It has not been long since my training had ended. His death had hardened my heart and stirred my blood cold. The dark side had done it to him in order to prevent my training. To prevent anyone's training. Now they were after me. Why? My magic was not strong enough to do damage or harm to them.
I slink though the woods like a cat with a slight magical barrier around me to sheild me from those who may be looking. It was the last thing he had taught me.
I emerged from the woods to find myself at the base of a castle. Good? or Evil? were the two questions that ran though my head. I sat on a log at the base of the castle to think and decide if it was a risk or not to enter. I kept my barrier up.
The wind blew cold from the east. The thin silks and velvets of my green dress could not keep out the cold much longer.
It had been a few years since he had arrived here, among the weak followers of the light. Contact with his own people had been sparce, and he was mainly on his own. Luckily, his cover had remained intact. As a traveler from afar, a brother of their order from a distant land.
He works mainly in secret, corrupting them slowly from within. THough not much had been accomplished yet. He had to work carefully around teh more experienced ones, and there were few young people around. He did as he always had, and bided his time.
I sit there bored practicing my summoning spells. A summon a small little fairy into my hand who giggles and fly about. I walk out of the libary bored
I spot my friend Joresph who I met a while back. I waved to him. "Hey you want go out on the look out post. It is quiet out there and you can see over the forest. I need someone to help me with this summoning spell I been trying to practice"
He sat in the small bedroom, watching the woman who sat on the floor. She had proven surprisingly diverting last night. If he had time, he might even decide to use her again. But, alas, time was short.
He had chosen this house for a reason. It was far enough on the outskirts of the village that surrounded the city that those Lightsiders wouldn't venturew out here too often, yet close enough for him to observe the locals.
Today he would make his move. They were ripe for conquets these people, so secure behind their walls, and their protectors. But they had little idea of what a true Dark Magician was capable of. They would soon, however, find out.
He rose to his feet, and dressed, again studying the woman. Yes, he was feeling charitable today. He would let her resume her life. Of course she would have no memory of him... but that was a small price to pay, wasn't it?
Yes, it was. He left the house moments later, with some bread and cheese in his hand, and his sword at his hip.
He walked, slowly, and inexorably toward the city. Already thinking about his next plaything.
I look over the castle to the wood. The wind hits my face
"Ever have that moment. You know the moment when you think your life about to change. The moment of two roads. One that could lead to darkness and death and one road that leads to salvation. I been feeling that way. Something wicked coming I feel. It may just be childest thougts. Well anyway I knew help summoning the muse of eroticism. It been having trouble doing it. I will need to if I ever going to become a high leve Summoner" I say "I only been able to summon small things"
I look down at a castle and see a female figure. "is anyone suspose to show up at the castle Today" I ask
I let my gaurd down as I slumped my chin into my hands. A shiver ran through my spine. Someone or somthing was watching me. Quickly I put up my cover spell as I moved slowly around to the front gates of the castle peering in. I could feel the magic all around. something was brewing but I knew not of what it was.
"Perhaps she is a taverller, or a refuge. Either way, I'll go meet her. I'm sure you can manage that summoning on your own, it simply takes time my friend."
He looked down as the girl seemingly vanished. She was inexperienced and was not completely invisible. He smiled as he made his way to the gates, opening them slowly.
"Hello my dear, and welcome, you seem to have travelled far, please, come in."
"Well, you are welcome to stay here and study, so long as you follow the Light." It was ironic that he was the one saying that, being the very opposite of what he was telling her.
She would be an interesting one, inexperiecned and young, very easy to mold. It was his lucky day.
I sit on the edge of the castle. Trying to figure out this spell. I hit my head trying to think hard. The best I can do is some unicorn and spirit folk
I calm myself and try not to get myself angry. That is the parth of Dark magic
I walk down to the main hall wondering if anything interting happening. I feel a dark presecence. It the same darkness I felt befor. It was close. Very close. They said being part elf give me a sort of six sence and early warning sytem that would develop as time went on. My teacher told me to follow my extince. I hope I would find out befor it to late
I summon an owl. "Be my eyes" I said "Search the woods and make sure darkness not afoot"
"I know your out there somewhere watching me dark ones. I can feel you" I say to myself
I can feel the cold air though the silks as my dress clings tightly to my frame.
"I really have no idea where to start...."My eyes wandered to the structure of the place. Gothic but airy."....I know not much of the path I was sent on." I move in from the cold.
I come down the steps with my head buried in a book. I been studying vision and senses. I been trying to figure out this sense of danger I been feeling. I could ask some of the elders if they feel the same sense of darkness in the castle
I see my friend and a girl. I wave to them and say hello with my face still buried in the book.