Let's talk about HeavyStick while he's asleep.....

I met Heavy many many moons ago in chat. He's pretty cool. Most of the time. ;)
Indigo.Rose said:
#3 Sick sense of humour, lousy taste in women, Nothing going for him aside from a big cock.

What a guy!

IR doesn't like him so he must be okay.
Hmm, there are many things I like about Heavy.

Even when he flames me it is hilarious.

I don't know him as well as many folks here, but he has always treated me with respect. That means a lot

And his socks don't match.
Bump.....'cos he's not around so we can still talk about him..........

I think he's more than just a big dick..... :D
guilty pleasure said:
Bump.....'cos he's not around so we can still talk about him..........

I think he's more than just a big dick..... :D

..........and I'd do him too!
Well looky here.

I'm flattered by everyones remarks. Even the twisted psycho known as Indigo.

let's see.

1. possibly, I think I'm very active in the sack. Minimum 3-4 positions, I have to tug on hair, massage the outer thigh, massage a breast, kiss and gently suck a breast (the crease where it meets the ribcage...very tender) below the ear and behind the jawbone.

2. No I don't snore.

3. I have a very broad sense of humor. My favorite entertainer was Red Skelton.

I've never laughed so hard at a comedian that never (in my memory) used a single word of profanity. IMHO, he will never have an equal in his diversity and talent for making people laugh. There is nothing wrong with my taste in women. You're just pissed because I won't taste you.

4. Willing and Unsure , estevie,
peachykeen, glamorilla,
intrigued, LionessInWinter. TY all for the nice remarks [even estevie ;-) ] I can make good drinks, but I don't know many from memory.

5. MissT.... I'd do you to. or maybe 3 times. ;-)

6. ty kitty.

7. LC, stop stealing the odd ones and they will match.

8. CB. You seem pretty decent.

9. Cheyenne :) ty for disagreeing with IR.

10. BgMm. You know it's not personal and it's the thread killa thread. I don't have any problems with you.

11. Mona. ty I've been like this for quite a while... I can't stand being upset or seeing others upset. I have to crack jokes to keep the day interesting.

12. Bel and GP. Bring it.... don't sing it.