Liberals Call For Ann Romney To Be Murdered…But of course


Jan 23, 2011
Liberals Call For Ann Romney To Be Murdered…

Keepin’ it classy.

Via Red Alert Politics:

First there was a “Kill Mitt Romney” and a “Kill Paul Ryan” Facebook page, both of which have since been taken down, but liberals have taken to Twitter in the wake of Ann Romney’s speech at the Republican National Convention calling for her death.

The tweets were first noticed early this morning by a blogger with Pundit Press.

A Twitter poster named Gregory Martinez tweeted how his desire to murder Ann Romney, saying: “I want to murder Ann Romney right now. NO PATRIOT ACT!!! #RNC”

While other posters such as an Ashley Miller urged the wife, mother and cancer survivor to commit suicide.

“Ann Romney, go kill yourself,” Miller wrote in her Twitter feed. Her sentiments were joined in by an individual identified simply as Connor, who wrote; “Ann romney: Kill yourself.”

Their calls were joined by poster JERSEY Omerta OO7 who asked: “Why does Ann Romney act like an average mom? B**ch kill yourself, you had maids take care of your f***ing kids.”
WTF, is that an albino rhino in your profile picture?

I'm sorry but I prefer to live in the 21 century not the 19th. Unions add ZERO value and anyone that believes in the value of a union, well that person is living in 1930 or is morally bankrupt that they need protection from themselves