Let's talk about our pets :)


The zoo was fun.
Sep 20, 2012
I kinda messed up another thread by going off topic just a teeny bit talking about my dog. It started with her peeing on my bed and went from there. Me: I have had my Boston Terrier for over 13 years.......almost as long as I have had my husband. She is getting on in years but still gets around good and let's me know that she still runs things around the house. I'd have it no other way after all these years. Thing is I am considering another one and was wondering about what kind of pet you have and what they have been like. :)

Where would we be sometimes without them btw? My friends are sometimes not as much comfort to me as my little one.
Ive got a Labradoodle. He is energetic and great with my kids. The smallest dog I ever owned was a Mini Schauzer. For a little dog he had a huge personality. I have aleays been a one dog owner. I agree, sometimes four legged friends are more dependable than two legged ones.
No 4-legged pets for me S-gal but I do have a pet snake. Wanna see him?
I kinda messed up another thread by going off topic just a teeny bit talking about my dog. It started with her peeing on my bed and went from there. Me: I have had my Boston Terrier for over 13 years.......almost as long as I have had my husband. She is getting on in years but still gets around good and let's me know that she still runs things around the house. I'd have it no other way after all these years. Thing is I am considering another one and was wondering about what kind of pet you have and what they have been like. :)

Where would we be sometimes without them btw? My friends are sometimes not as much comfort to me as my little one.

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I kinda messed up another thread by going off topic just a teeny bit talking about my dog. It started with her peeing on my bed and went from there. Me: I have had my Boston Terrier for over 13 years.......almost as long as I have had my husband. She is getting on in years but still gets around good and let's me know that she still runs things around the house. I'd have it no other way after all these years. Thing is I am considering another one and was wondering about what kind of pet you have and what they have been like. :)

Where would we be sometimes without them btw? My friends are sometimes not as much comfort to me as my little one.

I have a minature labradoodle. Great dog. Weighs about 20lbs, great energy, loves kids and playing. Perfect demenour. Smarts of the doodle and relaxing of a lab.
My last dog was a terrier mix. She was 14 when she had a stroke and passed. Terriers are a unique breed.....independant, alpha and not real affectionate. The most wonderful pet dog I've had was a lab/newfoundland mix. He was a gentle giant and good all around doggie. Please check out your local pound before you chose another dog. Mixed breeds come in all sizes and personnalities. And get what ever you chose nutered!! Good luck.
My last dog was a terrier mix. She was 14 when she had a stroke and passed. Terriers are a unique breed.....independant, alpha and not real affectionate. The most wonderful pet dog I've had was a lab/newfoundland mix. He was a gentle giant and good all around doggie. Please check out your local pound before you chose another dog. Mixed breeds come in all sizes and personnalities. And get what ever you chose nutered!! Good luck.

I agree with checking out your local rescue organization.

My current dog came from the humane society and he is the best little guy!
I have a 110pd, Akita, very cool dog hes the man and i love him a lot. He is very relaxed and a lot of fun, both to chace around the backyard and lounge around the house. Also he is a great guard dog, deep bark and franky when some one looks into your house and see a small horse that looks like a wolf then tend to be scared and go some were else. I got Ben, my dog, from a rescue group and if your looking for a new dog I'd recomend going through a rescue they are great dogs and will whorship you.
Ive got a Labradoodle. He is energetic and great with my kids. The smallest dog I ever owned was a Mini Schauzer. For a little dog he had a huge personality. I have aleays been a one dog owner. I agree, sometimes four legged friends are more dependable than two legged ones.

I have not seen one of these. My only real issue with mine is that she snores so bad because she has virtually no nose. Drinking water can be an adventure as well. I can only imagine how bad a pug has it.
I have fish! They are great because they are easy to care for and yet really fun to watch for some reason...
I have three chunky 90lbs black labradors, Cody, Chinook and Sitka, all trained to the gun, a Gloucester Old Spot/Saddleback cross pig called Ferdinand, a miniature goat who keeps eating all my wife's vegetables as fast as she plants them, and two 18h black Andalusian dressage horses. My pig was found as a tiny piglet on our land, and he's my own pet, he leaves my wife alone, and she reciprocates. The goat was my daughter's pet,when she left home, she left him behind, to the everlasting ire of my wife and her onion beds!

Ok now that is a bunch of pets. I used to want a pot bellied pig so badly but I finally decided against it'

I have a minature labradoodle. Great dog. Weighs about 20lbs, great energy, loves kids and playing. Perfect demenour. Smarts of the doodle and relaxing of a lab.

That does indeed sound like a wonderful mix. :)

My last dog was a terrier mix. She was 14 when she had a stroke and passed. Terriers are a unique breed.....independant, alpha and not real affectionate. The most wonderful pet dog I've had was a lab/newfoundland mix. He was a gentle giant and good all around doggie. Please check out your local pound before you chose another dog. Mixed breeds come in all sizes and personnalities. And get what ever you chose nutered!! Good luck.

I "babysat" for a friend's jack russell terrier for almost a month a few years ago and that dog like to wore me out. It was always wanting to play and fetch and was about the most energetic dog I have ever seen. Sweet dog but too much for me. Boston's can be so independent that they can be difficult to train if they are not understood. The can be like kids in that they will do things just to get scolded if necessary and they respond much better to positive reinforcement than negative. :)
I have a 110pd, Akita, very cool dog hes the man and i love him a lot. He is very relaxed and a lot of fun, both to chace around the backyard and lounge around the house. Also he is a great guard dog, deep bark and franky when some one looks into your house and see a small horse that looks like a wolf then tend to be scared and go some were else. I got Ben, my dog, from a rescue group and if your looking for a new dog I'd recomend going through a rescue they are great dogs and will whorship you.

Oh dear, that is a lot of .......poo. :D
My dog recently passed over the rainbow bridge. She was incredible for 13 years and was a better friend than most humans I know. She was a hound dog of mixed breeds, given how hounds tend to be perhaps look at a smallish crossbreed of some sort?
My cat Magic

Is a wonderful companion. More like a dog than a cat she follows me everywhere and crys when I leave. She keeps my lap warm, she fetches, she is hysterically funny with some of her antics. I love her to pieces. She's a sweetie! :cattail:
My dog recently passed over the rainbow bridge. She was incredible for 13 years and was a better friend than most humans I know. She was a hound dog of mixed breeds, given how hounds tend to be perhaps look at a smallish crossbreed of some sort?

I wish the words I'm sorry made things better. I would send lots of them to you. I try not to think about when mine will cross that bridge but I know it cannot be much longer. Tho she is in good health, she is blind in one eye and will be 14 years old in december. That is a long time. I know how close yours was to you because mine is to me. Sleeps with me, watches tv with me and is usually beside me everywhere I am around the house. Hugs to you and thanks for making a good home for a happy dog. :)

Is a wonderful companion. More like a dog than a cat she follows me everywhere and crys when I leave. She keeps my lap warm, she fetches, she is hysterically funny with some of her antics. I love her to pieces. She's a sweetie! :cattail:

My dog was raised by a cat. :D The first five years I had my dog I also had a cat and the two were like brother and sister. Playing one minute and fighting the next. To this day when my dog sees a solid black cat she wants to play with it.
I have a mini-poodle/chihuahua mix. She's a bundle of energy. Here's her when she was less than a year old:


Her awesome stache :D
