Let's all re-name Perky now

La Principessa

sweetheart w/ great AVs
Nov 25, 2001
she's had her fun with naming us. what would you rename the sarcasaduck ruffleslut?


I'm thinking ! I'm thinking! Give me a second.
La Principessa said:
she's had her fun with naming us. what would you rename the sarcasaduck ruffleslut?


I'm thinking ! I'm thinking! Give me a second.

LMAO Close, really close! :devil: :p :kiss:
Vinny said:
Bipolar Duck



bedilia, you're too precious.

I would have gone for

"sexy bitch" myself.

La Principessa said:
The Ducktchess of DR4KE

I'll think of more soon......need more gravy!

I know one person who will just love that <smile> besides me, that is.
Oscuridad said:
And for La Principessa, cuz ya can't stop me :p

Tushia Magnetica

*ahem....I would have hoped for Tushia Magnifica.....perhaps I'm in the wrong phyllum.
Re: I still like

tulip2lipservice said:


that's always been a favorite. And I actually use it.
La Principessa said:
*ahem....I would have hoped for Tushia Magnifica.....perhaps I'm in the wrong phyllum.
That works too, Perhaps I have misclassified you.

*leafs through a big book*
Oscuridad said:
That works too, Perhaps I have misclassified you.

*leafs through a big book*

best get out that microscope and take a closer look to be sure. ;)
La Principessa said:
best get out that microscope and take a closer look to be sure. ;)
Oh good thinking!

*begins his examination*

Yes.. Mhmm... Yes.

*prods a bit*

I see....

*kneads ever so slightly*


*checks for spreadability*


Well, I think we have a magnifca. But we shall need more through testing to be sure.
Fluffybum.......Spike Milligan's originally....the name, not the bum.