Law Suits and the Internet (cont'd)

This is still my personal fave:

A college student who experimented with a computer virus and inadvertently shut down most of the internet on November 2, 1988 was held criminally liable under the computer fraud act, for unauthorized access to other computers, even though he had no intent to do any damage. United States v. Robert Morris, 928 F. 2d 504 (2nd Cir. 1991)
Re: Re: This is still my personal fave:

It's my fave internet law case.

Thanks for figuring out the relevancy on your own.

I think you're all tilting at windmills here myself.

Same shit, different day.

Say goodnite Lav.



lavender said:
As you know, Lance, this case proves nothing about the current situation. This experimentation was done with a something that was known to be a virus. Additionaly, it shut down a majority of the internet, not just fucked with one computer.

If anything, this case proves two things:

1) That only viruses that affect a great number of computers or systems will be prosecuted;

2) Although there is no "intent" requirement, there most likely is a "knowingly" requirement, that the person knew they were dealing or experimenting with a bona fide virus.
Re: Help!

Stuff like that's been around forever,'s the Prince Albert in a Can joke of porn links.

It just sets off a chain reaction of so many different filthy pics on your desktop (and sometimes sound yelling "I'm looking at gay porn!") that you can't close them all, and it might freeze or crash your machine so you have to reboot.

It's like playing Knock Off Ginger.

No big deal.

The PickleBumGang got excited of course, but what else is new.


LionessInWinter said:
Excuse the interruption here, but could someone clear up one small point for me?

When I clicked on Bob's sig line thingy, I thought (he being somewhat of a wiz) that the "link" was to something of his own creation. I thought he'd taken about 85 hours to find lots of pics to different sites, then stacked them all together so that they went from one to another automatically.

Yes, I know I'm dumb, but that's why I clicked it in the first place.

I thought that IR had simply taken Bob's and copied it to her sig line. So what actually happened is that this link is something that Bob (or IR, if it's not the same link) found somewhere while surfing?

Some please tell me!

Re: This is still my personal fave:

Lancecastor said:
United States v. Robert Morris, 928 F. 2d 504 (2nd Cir. 1991)
Your legal citation buddy says:

United States v. Robert Morris, 928 F.2d 504 (2d Cir. 1991).

Yes, my life revolves around the Bluebook. I'm seeking help. Really.
LionessInWinter said:
Ah well, see there? Learn something new every day.

I just don't get why everyone's pissed at you, Lance. From what I read when the "Don't Open" thread was 7 pages, I thought you were trying to get everyone to settle down and laugh a little about it. A diversion.

I lost a heap of archieved mail when Bob hypnotized me (hehe), but all I did was start a thread and call him a stinking rat MF and laugh at myself. Learned a valuable lesson, as it were.

Really, isn't all the angst and outrage, namecalling, cursing and disparagement of female body parts better suited to gutter snipes than grownups whom I know have more than half a brain?
Where does all the anger come from?

It's just silly.

In most cases, it's less the original prank than the attitude displayed afterwards.
Re: Yes Freya,

LionessInWinter said:
I completely understand that, and I agree because I didn't much care for the attitude either.

I just find it amazing that so many find it so important to "win," that they stop listening to how they sound in the process.

There are bigger battles to be fought in life. I'd rather save my energy for those.


Agreed. :)
i agree with lavender the link was posted as a nasty prank which i think if indigo just apologized and accepted was a mistake wouldn't of caused all this frustration ... its what happened after and peoples reactions that frustrated me ... although sirens computer would still have been damaged if she at least had a genuine apology and regret she'd still be angry but maybe not quite so

but the "prank" link ... is designed to crash someone's computer doing this is probably what caused siren damage on her computer it was a mix of very bad luck and a prank that caused her this trouble ... but there is a difference between that and a virus that is designed to harm a computer and someone knowingly and deliberately passing that onto someone here

im not very knowledgably when it comes to the legal aspect of this but technically there is a difference between that link (which is really an exploit script) and a malicious virus ... that doesn't make sirens problems any less real though or less annoying ... and those problems still occurred as a result of indigo's link she posted