lets see



lets see what happens when I remove the people from my ignore
I want to see what nastys they have written
i was on ignore? wow! at least i made a list! ;)

hi dreamguy. hi gusty.

:kiss: mia
Yes, it's the NASCAR thing.

Dreamguy, would you care to explain how the starting line-up contains every truck that was listed on the entry list for Darlington.

No trucks were withdrawn.

Oh, wait, you can't explain it can you.
Would you like a road map to help find them? Start with your NASCAR thread of lies and move to your Kissing thread of lies. There, no searching necessary, bless your heart. :rose:
Dreamguy001 said:
lets see what happens when I remove the people from my ignore
I want to see what nastys they have written
So who's on your (former) ignore list?
If I was on the kissing list?
Please remove me!
I have developed a reputation
for kissing princes and turning them
into toads. :D

Hmmm, I kiss toads and they stay toads. Horny toads, but still toads, go figure :)