Liberal Males Weak Sisters...

Michael Bang Petersen


Daniel Sznycer


They just made that up so they didn't get their lunch money taken away from them.

Although individual differences in upper body strength were ancestrally consequential in conflicts of interest, and continues to be relevant in many interpersonal disputes today, physical strength is objectively irrelevant to the personal payoffs of particular distributional schemes at the national level: National policies on issues like redistribution are determined by anonymous voting, electoral representation and the numerical power of the factions in the legislature. Furthermore, they are enforced by the state rather that by self. Yet our results demonstrate that physically weak males are more reluctant to assert their self-interest—just as if disputes over national policies were a matter of direct physical confrontation among small numbers of individuals, rather than abstract electoral dynamics among millions.

A backhanded way of calling what vette considers 'conservatives', knuckle-draggers.

The Paper
So if you have good upper body strength you think the Church should dictate legislation, heavily censor ALL media and dictate what people should listen to, along with how/who they fuck, what they eat, what kind of drugs they can take, how many kids they can have, how their doctor provides care to them...etc etc.

Oh what about the conservative belief that the gov should be taking as much of the middle class/poor's money and handing it to the privileged elite as long as it has nothing to do with helping people or providing for the well being of the community(that would be dirty socialism)??

What about the environment? Upper body strength = strip mine and back fill with toxic waste?? Conservatives love that shit...

Sorry vette....I can still crank out 70 push ups like a joke, and I'm pretty fucking far from supporting any of those things.
In line with their hypotheses, the data revealed that wealthy men with high upper-body strength were less likely to support redistribution, while less wealthy men of the same strength were more likely to support it.

Anyone see a problem here?
So why do all these big strong guys think they need a gun for personal protection?
Tell it to science.:D

Oh no...I buy it in general...

All those window licking jocks from HS screaming and wailing about GAWD ALLMITAH!!! yea I went to HS in Texas...totally see it.

I'm just a black sheep I suppose, I just don't see using the gov to cram my religion up everyone's ass and rob them while talking out the side of your mouth about small government as a masculine thing.

Jumping out of an airplane hoping for the chance to split your enemy's skull open with your battle axe just before you defile his civilization, take his wealth and laugh at the lamentations of his women and children??

Yea...that's pretty macho......but I only know one bad ass who has done that, except he used an E tool...fuckin gangster ass Platoon SGT, best part? Flaming homosexual....chopped a fuckin' rag head into pieces with a god damn E TOOL!! now that's macho gangster bad ass at it's finest and by far the most hardcore thing I ever saw anyone do.
This from an older man that drives a Corvette. We ALL know what that means.
Redistribution of wealth is but one aspect of one's political philosophy. There's nothing about physical strength that should explain why someone wouldn't believe in climate change, or favor prayer in schools.

The study also doesn't account for why people tend to become more conservative as they get older, which if anything would imply a negative relationship between strength and conservatism.

But I think people intuitively sense that there might be something to what this study is saying. Think about all the asshole jocks you knew in high school--can you picture that any of them turned out to be liberals, assuming they have any political views at all?

Someone who is secure about their opinions and about themselves generally shouldn't really care. Someone who is perpetually insecure about their masculinity, on the other hand, would probably be more apt to trumpet this study as proof of their validity as a male. Hypothetically and shit.
Redistribution of wealth is but one aspect of one's political philosophy. There's nothing about physical strength that should explain why someone wouldn't believe in climate change, or favor prayer in schools.

The study also doesn't account for why people tend to become more conservative as they get older, which if anything would imply a negative relationship between strength and conservatism.

But I think people intuitively sense that there might be something to what this study is saying. Think about all the asshole jocks you knew in high school--can you picture that any of them turned out to be liberals, assuming they have any political views at all?

Someone who is secure about their opinions and about themselves generally shouldn't really care. Someone who is perpetually insecure about their masculinity, on the other hand, would probably be more apt to trumpet this study as proof of their validity as a male. Hypothetically and shit.

Maybe boneheaded jock never get any better and eventually become Litcons.