lavalamp poems



I recently learned of the
poem-trend beginning here at Literotica. As a lover of
I can't resist creating a place where people can post
poems, or any poetry which may be inspired by

Please feel free to post your
poems here :)


What exactly is a lavalamp?

Xtaabay said:
I recently learned of the
poem-trend beginning here at Literotica. As a lover of
I can't resist creating a place where people can post
poems, or any poetry which may be inspired by

Please feel free to post your
poems here :)

Parting Fogs of Generations

Darkness all around, but glow just ahead.
As a youngster, I stared and knew not the sight
Of blobs that burst and swam through my head
By her bed, my Mommy had a brand new light.

They quivered and quaked and globbed and baked
Like so many eggyolks bubbling to boil.
I thought of them not as things to be caked,
But playmates in a game who stayed quite loyal.

To the top they rolled and dove back down,
Merging and blending in the underneath light.
A tear on her cheek, my Mom watched them drown
As her Beatles played 'A Hard Days' Night.'

I held her tight, listening to the thump
Of her heart 'neath her breast as we watched the show.
Our friends spun and twirled to the bass man's bump
While the angels of blob danced in lavalamp glow.
Re: Help?

Zhuk said:
What exactly is a lavalamp?
Agh!!! (hands fly up to face)
You must learn about this marvel!!!!
A lava lamp is a conical metal base with a bulb in it, upon which rests a glass container of liquid and some mysterious substance. When the lamp is turned on, the heat from the bulb warms up the mystery substance in the bottom of the liquid. As it heats, it floats to the top of the liquid, cools, and falls again until it is hot enough to rise another time.
Lava lamps come in all sorts of colors, but the most common used to be red. Today there are lots of color combinations. Usualy the liquid is one color, and the mystery stuff that melts and moves around is a different color.


JUDO said:
Parting Fogs of Generations

Darkness all around, but glow just ahead.
As a youngster, I stared and knew not the sight
Of blobs that burst and swam through my head
By her bed, my Mommy had a brand new light.

They quivered and quaked and globbed and baked
Like so many eggyolks bubbling to boil.
I thought of them not as things to be caked,
But playmates in a game who stayed quite loyal.

To the top they rolled and dove back down,
Merging and blending in the underneath light.
A tear on her cheek, my Mom watched them drown
As her Beatles played 'A Hard Days' Night.'

I held her tight, listening to the thump
Of her heart 'neath her breast as we watched the show.
Our friends spun and twirled to the bass man's bump
While the angels of blob danced in lavalamp glow.

Wonderful! I'm so excited about the creative possibilities for this thread! (Yeah I know, I need to get out more).
Try this link.

The colored globules in the lamp move slowly up and down in sinuous and variable shapes. Like lava.
Description of a Lava Lamp

Description of a Lava Lamp
Conical Duality

Cone within cone,
metal cuff
hard glass
metal cuff.

Slender snaky cord,
conduit of concentation.

plastic earth
in liquid sky.

Lavalamp lure
lover of lumps
lingering over light


Radiating roundess
globules glow,

Earth quivers upward
tall long stretch,
births small globe

cools and sinks
so so

back to lavafied
liquified earth.

Metal cuff
of liquid light
encapsulates plastic earth motion
metal cuff.

lava lamps en regalia


Great thread. I've just lost a spelling bee next door so I'm too shame faced to wax poetic, but I knew that you had a lava lamp poem crying to get out.
Re: lava lamps en regalia

darkmaas said:

Great thread. I've just lost a spelling bee next door so I'm too shame faced to wax poetic, but I knew that you had a lava lamp poem crying to get out.

Yeah, you know, when something really apeals to me I have a terrible tendency to take off with it. Sort of like the color blue, or the sky, and now most recently lava lamps (blue ones, of course). The problem is that I will probably be stuck on this now for a while. You know what they say: It's unhealthy to keep lava pent up. If you don't let it out it may give you acid reflux :)

Re: Re: Help?


Thank you.

Xtaabay said:
Agh!!! (hands fly up to face)
You must learn about this marvel!!!!
A lava lamp is a conical metal base with a bulb in it, upon which rests a glass container of liquid and some mysterious substance. When the lamp is turned on, the heat from the bulb warms up the mystery substance in the bottom of the liquid. As it heats, it floats to the top of the liquid, cools, and falls again until it is hot enough to rise another time.
Lava lamps come in all sorts of colors, but the most common used to be red. Today there are lots of color combinations. Usualy the liquid is one color, and the mystery stuff that melts and moves around is a different color.

lavalamp, revisited

Lavalamp, Revisited

when light is lacking.

I glower in the dismal dark.
Flip the switch
to lurid illumination.

eyes focus
on soft blue glow,
plastic flow.

Shadows of convection
ripple upon the wall.
Re: lurid illiteration!

Xtaabay said:
Lavalamp, Revisited

when light is lacking.

I glower in the dismal dark.
Flip the switch
to lurid illumination.

eyes focus
on soft blue glow,
plastic flow.

Shadows of convection
ripple upon the wall.

Gawd!! Don't tell me I will have to go out and buy one of those things just to join the thread! I have always HATED Lava Lamps, and lugubrious ??? How awful! It's like PUKING pizza into a pitcher of beer!! :eek: :eek: :eek:

Regards,                       Rybka
Re: Re: lurid illiteration!

Rybka said:
Gawd!! Don't tell me I will have to go out and buy one of those things just to join the thread! I have always HATED Lava Lamps, and lugubrious ??? How awful! It's like PUKING pizza into a pitcher of beer!! :eek: :eek: :eek:

Regards,                       Rybka

No, you don't have to buy one. Just write a poem about one. It doesn't matter if you like or dislike them. In your case, you might feel moved to write a poem about how much you detest lava lamps :)

what a weird thread . . .

Slow, waxy lumps of loveliness
Furl and
In almost weightlessness.

Their soft curves caress behind hard glass
Like lovers on show.

Lit up, they rise, peak and fall
Like a loop of cosmic prehistory
Playing over and over.

Are they like cum underwater,
Or is that just me?


Welcome to the Lavalamp Cafe. Xtaabay is off for the weekend so I'll be your waiter tonight. Before I describe the menu let me just say, "Great lavalamp poem". Nice touch of the erotic on a solid base of poetic lyricism. Glad to see that you resisted the urge to use the word lugubrious. Shows taste and a sense of restraint.

Not much left on tonight's menu. Only leftover turkey soup and the chef's special "Odd Fish Chowder". If neither appeal, could I suggest the Lavalamp Saloon, two doors down, where they have a nice "warm beer and floating pizza". Avoid the fish.

Once again welcome. Sorry if the thread seems wierd. Things will improve as your eyes adjust to the light.

Another 60s Hoax

The distorted hourglass filled
with plastic formaldyhyde goo-goo
who knew what sat on the ultra hip
varnished log in Lar's apartment.

But that purple gimcrack plugged
in took forever to heat to work
waiting for globules took forever
for them to rise beading away
from the rubbery mass floating
to the top only to drift back
again in sleepy ad nausinfinitum.

No wonder people did drugs!

Even the wave machine
its ersatz blue ocean rolling
in foamy shifts held more interest.

Even the day-glo Electric Factory
poster of Ben Frankin's lacivious
psychedelic wink stone still
at 33rd and Arch moved me more.
Sorry if the thread seems wierd . . .

No no no - weird is good; in a life so often sandwiched between the banal and the barbaric, the playful dance of the weird is a welcome relief.
Thanks for your gracious welcome to this shadowy world & the generous estimate of the pome.
Angeline, your poem suggests a nightmarish horror in the lab of some rubbersuited Dr Frankenstein. Has this innocent lamp featured in some traumatic experience you'd care to share with the group? ? ?
Nightmare on Main St

Angeline, your poem suggests a nightmarish horror in the lab of some rubbersuited Dr Frankenstein. Has this innocent lamp featured in some traumatic experience you'd care to share with the group? ? ?

Hello dear floater. :) I was just describing the lava lamp in my friend's flat. Said apartment was a tiny place and said friend is a packrat who cannot bear to part with anything. Oddly, this may be one of the few things about which I am not traumatized.
Have returned!

Wow! I see it's been busy around here. Sorry to be away for a bit, but I'm sure that Darkmaas did a lovely job here. Although :rolleyes: I saw that little comment about "lugubrious". I don't know why no one likes this word... I think it's nifty (another word people hate... look at that!) :D
Hm... sperm floating in water... I don't know. Never saw that, so I couldn't say whether lavalamps look like that or not. I guess I'll have to go and find out ? Hm... maybe not. I don't know :p
Wierdness is good! I'm glad to see that someone finds this to be a wierd thread. Adds interest :)

Glorious poems! Keep posting them!!! :)

Don't let those lamps burn too long-- you don't want to overheat the goop inside or they won't work properly!

Re: Have returned!

Welcome back. I missed you, but then my aim has never been very good. :D

Xtaabay said:
Don't let those lamps burn too long-- you don't want to overheat the goop inside or they won't work properly!

Did they ever? :p :p :p :rose:

Regards,                       Rybka
Re: Re: Have returned!

Rybka said:
Welcome back. I missed you, but then my aim has never been very good. :D

Did they ever? :p :p :p :rose:

Regards,                       Rybka

A little fish told me that you have a secret fetish for lavalamps.
:p :rose: :D
Re: Re: Re: Have returned!

Xtaabay said:
A little fish told me that you have a secret fetish for lavalamps.
:p :rose: :D

Only because I like to eat wormses, slugses, and grubses! :p

Regards,                       Rybka
Re: Re: Re: Re: Have returned!

Rybka said:
Only because I like to eat wormses, slugses, and grubses! :p

Regards,                       Rybka

That would explain the floating beer vomit so characteristic of yourself :p
