Lavy Made Me Turn On My Siglines


Literotica Guru
Sep 20, 2001
I think she's the only real performance artist in this media.

I :p Lavy.
MissTaken said:
Did you rent her your sig line space?

Sigs are for newbies, schillmasters, and the Lit-Retardo Commando Brigade. I think Lav is making this point clear.

Or maybe she just wants everyone to get to know her Tori Spellingness (not a secret really).
You're just afraid to play with the fine folks at the playground. Or buy a few spare mouses with scroll wheels.
Draco said:
Still wont get her off ignore tho....

You have her on ignore? Don't tell me, she made fun of your fundamental right to believe in dragons and unicorns and a balanced budget.
Marxist said:
You have her on ignore? Don't tell me, she made fun of your fundamental right to believe in dragons and unicorns and a balanced budget.

No, that was DCL
Lav, I'm not worthy and besides, how could I compete with the beauty and amazement that is your sig?
lavender said:
It is coming down fairly soon. I'd like to be able to post again, normally.

On Lit?


"Normal"-- what is that, exactly?
Just choose not to use your sigline when you want to be serious. You can just put it up when a point needs to be made.

Plus a lot of work went into that art. No need to destroy it.
Are you sure you don't have room for a shrine to Ruby's boobies in there, Lavy?
I must say, as far as siglines go, lavender's is epic.

Almost tasteful.

I've gotta go shut them back off now...