Lets try this


Monkey God
Sep 23, 2002
Ive noticed numerous threads either bashing the U.S. or containing huge amounts of ant-U.S. rhetoric. Normally this would just scream "Aquila!! Please!! Jump on in here and chew on the ass of the intellectually and morally challenged."

BUT! Im in a terrific mood right now, I feel good, I feel happy, I feel satiated.

So without further ado.

I present you with my happy dance.

o/` o/` o/` o/` o/`
Happy neanderthal!
sing and dance
Happy neanderthal!
sing and dance
Happy neanderthal!
sing and dance
Happy neanderthal!
sing and dance
o/` o/` o/` o/` o/`

Dance for me baby.


*Elvis hip trust*
A good mood huh?


Hello, Mr. Accura? We understand you need legal service. At Pre-paid Legal Shit, we provide you with enough lawyers to keep your blood pressure so high that people will think red is your natural complexion.

PLS has many semi-competent attorneys to handle your every whim, whether its defending an action filed by a pre-paid legal services company when you try to weasel out of a 10 year contract or filing a complaint after you find out pre-paid isn't, we are up to finding you the slimiest lawyers who couldn't find a real job.

And, Mr. Aquino, dont try hanging up. We already got your email address for spam purposes and we will sue your ass for the injuries caused to our employee's ear by teh sound of your slamming phone......
His_kitty said:
The perfect mood to be in!
Not when your chances of getting laid are 1 in one million to the odds of winning the lotterieth power
Aquila said:
Not when your chances of getting laid are 1 in one million to the odds of winning the lotterieth power


I know that feeling.