Life in the Middle



Miiddlesborough, middle earth, middle child, Middling-to-good, middle gear.

Where do you fit in?
There is 6 of us and I am number 3 where does that put me hmmmmm I would say middleville also...and poor me its 2 boys then me then 3 girls :nana:
Starblayde said:
you may have veered slightly to the side or something

Yeah, that's what happened. Glad you were there to catch it. :D
guilty pleasure said:
Who's on the left? Who's on the right? AND what are they doing?

Zeke my dawg on the right

And Maxi my kitty leftward...

pets ;)
Re: Re: Life in the Middle

HeavyStick said:
Underneath you and LKE. ;-)

How about......Under LKE and over me? That way you're really in the middle, piggie! :kiss: :D