Lavender's Ideas, Thoughts, and Opinions....

I remember when yaya put real effort in typing very long posts.

These days, it's getting extreamly lazy about his posts.

Give me a recipe for a good curry.
yayati said:
ChilledVodka: Who damn cares for my other posts. I'm posting as myself now. Not as a joker. It was all jokes. The jokes over.

DCL and PC still want rivals to interest them. I am not falling for the bait. They are just haterz as are you, I think. They want to hate for no reason, that is up to them.


Pipe the fuck down or I'll start doing my Yayati impersonation again. You know I do it better than you.

Oh yeah, Tania has a tasty cooter. Good going bro.
yayati said:
Whatever man, just ask Lavender on what my true beliefs are and she will testify that I am a nice guy. As for you, Lavender will see your true nature too.

There can be no harm to be had in goodness.

Exactly. The Hate Clique has held sway long enough.

Let them sew their bitter seeds of conspiracy and mistrust in the barren fields that are their hearts and let the lush, moist verdant thighs of the righteous and shapely estrogen bearers, the givers of all life and fleshy delights, bring their nipply tipped goodness to those and only those who possess the wet wonder wand of semenal slipperyness for yea verily I say unto each of thee-shes with a lust for the clear goodness that glistens as the morning dew...bend over and I'll give it to you.

DCL sells excitement?

yayati said:
He is a pontaic dealer

No wonder he's so filled with bitterness: