and that she was gonna have to take it hard, trusting her sex to open up and accommodate him as he demanded entrance.

”Ohhhhhh! ... Uhnnnnn! “

She cried out at his penetration. She was helpless and he was truly in the driving seat now, her body offered for him to drive himself up inside her.

”Oh yeah ... “

She pleaded.

”Gimme the fuck of my life... “
Ria assured him that he wasn't going to break her, but Trent wasn't so sure. He felt as if he'd barely gotten inside her, and now, with her warm, wet pussy enveloping only half of his length, she was already grimacing in pleasured pain as he slowly pulled, pushed, and pulled, trying to penetrate her further. Whether she knew it or not, she was sinking her claws into his shoulders, making him worry about his wife finding indisputable evidence of his infidelity when he undressed for bed that night.

When she urged him on, her trusted that she'd take the pain with the pleasure. He lifted his hands from her buttocks where they'd been preventing her entire weight from falling onto him, thus ramming him painfully into her; to the small of her back, where he instead pulled her down upon him at the same time that he lifted his groin into her.

Ria gave out a definitely pained scream as his full length was buried inside her.

"I'm sorry, Ria!" Trent said quickly, sincerely. The last thing he wanted to do was harm this erotic angel who was giving him the greatest night of sex since he'd lost his virginity two decades earlier.

He wrapped his arms around ner and pulled her to him, pressing one side of his face into the cleavage of her firm, youthful breasts.

"I'm so, so sorry..."
He was long and he was thick and he was wary of hurting her. Even at that first penetration Ria knew that this was going to be a struggle to take, but what Trent didn't realise was that she was going to relish it!

"I'm sorry, Ria!"

She had to admire his control. Even now he had finally gotten his cock up inside her unexpectedly he was concerned about her. She wanted to assure him that she was fine, that he could fuck away and take his thrusts with her usual bravado and knew that she'd get off on having a real man's cock hammering inside her, but unexpectedly his arms went around her and hold her, his face pressed into her cleavage, but his intention comforting.

"I'm so, so sorry..."

She eased her grip on him, relaxing back on his back seat, her hands stroking him lightly coaxing him to look down at her as she met his gaze with a soft smile. It was a bizarre situation: She hadn't expected him to be sweet, considerate in the heat of such a moment and it changed the dynamics, but didn't make it any less hot ...

"I want to do this, Trent... "

She told him looking up at him wide eyed, her voice much softer than before.

"You're just so much bigger than the boys I've had before ..."

It was true, but likewise, she knew her words would most likely do nothing to reduce the girth and hardness buried inside her.

"... I know you know how to take care of me ... "

She told him relishing the double entendre as she looked up at him trustfully. true she was playing the 'ingénue' card, but found that she meant it, there was way that the dimensions of him wouldn't satisfy and challenge her, but likewise, she now knew that he would not harm her in any way ...

"... and I know this is gonna hurt so good ..."

She groaned, her hips beginning to rock lightly in encouragement. Somehow she had managed to accommodate him and he felt incredible buried inside her. She felt fuller than she had ever been. But Ria wanted more.

"You promised me the time of my life ... "

She quoted his words back at him.

"So, why don't you show me how a real man fucks?"
"I know you know how to take care of me ... "

"... and I know this is gonna hurt so good ..."

"...you promised me the time of my life ... "

"...so, why don't you show me how a real man fucks?"

Trent's mind was being pulled in two directions: the gentlemanly father way, fearful of harming this young angel who was his daughter's age; and the horny guy way, who wanted only to ravage this devil's body and feel the joy's of ecstasy.

The latter won. With her assurances that she trusted him and her directions to show her was a real fuck was all about, he grasped her buttocks tightly in his powerful hands once more, sat back in the seat to look up into her face, and began.

Trent may have been an old man to a girl her age, but he had the strength and stamina of a much younger man. He put his Iron Man Competition training to work and used everything he had to give her the workout of her life.

Boys! The guys she was probably used to fucking... they may have had teen age stamina, but they had neither his experience nor his married man, same sex every time yearning for not just something new but also for making an impression.

Trent would die of a heart attack before he let Ria leave this car unsatisfied.

Grasping her tightly, he rammed his cock into her long and hard and steady, watching her face for that depth, strength, speed and angle that seemed to drive her nuts. When he saw the reaction he was looking for, he smiled ... and continued.

It all felt good to him, of course. Being in this young woman's pussy was unbelievable. Being in any young woman's pussy would have been unbelievable, of course. Trent knew that. He'd been married to and not often fucking the same woman for almost two decades, so any new, delicious hole would have seemed like heaven.

But there was something about Ria that was simply driving Trent nuts. There was a familiarity there. Almost like they already knew one another. This didn't feel like a quickie with a stranger; it felt as though he was finally making passionate love to someone for whom he had long yearned.

At one point, he even considered the wild idea that maybe Ria wasn't just his daughter's age but was instead someone she knew and whom Trent had met. Wouldn't that be unbelievable? he'd thought, to be fucking one of her friends, or classmates. Oh my god, she'd explode!

But that was crazy talk: the age comparison was coincidental, of course. Wasn't it? Yes, the only person -- or persons, plural, if all went well -- who would be exploding this day were Trent and Ria.

As if on cue, his climax came. Trent let out a long, deep grunt of satisfaction as he felt his cock leaping inside Ria's wet, warm heaven. The pleasure was almost overwhelming ... almost. Although he wanted to simply sit back and enjoy the euphoria sweeping through him, Trent persisted in his thrusts. He'd promised Ria the fuck of her life ... and he was going to give it to her.

If he came again ... or even again ... oh well, I'm doing this for her ... right?

He smiled broadly, partially for the absurd thought and partially for the pleasure she was giving him. His orgasm began to wane, and he struggled to open his eyes to look into hers, which were firmly set upon him. They stared at one another intently as their groins pounded relentlessly.

Unbelievable... his mind reminded him. Absolutely ... un- ... fucking- ... believable.
Ria had asked him to fuck her, to be a real man with her and despite his unwillingness to hurt her, it seemed that Trent was to oblige. His strong hands were on her ass as he seemed to ease back in readiness. She locked her eyes with his and moved her hands to grasp onto the upholstery in preparation for that first push up inside her. And this was no slow insertion. In one smooth stroke he impaled her entirely upon his cock drawing a cry from her, only to withdraw and repeat the action, each stroke deliberate and destined to bury himself in the depths of her young pussy.

Goddd ... it felt incredible and rather than the theatrical moans and simulations that Ria was adept with, this truly drew soft whimpers and groans from her at the power and scale of him.

"Uhhhn.... omg.... "

She groaned as he jabbed roughly into her. He was still going steadily, but his purchase on her ass had her pinned, preventing her body from jolting away as his hips advanced and he buried himself to the hilt in one swift movement, the head seeming hit home hard, as if meeting with a barrier that just gave that edge of pain to her pleasure.

"Uhhn... yess.... "

She encouraged, amazed at the stamina and strength of this steady screwing that was truly driving her wild and drawing cries of pained pleasure, which was just what she needed.

She was panting and moaning, her eyes never leaving his.
Her body laid out across his back seat as he bucked and thrust steadily inside her making her crave more and more of him.


She cried out helplessly, her back arching offering everything up to him. Somehow her legs raised and found their way to his shoulders, her ass moving higher opening her up to the now brutally paced thrusts as the pace became frenzied. She was moaning and panting, her body contorting as he took her with all the thoroughness she could not possibly have dreamed.


She screamed his name as an uncontrollable orgasm crashed through her body, leaving her helplessly whimpering as Trent poured his cum so deeply inside her, pulling body up and down his cock as if she were a doll, his fuck doll she thought as pleasure continued to explode through her body until she was left breathless and dazed.
Listening to Ria explode and feeling her body buck and tremble below him in ecstasy should have been enough for Trent. But he'd promised her the fuck of her life. Trent didn't even slow, pulling her body closer to his -- feeling the warmth of her quivering form -- and he continued to pound into her.

"The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly" of his 38 year old physical fitness began to show themselves. The Good was that he -- and obviously she -- were having an enjoyable and energetic fuck that many men his age wouldn't have been able to sustain so long; the Bad -- he was already realizing as he pounded, pounded, and pounded away -- was that sex with his wife was never going to satisfy him again, and that was going to be a problem he had no idea of how to solve; and the Ugly -- as he lifted his torso up on extended, locked arms and looked down into Ria's face, even as he continued pounding away -- was that suddenly, he thought he had in fact seen this girl somewhere before ... somewhere where his daughter had been ... the school? the mall? his fucking house?? ... and not only that, after he'd seen her that first time, he'd gone to his bathroom and whacked his pud to the fantasy of having her bent over the hood of a his car, screaming out "Fuck me, Big Daddy, fuck me hard! for all the jealous boys watching to hear.

Recollection was coming to him quickly, but unfortunate for the truth of things, his orgasm was coming faster. He arched back -- the top of his head touching the roof of the car -- and grunted as he again fired his ejaculate into Ria. It wasn't nearly the orgasm he had before -- he was all tapped out by now -- but it was still fantastic. Pleasure spread through him, his mind swam ... and after he felt the last of the jolts in his cock, he lowered down to his elbows, supporting most of his weight so as not to crush her as he waited for the pounding heart beat and erratic breathing to give him the opportunity to tell her that she was the greatest fuck he'd experienced in all of his years...