Leaving it all behind... (Ryanmo97 x DarkWarrioress)


Literotica Guru
Mar 21, 2006
Travis Stewart
Age: 45
Height: 5' 11"
Weight: 195 lbs.
Body Type: Athletic.

Travis Stewart was a very successful business man. He owned a company that sold and serviced computers to other companies. He had a lot of money but he had a dream... He wanted to retire and move up to the mountains to his vacation home in the woods and start a family. It was a beautiful modern two story log cabin. It all the modern amenities so he wouldn't be completely cut off from civilization. But there was no traffic or crowded streets. The was one problem with is plan... He wasn't currently married or even seeing anybody. All the women he dated seemed to be just gold diggers or too obsessed with modern life to just chuck it all and go live up in the woods and have kids. He wanted to fine someone like his assistant. She was so down to earth and level headed... If he could find someone half as good as her he would be happy.

It was one Friday morning, Travis walked off the elevator in his normal dark blue business suit with matching tie, a white shirt and black shoes. He had another rough date. He was starting to think he would never find someone to share his dream with. He saw his assistant sitting at her desk outside his office and he smiled, "Good Morning." he said as he walked up.
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Casey Evans. All her life she had been the studious one in her family. Got straight A’s in school. Played sports. She was the leveled-headed one everyone counted on in a crisis and even when there wasn’t one, if truth be told. After graduating from college she got an offer from a company that serviced computers to other companies. She was hired to be the owner’s assistant and she had been his right hand for several years now. She loved her job and her boss was a great guy to work for. She personally knew he was looking to retire but Casey wasn’t sure if that was just a pipe dream of his or if he would really do it one of these days. She could only imagine how hard it would be to walk away from something you had built from the ground up and watch it, year after year, become more successful.

Casey got to work that morning and like every other morning, she opened the doors, got a pot of coffee going, sat down to start opening the morning correspondence.

"Good Morning."

She looked up and paused in the middle of opening a piece of mail as he came into the room, smiling back.

“Good Morning, Mr. Stewart.”

He looked impeccable as always. However, there was something in his eyes. A slight slump to his shoulders. Nothing anyone else would notice, but Casey had worked for him too long not to notice such things. He must have had another rough evening. A shame really. He was such a good-looking man and he was a good one too. He had nice manners, was very gentlemanly and he always remembered dates such as birthdays. Now that was a plus in her book to be sure.
"Casey, in about 5 minutes, come on in my office, with a cup of coffee for each of us… Don’t worry, it’s nothing bad...“ He gave her a reassuring smile. She was such a good listener. He just need to vent about his current situation.

Travis went into his office and closed the door. It was a pretty standard office. His desk sat in front of a large picture window that looked across the city from the 50th floor of the building they were in. In front the desk was a couple of chairs and there was a couch on the left side wall as you walked in.

He walked over to his desk and sat down. He turned his chair and looked out on the city. He sighed.
"Casey, in about 5 minutes, come on in my office, with a cup of coffee for each of us… Don’t worry, it’s nothing bad...“

She hadn’t been too worried. He said that often, but this morning, he wasn’t looking too good. Something was bothering him. In about five minutes she softly opened the door, managing it with two cups of coffee in her hand (at least until she got the door open) and a folder tucked under her arm. She heard his sigh and softly put his coffee on his desk along with the folder containing the morning mail.

“Something bothering you, Mr. Stewart? Anything I can help you with?”

She asked softly as she sat down in one of the chairs opposite him, crossing her legs and sipping from her cup of coffee while she waited for him to turn his chair around. Glancing through the plate glass window, her eyes took in the outline of the city, the sun climbed up over the high rising buildings, the windows reflecting sunlight. The sky was a beautiful blue today, not a cloud to be seen. It was a gorgeous day.
Travis smiled and turned to face Casey, "I don't know, Casey..." said Travis as he stood up. “And, its just the two of us... so you don’t have to call me Mr. Stewart... Travis is fine for right now...” Travis liked the formalities of office life when discussing business. But, right now he needed a friend. And, over the time Casey had worked for him, she had become a good friend.

Travis picked up his coffee, walked over to the couch, sat down and sighed again, “Casey... Is there some about me or my personality that just attracts gold diggers?”
Picking up her coffee, she joined him on the couch. It just seemed easier to talk that way. After settling in, she considered his question seriously and canted her head as she studied him then shook it slightly.

“Travis,” it felt strange on her tongue to be calling him by his given name, “Aside from the fact that you’re rich, you emanate confidence, you’re a true gentleman and pretty darn easy on the eyes,” she joked at the last.

“Seriously though, I think it’s all about the time we’re living in. Life is tough and hard these days. There are women out there just looking for an easy way to live. Why do you ask? Your date last night didn’t go well?”

Travis tended to take his dates to high end restaurants or the latest plays in town. It wasn’t because he was trying to impress, he was simply being himself. He simply liked good food and good entertainment. Although she joked about it, he was very good-looking in her opinion. His hazel eyes seemed to see everything. His beard was well kept and short. He kept his body fit as well. She could see why women from all walks of life were attracted to him.
Travis smiled when Casey said he was easy on the eyes. When she asked about his date last night he said, "Yeah... So, last night, me and the lady I've been seeing, Diane,... We were having a great night. We had dinner at that new Italian place and then we went to see that new musical that just opened. We went back to my place for cocktails and we were talking. The conversation turned to vacation spots. I told her about my cabin up in the mountains and she practically laughed in my face. She said she would never be caught dead up in the mountains with a bunch of hillbillies. Needless to say... I won't be seeing Diane anytime soon." He sighed, "All I want is to find a nice person to start a family with... Why is this so hard..." He sighed
"All I want is to find a nice person to start a family with... Why is this so hard..."

Casey was quiet for a moment or two.

“Maybe you’re looking in the wrong place and just maybe you’re looking at the wrong women.”

She wasn’t all the sure she was being exactly helpful.

“I’m sorry Mr. Stew—um—Travis. I guess I’m not much help with this. I don’t go out much.”

Glancing at her wristwatch she noticed the time.

“You have a conference in about five minutes in conference room B. All your materials are already there.”

It was time to get back to work. Casey took another long swallow of her coffee to finish it off before she started to rise from the couch.

“I’m sorry I wasn’t much help.”
Travis listened as she that he was looking in the wrong places and looking at the wrong women, "You have a point there..."

When she mentioned the conference he nodded, "Thank you..." then when she rose from the couch he said, "That's Okay... I really just needed to vent and that helped enough for now..." Then they went back to work.

Travis went to the conference and was half paying attention. He was just listening to see when he needed to answer a question. But the whole time he was thinking about what Casey said. That he had been looking in the wrong place for the wrong women. He was looking for a woman like Casey to be his wife... Why couldn't he be with Casey... He was planing on retiring anyway... But, the big question was... Would she go for it... There was one way to find out... When he got out of the conference he saw it was close to lunch time. He returned to his office and saw Casey sitting at her desk. He walked up to her, "Casey... What do you have planned for lunch today?"
"Casey... What do you have planned for lunch today?"

She looked up from the correspondence she was typing out on her computer and blinked.

"Ummm, nothing really. I was just going to grab a sandwich from the cart outside and go sit in the park. Why"

Mr. Stewart was acting kind of strange today. Her hazel eyes were curious. Mr. Stewart never took an interest in what she did on her lunch time or after work hours, for that matter. She stopped typing and listened.
Travis smiled, "That sounds great... Would you mind if I joined you?"

A short time later, they had gotten their food. Travis got turkey sandwich on wheat. Then they found a quiet bench to sit on. "So... The reason I wanted to talk to you is I have a proposal for you and its kind of crazy and I wouldn't blame you if you said 'No' but I want you to keep an open mind and I hope if you do say 'No' we can still have a good working relationship.."
"So... The reason I wanted to talk to you is I have a proposal for you and its kind of crazy and I wouldn't blame you if you said 'No' but I want you to keep an open mind and I hope if you do say 'No' we can still have a good working relationship.."
"That sounds great... Would you mind if I joined you?"

She looked a little surprised that he wanted to join her but she wasn’t against it.

“No, not at all.”

Together they left the office and went downstairs to the lunch truck. Casey got a half sandwich, ham and Swiss cheese on wheat. They found a place to sit and she started to unwrap her sandwich.

"So... The reason I wanted to talk to you is I have a proposal for you and its kind of crazy and I wouldn't blame you if you said 'No' but I want you to keep an open mind and I hope if you do say 'No' we can still have a good working relationship.."

Casey took a bite of her sandwich and looked at him quizzically.

“What’s on your mind, Travis?”

He had a proposal? What kind of proposal, she wondered to herself and could he possibly say to her that might affect their working relationship? She lowered her sandwich to her lap, turning slightly toward him and waited.
“Well, I’ve got this beautiful two story cabin in the woods, up in the mountains. It’s been my dream to retire and start a family up there. It has electricity, Satellite TV and Internet. So, I wouldn't be completely cut of from civilization. As we talked about earlier, I've been having trouble finding the right woman. And, I've been thinking... I've been looking for the wrong person in the wrong places. I've been looking for a down to earth and level headed woman... Like you... Then, I realized why do I have to find someone like you when I all ready know you... What I'm asking is... Casey... Would you consider running away with me up to my cabin and starting a family?"
She stared at him, not sure she heard him correctly. She did. Her mind went blank for a moment. Her? Him? Children? Her mouth fell open slightly.

“…..Would you consider running away with me up to my cabin and starting a family?"

Would she---- was he serious? Casey studied him. He was serious. She knew that look of his. Her appetite had suddenly turned to dust.

“May I a few days to think on it?” She calmly asked.

Casey needed to have a clear head to make a decision like this. Right now, everything seemed…. surreal.
“May I a few days to think on it?” She calmly asked.

Travis looked at Casey. He could tell she was taking his request seriously. “Absolutely… This is a big decision… Tell you what… I know the rest of the afternoon is light why don’t you take the rest of the day off then you can have the rest of the day today and the whole weekend. Then Monday morning when ai get to work, we can talk again… Does that work for you?”
“Absolutely… This is a big decision… Tell you what… I know the rest of the afternoon is light why don’t you take the rest of the day off then you can have the rest of the day today and the whole weekend. Then Monday morning when ai get to work, we can talk again… Does that work for you?”

Casey wanted to protest taking the rest of the day off and opened her mouth to say just that, but, she changed her mind. Maybe that wasn’t such a bad idea after all.

“Of course. Thank you, Travis. I’ll take you up on that and I’ll see you on Monday.”

Casey wrapped up the rest of her sandwich, bid her boss good-bye and headed back inside for her purse and things going home with her. All the way home, as much as Casey tried to keep her mind on her driving, her mind kept slipping back to his proposal. Still, despite her thoughts, she managed to make it home safely and curled up inside her comfy apartment to freely think.

The question in her mind was, could she do it? He wanted children and frankly, she had thought about them. Her biological clock wasn’t slowing down and there were no prospects in her life to father children with. Travis was compelling man. She didn’t know that much about him personal wise, but she was sure they would cover that.

Eventually, her weekend turned into Monday and she was sitting at her desk as usual, when Travis came in to work.

“Meeting at ten, Mr. Stewart.”

She got up, leaving the mail on her desk, partially opened. She waited for him to go by so she could go get his usual morning coffee.
Travis was nervous the whole weekend. He puttered around his house, watched TV. He hoped that Casey would say yes. But he was optimistic, there was a chance she would say No.

Soon, it was Monday Morning. Travis walked off the elevator and saw Casey at her desk. "Good Morning," he said.

“Meeting at ten, Mr. Stewart,” she said.

Travis nodded, "Thank you..." He went in his office and waited for her to bring him his coffee. He was nervous to find out the answer to his question.
Casey wiped the palms of her hands down the side of her slacks. Why was she sweating so much? She went to get him and herself, a cup of coffee. On her return trip, she picked up the folder holding the daily correspondence. Travis always left his door closed but not tightly so. She always bumped it with her hip to let herself in with the coffee and today was no different. The atmosphere in Travis’ office was charged with nervous energy. Casey could feel it as if it was a living, breathing thing.

“Your coffee,” she set the mugs on his desk while she took the folder out from under her arm, placing the mail in front of him, “and your mail.”

A quick glance at her watch said they still had about an hour before his meeting. She stood nervously beside his desk, holding her own cup of coffee. It was a good thing too or she would be wringing her hands.

“Mr. Stewart. Travis. We have a bit of time before your meeting and I’ve given it a lot of thought. There’s still a lot of things we need to discuss but, I am willing to accept your offer.”

Casey had watched him go on date after date over the last few years and had always come away disappointed. He deserved better and since she didn’t know anyone who fit what he was looking for. After pacing around her apartment for hours, she had come to the simple conclusion. She would do it and hope for the best. His proposition required some more definition, but she thought they could get around it well enough to suit them both.
Travis was checking his work emails when Casey came in. He smiled when she brought him his coffee and his mail, "Thank you." He said as he took both. He sat there and listened to her every word. When she said, "I am willing to accept your offer.” He smiled. He wanted to jump up and down and give her a big kiss. But, he control himself. "You don't know how happy that make me to hear you say that... Let's go sit on the couch and we can talk more about this..." He picked up his coffee and walked over to the couch. He sat down, "So... Where should we start?"
"So... Where should we start?"

Casey joined him on the couch and sipped her coffee, thinking.

“That’s a rather good question actually. I had several in my head this weekend but now, they’ve all seemed to have flown the nest.”

She turned slightly to face him.

“Maybe… expectations? Children, I know. How many are you thinking? And…. are you wanting to get married before we have them? Or is that even on your radar? And I guess the biggest thought on my mind is, do you think we’ll be compatible, sexual wise? I mean, I know we do well otherwise---”

She broke off because she realized she was rambling which was so unlike her. In her defense, she had never considered something like this and felt like a fish out of water.

“I’m sorry. I know I’m rambling.”
Travis smiled when Casey apologized for rambling. “That’s okay… You’re nervous… I am too… this is life changing stuff we are talking about. As far as children go, I would like to have 4 at most. I would like us to get married soon. I don’t need a big wedding, unless that’s something you want… and I think we will be compatible sexualy…” he gave her a kiss on the lips.
“Four.” She repeated, “That’s a lot.”

However, she felt she could handle that. So, he did want to get married. She felt her shoulders sag slightly in relief. While she was willing to do this without being married, she was just old fashioned enough to want it, especially since kids were part of the package.

“No. No. I don’t need or want a big wedding. I don’t need a wedding at all. I mean, I’m just fine with a Justice of the Peace to marry us, witnesses and us, really. Unless you want a minister?”

She blinked and gripped her mug of coffee tighter as Travis leaned over and touched his lips to hers. She felt her breath catch in her throat for a moment. A slight tingle slid down her spine. They were going to be alright in that area, she thought.

“When would you like me to pen my resignation?”
Travis smiled, “I would be perfectly fine with a Justice of the Peace… I don’t have any siblings and both my mother and father have passed… I knew we were perfect for each other…” He gave her another kiss.

When she asked about her resignation, he said, “How long will it take for you to get your affairs in order?”
Travis smiled, “I would be perfectly fine with a Justice of the Peace… I don’t have any siblings and both my mother and father have passed… I knew we were perfect for each other…” He gave her another kiss.

When she asked about her resignation, he said, “How long will it take for you to get your affairs in order?”
She laughed, " Not long. My apartment is small and I don't own a lot of stuff. A week, maybe?"

Casey accepted his kiss as if it were something they had done a thousand times before. He was starting to make her head spin. Now that she had agreed to his proposal, they were moving along at a fairly fast clip, she thought. Maybe it was just her. However, she knew her boss. Once something was settled, he didn't let the grass grow under his feet.

"So tell me about---"

She glanced at her watch and jumped up.

"Travis! Your meeting! You better hurry along or you're going to be late. Your notes are on your desk with your mail."
Travis smiled when she said a week. He was about to answer when Casey mentioned his meeting, "Oh Yeah!" he got up and grabbed his notes. "Thanks..." he headed for the door. "We still need to talk about a few things... I'm pretty busy for the rest of the day... How about dinner at my place tonight? Say 6pm?"