like a led balloon

Bert Notorius

Literotica Guru
Aug 26, 2004
After their tantalizing one-off gig in 2007, Robert Plant has hinted that he's open to a Led Zeppelin reunion next year. Speaking to Australia's version of 60 Minutes, the singer deflected the notion that he's the reason for Zeppelin's dormancy. "[Jimmy Page and John Paul Jones] are Capricorns. They don't say a word. They're quite contained in their own worlds and they leave it to me," said Plant. "I'm not the bad guy . . . You need to see the Capricorns – I've got nothing to do in 2014."


Translation: I'd be up for it. If there's no reunion, it's their fault.

A non-story. Update me when they're all hugging.
Jimmy looks (and sounds) awesome and JPJ has defied time! The Celebration Day DVD/Blu Ray/CD is much appreciated and the best they've sounded in ages, but Plant needs to knock off the posturing---we all REALLY know he's the stick in the mud here---and these guys have GOT TO do like a farewell tour or something. The fans deserve it...THEY deserve it. 't would be epic!