Letters from the Perverse


Really Really Experienced
Feb 21, 2006
Aaron Holleran had worked at the same company, doing the same job, seeing the same people for over twenty years. For the past thirteen years he had been coming to the same station, at the same time, every morning of every day that he worked. This would be the last time.

Seven years after he started his new job at Colisco Cloud Design as the Director of Storage, his wife Abigail had insisted on a new house and a new car in the new part of town. He had always liked the old house with the character of disrepair. He had always liked the old station with the graffiti, the homeless, and the stench of sweat. But he had always loved Abigail more than anything, so he gave up everything else he loved to be with what he loved most.

He sat in a bench and put his brief case in his lap. The weight of the gun in the normally near-empty case was heavy on his lap. The suits hurried all around him. There a young mom bought her perfect child some candy. Here a business man-not nearly as important as he assumed-flirted with a young red-head as they got on the train. On the other side of the track two men argued loudly, their voices sounding to him between the passing train cars, like talking into a box fan.

It was the one year anniversary of Abigail's death. On year since she kissed him goodbye. They thought she was saying goodbye until she got back with milk and bread. But it was goodbye until Aaron died. It was goodbye until today.

Aaron opened his case and pulled the gun free and set it on his lap, laying the case to the side. No one noticed the gun anymore than they noticed Aaron any other day. Any more than they noticed that his wife had been dead for one year. Any more than they noticed how pointless life really was.

He lowered his head. There really is nothing wrong with a good cry on the day you die. He smiled at his unintentional rhyme. He took a deep breath. It was over, he had made up his mind, no sense in delaying.

When he opened his eyes, he saw a strange envelope on the ground below the bench. "To You/ From Me" was the only thing on the outside. He opened it to find a hand-written letter on loose leaf paper. His eyes opened wider and wider as he read the letter that saved his life.
“Here have this, I just finished reading it.”

Jayne took the book her friend held and looked down at the cover of it. A trashy romance novel she thought as that’s what her friend was always reading. But she didn’t have any time and she had a long train journey and so she put the book in her bag. Thanked her friend, gave her a hug and a kiss and ran to catch the waiting train that would take her home.

She found her seat and sat down and reached into the bag and took out the book and began to read. A hundred pages later she was enthralled in the story. It was your typical love story/good guy framed for murder/it all works out happy in the end kind of a book, where the girl and her guy communicated through letters and flowers left at various places. As she read, Jayne imagined doing just that. But she had no fugitive lover; she did not even have a lover that wasn’t a fugitive.

She would arrive soon, and then she could catch a cab and then she would be home, a bath, a glass of wine and this book would be the rest of her night. She felt her bag vibrate, her phone inside it and she opened her bag searching for her phone she took out her writing pad so that she could reach in and get her phone. Pressing a button she saw yet another email wanting her to go shopping this weekend at some store which promised a huge sale. Putting her phone back she turned to the pad and put her hand on it, meaning to put it back inside her bag instead she opened it and started to write. She did not even start with a hello, she just sat back in her mind she was writing to her lover...

' “I can feel you in me. Baby! Fuck me please!”

You can feel my muscles squeezing you. Tightening and releasing. I looked up into your eyes as I groaned. I know you can feel my approaching orgasm. I nearly screamed in frustration at your slow withdrawal from deep inside me.

When you plunged your cock, almost painfully into me, I did scream. I screamed and I started to cum.

You fell on me. You kissed my lips hard. You fucked me with long stroking thrusts, dragging across my clit and making me feel another clenching inside. I could feel your cock expand inside me. You were pushing so hard into me all I could do was grunt as you fucked me.

I locked my ankles tight and firmly behind your ass. You started to cum. You’re cum felt so warm and hot as it dripped down out of me, joining my own wetness in a puddle beneath my ass. '

It was just a single page, not a long letter and as she put her pen away she looked at the piece of paper. Either she shut the pad and put it back in her bag or she tore the piece of paper free. Jayne tore it free and then went back to her bag. She had been collecting receipts in order to do her expenses and she had put them all in an envelope from the hotel she had stayed in. Emptying the envelope she put the letter, just the single piece of paper folded once in the middle into the envelope and bringing it up to her mouth she sealed the envelope shut.

For the rest of the trip the envelope was on the table right in front of her.

The train arrived and Jayne gathered her things and stood, reaching back she took hold of the envelope holding it in her hand as she stepped off the train looking at the dark platform and seeing all the other passengers filing towards the exit. Jayne took the train every day to and from the office. She stood on this platform each morning waiting for the train into the city. She started walking towards the exit and then she saw the benches. Coming up onto them she stopped at the first one and sat down reaching for her bag she took out her phone and checked some emails she had already read but really all she was doing was waiting for the last of the passengers to leave the platform.

She looked at the envelope, folding it in half she turned and looked around and saw that she could wedge it into the back of the bench right at the end. The envelope in half she pushed it between the frame and the back of the bench, sliding it in just enough so about half an inch of the white envelope was visible. Letting go of it she grabbed her bag and carried on walking, glancing back at the bench numerous times though she kept telling herself to just leave the envelope there.

Jayne walked out of the station, found her car and drove home, that night she drank half a bottle of red wine finished the book her friend had given her only earlier that day and gone to bed. It was only the next morning when she was up and getting dressed on her way to the station did she start to wonder if the envelope would still be there or not.
After reading the letter, Aaron looked around to make sure no one was watching him. This was likely a prank. If it was, the prankster would be watching. The people milling around him had changed since he sat, but the scene was still the same. People were loud, people were in the way, but no people watched him. He read the letter again. He felt blood surging to places that had remained untouched a little more than one year. He shifted on the bench, becoming more and more uncomfortable confined in his pants, as he read the letter a fourth time.

After his sixth reading, he crumpled the letter in his hand. Who are you? he thought. With the gun back in his bag, and the letter crumpled in his hand Aaron stood. His train arrived, but he did not step on. He had not intended to ride that train today; he was suppose to be dead right now. There was no way he was going into the office. He pulled out his phone and sent a text to his boss then he collapsed back onto the bench.

His stomach churned, like it was filled with icy, rolling marbles. His blood pooled in his groin and torso causing his extremities to shiver. He could not remember a time he was so cold on a warm day. He uncrumpled the letter and read it again. On the seventh reading his flesh screamed against his zipper. He took his bag and the letter to the men's room.

The last stale was unoccupied, and Aaron hurried in, dropped his pants, and sat. His hard cock pointed to his face invitingly, like a greeting from a lost and forgotten friend. He held the letter with his left hand and read the words again, wrapping his right hand around his shaft. He had forgotten how right everything felt with his hand gently stroking his enlarged member. He read the words over and over and over, lightly stroking himself the whole time.

Soon he felt the approach of a sensation that felt almost original, an orgasm. A loud grunt escaped his lungs as semen spewed from the fat head of his cock. A few men laughed outside the stall, but Aaron did not care. He had just cum for the first time in 368 days, His cock hurt from the unexpected actoin. It felt like his uretha had been stretched from the inside. He unrolled some toilet paper and cleaned his mess before letting his head fall backward and just breathing.

He wanted to return the favor for whoever the nameless and faceless stranger. He thought about waiting all day for someone to look suspicious checking the area around the bench, but he dismissed that idea quickly. There was only one way that would turn out good and countless ways it would be bad. It might be a very gorgeous and inviting woman who would be eager to chat with a man who just masturbated to her words, but the odds were much higher that the author would be something different, a man, a handicapped woman, an ugly woman, a woman who screams with embarrassment as he approached, or the worst, a child. but he had to offer a thanks somehow while minimizing his risks.

He smiled as a strangley exciting and obvious idea tickled his brain. He would return the favor literally and exactly. He pulled a pad of paper and a pen from his bag and sat on the toilet with the seat building a red indention on his ass cheeks as he wrote the return letter.

It took you long enough. I was almost tired of waiting. You forget sometimes that your pussy is my property. Your ass is my property. Your lovely lips that look so good when you sip your morning coffiee leaving that sexy trace of red on the lid where thos lips had been... those lips are my property, too. He paused for a moment and looked around. Why the hell was this making him so nervous. He spun the pen in his fingers then continued.

My cock lives in you, dreams of you, cums on you, cums in you. You are my cum slut. After today, every waking moment of every day, you will be lost in reverie about ways to please me as I find way to increasingly please you.

Your cunt screams I love you as it squeezes me. My cock screams I love you as I flood you with my seed. I am going to put my baby inside you.

Aaron folded the letter before reading it. He knew his words were awful and sure not to make anyone the lease bit horny, nauseous maybe, but never horny. He had not tried to write any erotic words since he and Abigail had been newlyweds and he left her letters on the bed every day when he left for work.

But this did not matter. He put his letter into the same envelop and returned the envelope to the same exact place he had found it and left the station. When he was half-way up the exit stairs he realized something surprising... he was whistling. An hour ago he had been ready to put a barrell in his mouth and pull the trigger, but, now, he whistled with a freshly-cumming cock in his pants.
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She was running late. The alarm had gone off only she had hit snooze one too many times. Jayne had rushed at getting ready, grabbing a quick mug of coffee and a barely toasted piece of bread on the way out of the door as she made her way to the station. She had meetings all day today and she knew it was going to be a long hard day and it had not started off great with her sleeping in. And of course because she was later then usual the traffic was worse and when she got to the parking lot she had to park further away then she usually did. At least it wasnt raining Jayne thought to herself as she walked through the rows and rows of cars. Just as she was getting to the top of the parking lot and the entrance to the station she saw the train coming into it. She mumbled to herself and started to run, a few others doing the same all hoping to catch the train that was just now pulling to a stop at the platform.

It was only when she got to the platform that she stopped, the train too had just stopped and the bigger then usual crowd of people was waiting to get on it. Jayne stood waiting her turn and something caught her eye and she glanced down and saw someone sat down on one of the benches. Strange she thought everyone else was pushing to get on the train and there was one person just sitting there. Just as she was about to push the thought out of her head Jayne suddenly remembered the letter and the bench and suddenly she had completely forgotton about the train.

The bench she had wedged the envelope in was not too far and she thought she could see something white there and just as people started to climb onto the train Jayne walked fast down to the bench. As she approached she saw the envelope, the same envelope that she put there last night, but not quite as high up as she had put it. Without thinking she reached down and took it putting it into her bag and then ran and managed to slip onto the train just before the doors closed.

The train was more full then it was earlier in the morning when she normally went. As a result the letter stayed in her bag but she could not help thinking about it. Was it the same letter? Was it a letter from someone else in reply? She knew one thing for sure, that the envelope was the one she had used. She knew that from seeing her writing on the front of it. The letter, for now, would have to wait until she had some time to read it. Jayne certainly did not want her fellow passengers reading it over her shoulder. And so letter in bag Jayne rode the train into the city. Getting into her office she took the envelope out of her bag and held it in her hand just as her boss walked into her office. Putting the envelope in the drawer of her desk Jayne started her long boring day of meetings.
After leaving the station, Aaron stepped into the light and smiled up at the sun with his eyes closed. He was alive. A hotdog stand was just opening on the sidewalk. Aaron use to get a hotdog every day it seemed, but he had not had one in long enough for him to have no idea when it was. He got a Chicago style dog and sat at a near bench enjoying the morning.

He noticed things this morning that he had overlooked for what seemed like a countless number of years. A group of young girls in checkered little skirts giggled about young girl things as they walked by. Aaron would have seen the girls if this had been yesterday, but he would have ignored the creamy skin of their soft legs. He would have overlooked the way the skirts rose and fell as they walked. He never would have cared that the breeze lifted the tallest girl's skirt making her panties visible for the briefest but most beautiful of moments.

A raven-haired woman in a black skirt and white blouse sat on the bench beside him. Her yorki lay at her feet and looked at Aaron. The woman was busy on the phone, but she offered Aaron a smile when he bent to pet the yorki. It was a very attractive woman, and she seemed powerful somehow. Every hair was in place, every piece of every garment rested on or hung from her body with a purposeful precision. Her world existed the wat she chose for her world to exist.

She crossed her legs, revealing the underside of the thigh closest to him. Her legs were as fit and perfect as everything else on Ms. Raven Hair. She lowered her voice and turned to the side to disguise her words from Aaron.

"I am busy tonight." ... "No." ... "No, not by then." ... "Listen, Mike, I sucked your dick. I will probably suck your dick again, but, when and if I do, it will be when I choose to suck your dick. Trying to talk me into it will only delay the decision." ... "No" .. "Oh, yes, that would be nice." ... "Maybe, I will ask Stacy if..." The rest of the conversation was lost as she stood and strolled away with a happy yorki following.

Aaron watched her walk away, the tight cheeks of her ass rising and falling opposite each other. Aaron thought again about the letter he had left below the bench. I will pout a baby in you? What the fuck was he thinking? It must have been nerves.

Laughing at himself, he left to retrieve the letter. He decided he would not leave a letter for whoever wrote the first one, that had been a very silly idea. It must have been a kid being funny, not a sexy woman.

He entered the station and found the bench quickly, but there was no letter beneath it.
Jayne did not even know where the day had gone too. Meeting followed meeting. Conference calls followed meetings. Lunch? What was that, Jayne thought to herself. It was dark, she was riding the late train home. She was tired mentally drained and now she felt the grumbling in her tummy that told her she was also hungry.

The train pulled into the station and the doors opened and Jayne stepped out onto the platform and felt the drops of water. Holding her hands out as if needing some further clarification the rain hit her hands and she suddenly quicked her pace, 'great!' she thought to herself as she walked across the now mainly desserted parking lot to her car, which at this time of night was the furthest away and sat all on its own. The one good thing about being this late was that the traffic was light.

Finally home, Jayne slipped out of her shoes and walked straight into the kitchen. On the counter a half open bottle of wine was and she opened the dishwasher, taking a glass out of it she poured herself a big glass of the wine. Walking through her apartment with it she headed for the bathroom for her big tub. Turning on the water, bath salts poured in she watched as the water turned a deep blue green color and then went to her bedroom.

Naked she returned to the bathroom seeing the water slowly filling the tub and she hesitatnly dipped one foot into it to test the temperature. Finding it nicely warm Jayne was just about to climb in when her tummy reminded her of something. Food! She thought to herself and walked back, finding her bag she opened it as she searched for her phone. As soon as she did she saw the envelope and suddenly she remembered seeing it there this morning. She took it, took her phone and went back to her bath.

Sat in the bath Jayne dialed the local Thai place ordering her usual chicken pad thai and glancing at the time, 20 minutes they would be at her door. She set her phone down and then she reached for the envelope. Laying in the bath she looked at the envelope. Holding it out she didnt even know if when she opened it she might be reading what she wrote. Flipping it open she opened it and took out a piece of paper and even doing that she knew it was not her letter. She had written her letter on blank paper and this piece had lines ruled across it. In an instant she was both excited and nervous. She threw the envelope across the floor of the bathroom and slowly unfolded the paper. She saw a strangers handwriting.

Jayne read the words. She then read them again. After the third reading she lay there holding the letter up glancing over it each time she did her eyes went to some of the words, "pussy" "cock" "cum" "slut". She read it again, and again. And Jayne felt herself aroused just from reading the strangers words. She read it again as one hand slipped under the water and slide down her body and her fingers slipped between her legs. She read it again and her fingers were gently rubbing and teasing herself and her hand slipped up cupping the hot water and pouring it over her breasts and she touched her nipples and felt how hard they were. She read it again as her hand slipped back down and her finger pressing and teasing its way, and then her finger was inside her. She read it aga...

The doorbell made her jump in shock. Water splashed up a little over the tub and with one hand holding the paper she did not want to get wet she struggled a little to get out of the tub. Finally making it she grabbed the robe from teh back of the bathroom door. Setting the piece of paper down on a shelf she quickly tied the robe and walked across the apartment. Answering the door with a smile and a slightly flushed look as she still felt the arousal from just a second ago, to a guy wearing a bike helmet and carrying her take out dinner. Fumbling for some money to pay him she left him a larger then normal tip just so she could shut the door and take the dinner and go back to the letter.
Aaron sat on the bench and lay his bag, still heavy with the weight of the gun beside him. Last time he sat here, just a bit ago, he had aimed to die. Now a nervous excitement of the unknown filled him to bursting. He had no idea who wrote the first letter. He had no diea who picked up the letter he wrote. He had no idea if they read it or tossed it. He looked around the station at the waiting and leaving passengers. He had no idea if they were watching him right now. His nervous stomach bubbled so violently that he wanted to die, but that would be too much irony for one man to take.

He left the station quickly and took his bag back to his apartment. Before he had met Abigail, he had spent a lot of time just walking- walking the city, walking the park, warking the piers- just walking. Even after Abby's death- especially after Abby's death- walking was too similar to actually doing something so he stayed home. He grabbed the letter from his bag. "You reminded me that I am still alive," he said to the crumpled piece of paper.

With letter in hand he left his apartment and strolled down 38th street to the beach wall. He sat with his feet dangling from the wall and read the letter again. He hardened again. He felt like a little teenager home from the summer and surviving a desire to masturbate to every video, game show girl, underwear commercial. He lay there with a rock bulge in his pants for a few hours, every time the rock softened all he had to do was read those words again. "Who are you?" he asked the air.

He had lunch at the little taco cart near the docks and flirted novicely with the little Latino girl making his taco. She was all smiles and gratitude when he gave her a $10 tip for the $3 tacos. He walked the city for the rest of the day, eating junk food, watching street performers, and, he had to admit, enjoying the female forms that strolled past him.

By evening, he was tired and hungry so he returned home and ordered from his favorite local Thai place. He knew the delivery guy rather well. Abby use to order Thai three times every week, and the delivery man was always Sethapong.

"Hey, Mr. Aaron," Sethapong said when Aaron opened the door. They exchanged the food for the cash and Sethapong laughed. "I almost gave my last customer her food for free. She wore nothing but a loose robe, and the robe was wet and see through in more places than it was dry. She was hot, too." Sethapong laughed.

While he ate, Aaron wished he could show up to a dripping woman's door. He looked at the letter, What would Sethapong have done if it would have been a hot little slut like you ate the door? he thought with a laugh inside.
Her heart racing from the sudden intrusion she kept the letter with her all night. Taking it from the kitchen as she put her food onto a plate with her onto the couch where it was by her side as she ate. It was only when she went to bed did she read it once more, slipping into bed naked as she read it a few times. What aroused her the most was that whoever it was that was writing to her had already taken her, in her head she imagined him as her master.

She knew the words almost off by heart now and she did not need to look at it as her hand slipped under the covers. It did not take much before her body arched up from the bed, her heels pushing into the mattress and she felt the release from her body as she came. Curled up and panting the letter resting on the pillow by hers she laid there looking at it. But instead of turning the light off and going to sleep she got up rummaging through her bag she found her note pad and pen and took it back to bed.

My pussy is your property.

My ass is your property.

My lips are your property.

I am your cum slut. No one has ever called me that before and I have read it over and over and every time I read it, it excites me to read it, to think of you calling me that.

I want your cock inside me.

I want you to make me scream.

I want to feel your seed.

Writing this is making me horny; tell me what to do…

The pad fell to the bed, a second orgasm followed very quickly after and Jayne slept, and slept well that night. Waking as the alarm went off the music on the local radio station played and she opened her eyes seeing the letter, the pad and the pen on the bed next to her.

Jayne read over what she had written the night before and tore off the paper folding it once she slipped it back into the original envelope as she went to shower. The words from it stuck in her head she soon found herself leaning up against the corner of the shower and panting hard and trying to catch her breathe from a third hard orgasm in the last 12 hours. Now rushing to get ready, dressing, grabbing a coffee and the envelope it sat on the passenger seat as she drove and nearly forgetting it she took it as she walked to the station.

The platform was empty. That meant one thing, she had missed the train. She turned and the bench was empty and so she walked over sitting on the end, holding the envelope in her hand and smiling as she saw her own words on the front of it. She was a little surprised when only a minute or two later another train appeared, going to stand up Jayne folded the envelope, wedged it the end of the bench in exactly the same place as she had left the first and boarded the train. There was even a seat free and she sat looking at the envelope, seeing the bench watching it until the train pulled out of the station and for the entire length of the journey she sat there wondering if it would still be there when she got back tonight.
Anyone who knew Aaron would describe his life as broken since Abby's death. For the past year he had been able to do mostly nothing correctly. But there was one thing he had become expert at since losing his wife, and that was sleep. Aaron had been spending more hours asleep than awake, and the walking hours were only waking hours in the strictest sense of the word.

Aaron forgot that sleep was suppose to come easy for him when he tossed and turned in his bed. The restlessness came partly from the Thai food that he knew not to eat so late, but mostly it came from the unending desire to masturbate. His painfully erect cock continuously wanted to spray seed, and after his fourth climax of the evening, after jacking off several times already that day, he forced himself to sit still and quiet with his eyes closed. But he was still awake and still stiff when his alarm screamed at him at 6:00 AM.

He rolled out of bed and shook his head. It was going to be a long day.The crumpled letter called to him from its space beside the alarm clock. He read through those words, so simple and so beautiful. His bursting cock twitched at the words again, and he tried to have another go, but his tool was too exhausted and... raw? He had not had that sensation since he was a teenager, but he could see the evidence of the overexertion from the irritated red areas along the shaft.

He showered and readied himself as quickly as he could, but his sleep-deprived body did not move very fast. Dressed, ready, with a freshly lotioned cock, he left his home and walked fast to the station. He ran down the station to see the final passengers of his train boarding. He jostled to the rear of the boarding line then glanced back at the bench. Don't do it, he thought.

The wiser part of him knew that the letter had been a one off thing. He had managed to get his jollies for one day, and he was thankful for it, but it would never be a continuous correspondence. He turned back to the train as he neared closer. But what if?

Maybe she, granted he used that pronoun in an attempt to maintain sanity, he had no guarantee that the letter writer was female, did write a letter? What then? Someone else would find it, someone else would replay, someone else would still his little cumslut. The last thought made him chuckle to himself, but it also made him leave the passenger line.

When he got to the bench, the last passengers were boarding. He saw the envelope. The same white corner emerged from the crack beside the bench. He glanced back to the train. In a full sprint, he could make it, and he could not afford to be late; he had not pulled his weight the past year, and Mrs. Jenkins would like nothing better than to fire his ass.

He grabbed the letter, and ran for the train, just making it. He held the letter in his hands looking at the envelope the whole ride to work. He did not want to read it. His imagination had the letter writer offering whatever he wanted, begging for his approval. He knew reality could never compare.

Once in his office, he closed the door. He sat at his desk, looking out his 6th floor window with the envelope in his hand. Waiting over, he opened and read. He had been incorrect, reality definitely trumped his imagination.

She volunteered herself to him. Idiot, you told her she was yours "I will," he whispered aloud when he read her request for him to make her scream. His eyes widened and the corners of his mouth moved up when he read her last words. She had asked him to tell her what to do. I am her instructor. His smile broadened as every teacher/student fantasy flooded his mind. He read the letter again. No, not instructor. She wants me as her fucking Master.

His cock beat drums in his pants, and he shifted in his seat. He read the letter once more. HIs embarrassment was gone, and it was replaced with a surge of adrenaline. He wanted to bounce around the room like a superball with his cock in his hand when a knock came at his door.

"Mr. Holleran," knock knock knock "It is Mrs. Jenkins. I need to talk with you a moment."

In a step of bravery, Aaron lay the letter face up on his desk and stood. He noticed the tent in his slacks as he walked to the door, but he didn't care. "Yes, Mrs. Jenkins." He opened the door to let her in.

"There have been some-" Her eyes fell to the bulge in his pants and she stammered. "Some people- It has been- I don't-" She turned to face the window and finished her sentence. "You have missed too much work lately. Yesterday, we released the new version the Out Tracker. You are responsible for all network stability. You should have been here Aaron." She still faced the window.

"Something came up." He turned the picture of Abby face down on his desk.. He did not want her to watch was he was about to do. For moral support he glanced to the letter from his cumslut. "Something more important than anything you have for me, Mrs. Jenkins." Her shoulders shook in annoyance at his response.

Without turning she said, "Aaron, I think-"

"Call me Mister."

Mrs. Jenkins spun to face him fast enough for her medium length skirt to fly up around her waist. Aaron saw the skimpy pink panties before the skirt fell. "What did you say?" Her eyes fell back to the tent at his crotch.

Aaron stepped toward her. "I said for you to call me Mister. You can use Master instead, if you wish, but I thought Mister would be more appropriate in the work environment, don't you?"

"You are fired." Her eyes were still on his crotch.

"Ok," Aaron said with a laugh, "if I am fired, I won't have any confliction about giving that vide to your husband."

"What video?"

"The one of you blowing, Dr. Pierce." There had long been a rumor that somethign had gone on between the two of them. Aaron had no video, but he could tell by the blood draining from her face that she believed he could. "You see, Mrs. Jenkins, I have certain privledges that allow me access to some information." He patted his desk. "Bend over here. You need to be punished for your indescretion."

Mrs. Jenkins crossed her arms over her chest. "I will do no such think, Aaron." She stressed the last word. "You need to leave the premises right now." She grabbed her phone. "I am calling security."

"Think they will get here before this text is sent?" Aaron grabbed his phone, and Mrs. Jenkins lowered hers.

"What do you want?" She asked.

"I told you to bend over."


Ten minutes later, Aaron sat at his desk reading the letter again. His palm still burned from the spanking he had delivered to Mrs. Jenkins. He shook his hand every few seconds to cool it. What do I want my cumslut to do for me?

He removed his cock and stroked it with his burning palm. He wanted confirmation about who was writing these letters, but, at the same time, he was enjoying the mystery. Maybe it is Mrs. Jenkins he thought with a laugh. Then his eyes brightened. "Yes!" he said out loud.

He set up one of his cameras in his office and set back in his chair. He could see the footage on the screen in his office. The camera was adjusted perfect. His face was not in the picture, but his throbbing and veiny cock was. He started stroking it. With the excitement of the day, it did not take him long to reach completion. With semen scattered up his belly he walked to the camera, his cock bouncing on the screen, and turned it off.

Pulling out pencil and paper, he began writing his next note:

I am pleased that you accept your new position with so much zeal. I am leaving you a present. Please watch the video on the enclosed CD. I want one of the same from you. I want you to scream my name when you cum. My name is Master Aaron

Aaron felt beside himself as he rushed to the station. The train could not move fast enough. Once at his stop, he raced to the bench, left the note, and strolled home whistling again.
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She had watched the bench disappear from her view. She had thought about the letter the entire train journey and then a day of meetings and calls and meetings had kept her busy. It was late again when she finally left as she walked slowly to the station. Even as she sat on the bench her Blackberry was going off and she was still answering emails when she got off the train at her station. It almost felt like she was on auto-pilot and she almost walked right out of the station before she remembered and then she turned back around, almost walking into the person behind her walking back to the platform as if she had forgotten something.

At this time of night the platform was empty and she walked and saw the bench and saw the white of the envelope and suddenly her heart quickened. She reached out for it and took it and turned back and it was as she was walking that she felt its contents. She squeezed at the envelope and her heart beat even faster. Not just a piece of paper something harder and as she walked she opened it and looked inside and saw the shiny roundness of a cd in the envelope.

In her car she opened the letter and read the sentence that was written on it and she held the cd in her hand, putting both back in the envelope and the envelope in her bag and she drove home. Once home she showered and poured a small glass of wine as she took the cd looking at it, blank she turned it over in her hands and looked at the writing once more. “Aaron” she said out loud to herself. “Well hello Master Aaron, nice to meet you.”
Aaron sat in his living room watching an old episode of Seinfeild and reasding the most recent letter from his secret slut. His cock bulged in his pants, but that seemed a constant thing now, Last week, he could not even remember what it was like to have an erection, but now he was starting to forget what it was like to be limp.

Knock, knock, knock.

Aaron opened the door. Mrs. Jenkins stood there wearing a skirt and blouse that buttoned in the front. She breathed deeply with wide eyes- a general look of fear. "Can I come in?" she asked. Aaron raised an eyebrow at the unexpected visit, but Mrs Kenkins took it as a reprimand and lowered her head. "Sir. Can I come in, Sir," she finished. Aaron's cock throbbed. He backed from the door and closed it behind her after she entered.

"Why are you here?"

Mrs. Jenkins looked around the room for a moment then turned back to Aaron and lowered her head. "I should be punished," she said. "After you spa- After seeing you today, I thought about how I have treated you the past year. I know that-"

"Shut the fuck up," Aaron said. "Why do you think your reasons matter to me." Aaron's heart raced. "Touch your toes and keep your legs straight." Eric removed his belt as she complied with his instructions. The hem of her skirt rose slowly as she bent.

When the hem inched above her crotch, her simple white cotton panties revealed a wetness seeping through. Aaron hooked a finger through the crotch of her panties and felt her wet pussy on the knuckles of his finger. "What the fuck is this?" He pulled the panties away from her pussy as far as he could and released them, The elastic popped them back against her damp skin. "You come to my house. You ask for my help with your discipline, but you wear panties." Aaron gave her one hard smack on her ass with his palm. She yelped.

"I am sorry, you never said I need-" She was interrupted by the sting of the belt on her ass and thighs. Three quick strikes. Her tears flowed involuntarily. "I told my husband O would be right back. I was in a hurry."

Another swat. Another yelp. "New rule, Mrs. Jenkins. You are disallowed from wearing panties in my presence." The way that skirt hung on the top of her ass while he spanked her was one of the sexiest things he had ever seen. "And skirt. You must always wear a skirt."

"People will see my pussy at work. I can't." She cried, but she also panted.

"Yes, that is very likely." Aaron threw down the belt and rubbed her ass gently with his palm. "I may even instruct you to give a show to some of the guys at work. Hell, did you know that Henry Corker is still a virgin?" Henry was a sloppy fat developer. His desk was littled with empty chip bags and empty soda cans. The man was ugly, he stank, and there was really nothing attractive about him, but he could write the hell out of code. "Don't you feel bad knowing there is a grown man who is a virgin who you see every day." He swatted her with his palm. "I will surely have you fuck him."

Mrs. Jenkins continued her sob, but managed to speak, "Ok, sir, whatever you say." The dampness soaked her panties now and dripped down her thighs. "My husband is the only man I have ever been with, though."

Aaron stuck his finger inside Mrs Jenkins. Her pussy spasmed around the strange intrusion. He unzipped and his cock sprang free and bounced off Mrs Jenkins tight ass. She gasped. Aaron pulled her panties to the side and pushed himself into her. His balls swung and bounced off her clit when he could penetrate no further. "Has he ever been this deep?"

Mrs. Jenkins shook and moaned. Her legs became wobbly and Aaron held her straight with the hands on her ass. He enjoyed the heat surrounding his cock. It had been so long. Pulling back for his next thrust, his eyes went to the letter on his end table and felt a twinge of guilt he did not understand. He pulled from her completely and zipped.

"Go back to your little hubby, stupid little slut. I should like to fuck you in the morning." He pushed her out the door and closed it. He hoped he had a letter from his loving cumslut tomorrow.
Jayne took the cd and put it in clicking on the icon she sat back her laptop on her lap and watched. She gasped as the image appeared on the screen for the first time and she sat there stunned watching. She watched him cum and then watched it a second time and then she looked back at the note he had written.

In her room she worked out the best angle. She had aimed the camera at the bed, atop the tripod, slightly zoomed in. After testing the clarity, she had succumbed to nervousness and drank the wine, poured another, and finished the second as quickly as the first. After fortifying herself with a third glass Jayne went into the bedroom.

She stripped out of her clothes and hopped in the shower. After the shower she rummaged through her closet, wondering what outfit she should choose. She found a tight black miniskirt, she impulsively pulled it on, choosing to go bare underneath. She put on a lacy bra, and completed the outfit with a tight red tank top. The bra covered more of her breasts than the tank top, but when she looked at herself in the mirror, she found she quite liked the slutty image she was presenting.

She walked to the camera and turned it on and walked back into the camera’s range. She began to sway slightly, her hands moved up to her hair, and she ran them through, in what she hoped was a seductive manner. She turned to the side and bent down, running one hand up her legs. She looked into the camera and grabbed the base of her shirt. She slowly began lifting it up, exposing her stomach slightly dancing to the music. Lifting the shirt higher, exposing the bottom of her lacy bra. She pulled the shirt off completely and stared at the camera with innocence. Jayne bent forward and pressed her breasts together. The strained against the bra, and she slowly pulled back. She rubbed her breasts longer, feeling the nipples press against the thin material. She smiled at the camera and turned away. Back towards the camera, she reached up and unclasped her bra. She pulled the straps off, and held the bra in front of her chest, still covering her nipples. She turned back towards the camera and let the bra slowly fall away.

Jayne closed her eyes and stepped back, she began rolling her right nipple gently between her fingers. Her left hand continued to explore other parts of her body, moving from stomach to hair to neck, and back to her chest again. She switched hands, and worked on her left nipple, tweaking it to full arousal.

Bringing her hands down to her waist, her thumbs hooking inside of her skirt and pushed the skirt down all the way, and spread her legs slightly apart. She moved her hands around her body, working her breasts again for a few minutes, and teasing other parts of her body gently. She brought one hand down to cup her pussy, and she held the hand there, slightly rotating, feeling the heat already. She smiled into the camera and closed her eyes. She stood facing the camera, completely naked, and she let out a soft sigh.

Jayne moved back to the bed and sat on its edge. She spread her legs, and faced the camera deliberately. She placed her hand directly over her pussy and began rubbing carefully. She stared into the camera while she slowly masturbated for him. She felt a relief release inside of her, she was glad to be doing this, for him, and for herself. She picked up the pace as her fingers pressed harder against her lips.

She spread her legs farther apart, and lowered her hand, teasing herself slowly pulling it out and pushing it back in again carefully. She eased a second finger inside of herself and stared at the camera.

She picked up the pace and began rubbing her clit with her thumb, the hard nub of flesh sending tingles to her spine. Jayne tossed her head back, and pushed her hips against her hand, trying to capture the simulation of fucking. She fingered herself in silence for a few more minutes, until she felt her body start to respond, a wave of warmth and anticipation began building. Jayne felt her orgasm approaching, and she pinched her breasts hard, causing the pain to mingle with the pleasure. She felt the raw sexuality burning her body, and she moaned loudly with her eyes closed. She rubbed her clit harder as the orgasm neared, she bit her lip to keep from crying out. She whimpered into the empty bedroom as her orgasm began.

“Oh fuck, I’m going to cum for you Master Aaron,” she moaned into the air, and then her words trailed off into loud whimpering as she twitched on the bed.

Her whole body shook once, her clit burned and she cried out again, a wordless expression of pleasure. Her body burned, pleasure shocked through every nerve ending, warmth enveloped her, her face red with exertion and her body glowing with a faint sheen of perspiration. She felt flushed and sweaty, and she smiled self-consciously into the camera.

She stood up shakily and walked to the camera. She checked the readouts, it was still recording perfectly, and she found the small stop button. She visited the bathroom, and returned to the empty bedroom feeling extremely tired. She crawled under the covers and fell asleep almost immediately.

The next morning she woke to the alarm. The cd was on the table, on the envelope that he had enclosed his. She had no alcohol in her system now and there were several times that morning when she was asking herself what she was doing. Getting to the station she sat on the bench and waited for the train. When it did come she reached into her bag, she stared at the envelope and quickly folded it and wedged it at the end of the bench. Getting up and not looking back she boarded the train, not even looking back at the bench as the train doors shut and the train pulled out of the station for the start of another day. Jayne tried to think about work but instead all she could think about was what she did last night, how much she exposed herself and now it was there on a station platform, anyone could pick it up.