Liberal professors admit to openly discriminating against conservative peers


Literotica Guru
Jan 22, 2012
Should we be surprised that there is open discrimination against conservatives in academia?

By Christine Rousselle, on Aug 08, 2012

Well this came as a bit of a shock. A new study by Yoel Inbar and Joris Lammers , two psychologists from the Netherlands, found that liberal professors admitted they would discriminate against openly conservative peers in both hiring and in advancement.

Even the authors of the study were surprised by the candid responses provided by the professors. Inbar (a former Obama campaign volunteer) stated that, “Usually you have to be pretty tricky to get people to say they’d discriminate against minorities.”

This study is troubling for a variety of reasons, and provides a unique glimpse into the mind of the average college professor.

The first cause for concern is the open way in which professors said they would discriminate against a conservative colleague. If a professor admitted they would openly discriminate against a colleague who was a certain religion/ethnicity, they would be fired and black listed from academe. On the other hand, discriminating against someone with a different world view is seen as socially acceptable in the modern university.

The second part of this study begs the question: What does this mean for conservative students? If their professors willingly admit that they’d discriminate against conservative professors, does this mean that they’ll also extend those prejudices out against conservative students?

The third aspect is that the study found that the professors who identified as being the most liberal and willing to discriminate, were also more likely to deny that conservatives face a hostile climate in universities. This demonstrates a cognitive dissonance amongst those professors. Clearly some sort of hostility must be faced by conservatives if they are personally discriminating against them.

With a few exceptions, conservative professors are already a rarity on college campuses. Studies have shown that an overwhelming majority of political donations from professors at America’s top university’s go to liberal candidates. Approximately 40% of the population of the United States holds conservative beliefs, but only 5% of college professors identify as conservative.

College is supposed to be a place where students learn a variety of ideas and learn how to be prepared for working in the real world. If a student never encounters the conservative viewpoint, then they are cheated of a complete education.

Discrimination against people for their skin tone, religious beliefs, or ethnic heritage is wrong and would never be tolerated. The same should be true for political ideology. If a person is a capable professor, they should be hired—regardless of their political standpoint
Should we be surprised that there is open discrimination against conservatives in academia?

Translation: If some dumbass wants to write a thesis claiming Jesus had a pet dinosaur, or that Barack Obama was boarding school roommates with Adolf Hitler, it would be "discrimination" to call him a dumbass.
Translation: If some dumbass wants to write a thesis claiming Jesus had a pet dinosaur, or that Barack Obama was boarding school roommates with Adolf Hitler, it would be "discrimination" to call him a dumbass.

you have become a first class idiot
Conservatives dont get hired as professors much because there aren't many who apply. Very few scientists are conservatives and educated people eschew conservatism as well.
Why does coach never list his source?

Besides conservatives don't like education. And when they do they fuck it up like Bobby Jindal is doing in Louisiana.
I gave up looking after the first two pages of hits about the survey are right wing sites. But it would be interesting to see the actual survey. A lot of the statements in the articles are very vague.
Is this supposed to be a surprise?

Is there anyplace where people of influence think those who disagree with their worldview should be singled out for hiring and promotion?
Seems to me that the same defense for preventing blacks, women, jews, and homosexuals is in play here, the old 'X can't be a good candidate for that position because [insert prejudice here]. Being conservative on a college campus is akin to carrying Bubonic plague to many professors, who also associate conservative values to present and former active duty military students, ROTC members, etc. It's a case that the DOJ should look into, but we all know how that works.... Just look at how the 'Group of 88' at Duke went after the Lacrosse team when faced with a false rape claim... disgracing themselves and their brand of liberalism for following an agenda laced hate crime against them.
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My Intro to Economics professor was a conservative and no one discriminated against him, well, some Repubs did after he wrote a paper calling "trickle down economics" total garbage.
My Intro to Economics professor was a conservative and no one discriminated against him, well, some Repubs did after he wrote a paper calling "trickle down economics" total garbage.

That would make that particular professor one of only about 5% of the university hires that were conservative..... how do you feel about having been given 95% of your education from a politically motivated liberal viewpoint of your faculty? Would you find a problem if you once had a black professor, knowing that thousands of other well qualified blacks had been pushed aside, and you had gotten the opportunity to hear from the token they let slip thru to appear 'diverse'?
That would make that particular professor one of only about 5% of the university hires that were conservative..... how do you feel about having been given 95% of your education from a politically motivated liberal viewpoint of your faculty?

If they are teaching political science, then I'd have a problem with it - but if they are teaching calculus, physics or English Lit - then who cares?
If they are teaching political science, then I'd have a problem with it - but if they are teaching calculus, physics or English Lit - then who cares?

Such as the English Lit assignment my daughter got for an assignment to describe their rights, and what the liberal authors of history had done for the civil rights of gays and blacks.... that kind of 'who cares'? Liberals are intent on taking any and all avenues to advance their agenda, and to make it look 'mainstream'. I doubt there was ever a class in my list of many that the professors ideology wasn't a prosyletized point in the syllabus.. to include calulus and physics.
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Such as the English Lit assignment my daughter got for an assignment to describe their rights, and what the liberal authors of history had done for the civil rights of gays and blacks.... that kind of 'who cares'? Liberals are intent on taking any and all avenues to advance their agenda, and to make it look 'mainstream'.

I think I'm speaking for most of the board again when I say, "What?"
I think I'm speaking for most of the board again when I say, "What?"

Same professor invited members of the Democratic representation to the NC legislature as 'guest speakers', until I insisted on also inviting Sen Jesse Helms (our Senator at that time). That caused them to get pissed and stop.
Such as the English Lit assignment my daughter got for an assignment to describe their rights, and what the liberal authors of history had done for the civil rights of gays and blacks.... that kind of 'who cares'? Liberals are intent on taking any and all avenues to advance their agenda, and to make it look 'mainstream'. I doubt there was ever a class in my list of many that the professors ideology wasn't a prosyletized point in the syllabus.

I'd love to see this English Lit assignment. It sounds more like an exercise in Poly Sci
I think I'm speaking for most of the board again when I say, "What?"

*views post*

he means

the LIB "Pro Fess orz"

diminsh all actions by DEAD WHITE MALES

and skew everything in teh direction





Such as the English Lit assignment my daughter got for an assignment to describe their rights, and what the liberal authors of history had done for the civil rights of gays and blacks.... that kind of 'who cares'? Liberals are intent on taking any and all avenues to advance their agenda, and to make it look 'mainstream'. I doubt there was ever a class in my list of many that the professors ideology wasn't a prosyletized point in the syllabus.. to include calulus and physics.

You don't understand what the "lit" bit of English Lit means, do you, Mensaboy? And how exactly does one go about politicising calculus? "Integrate this curve in a left wing fashion"?
You don't understand what the "lit" bit of English Lit means, do you, Mensaboy? And how exactly does one go about politicising calculus? "Integrate this curve in a left wing fashion"?

Didn't you know that Differential Equations was created to make the Right look dumb?