Let us explain why 80% of Americans don't identify with feminism


バクスター の
Apr 3, 2010



Seriously, 80% of America is for EQUALITY but they do not want to be associated with FEMINISM. Does this not bother you?

if feminists want REGULAR PEOPLE to actually identify with them and not distance themselves as if feminism were the lunatic fringe...

You've got to stop raging at people like me and listen. You've got to drop that loser behavior. It's no joke that 80% of the country doesn't like feminism. It's really no joke because the reason people don't like feminism is because of the nasty and unprovoked shaming tactics and personal attacks that so-called feminists use against anyone they disagree with.

This is the same shit we MRAs keep telling our extremist knuckleheads....
it's so easy to dilute the purpose of any positive thing in life by simply taking and showcasing the shittiest examples around. i mean, i can do that ALL fucking day, just to step on toes. but i don't! because well, you know... my imaginary ivory tower would be at stake.