Laurel to LC on Rape/Incest


Literotica Guru
Jul 18, 2006
Since it's buried on another thread, thought those of us who have incessantly scratched our heads over Lovecraft68, a writer of incest, constantly railing against writers of stories on that illegal rape bit would enjoy Laurel's response to him on that (post #21):

Sound familiar?
There were a few interesting posts on that thread. I've always thought I trod a thin line with some of my stories, but Laurel's explanation as to why certain scenes are allowed in some stories and not in others has me feeling more comfortable with some of my ideas for my upcoming Halloween story.
I always write just what I'm moved to write (although I admit that I have to think about the underage business because many that I write are historical and in some eras characters were way past worrying about losing their virginity before 18) and then just submit it and sees how it flies. I admit that I'm surprised by some, especially the "gloriously fucked to death ones" in horror stories and the thin line between rape and nonconsent that make it through without question.

Never do I forget that I'm writing fiction, though, to be titillated by rather than motivated to act out.
I always write just what I'm moved to write (although I admit that I have to think about the underage business because many that I write are historical and in some eras characters were way past worrying about losing their virginity before 18) and then just submit it and sees how it flies. I admit that I'm surprised by some, especially the "gloriously fucked to death ones" in horror stories and the thin line between rape and nonconsent that make it through without question.

Never do I forget that I'm writing fiction, though, to be titillated by rather than motivated to act out.

I feel the same way. If it posts, it posts, and if it's well received or not, at least the story I wanted to tell is out there.

I remember agonizing over the "fucked to death" idea when I wrote my (admittedly juvenile) version of Wizard of Oz. It just seemed right to me that the wicked witch of the west would be fucked to death. I thought for sure the story would get rejected, but it wasn't.

As Laurel said, or implied, it depends on the context.
As far as reader motivation in reading incest vs. nonconsent/rape, unless the reader is specifically motivated before coming here to read nonconsent/rape, I think that incest readers are more specifically targeted (on specific people) than readers of nonconsent/rape are. So if the reader in either category is reading to rev up motivation and action, I think the incest writing feeds that more specifically. In the same vein, I put Incest as serving a more specifically directed threat to an individual than BDSM. When BDSM gets beyond the mild and suggestive, I don't like that either. I'm not into pain and degrading. But unless the reader comes here with specific people in mind (which they would do with incest more than any other category, I think), I don't see a BDSM story in itself as a motivator to hang your RL partner from the rafters and beat their privates with a stick.

But I place the responsibility on the actual doer, so I don't rail against incest stories being posted here. (I think they attract bad and not-to-bright elements, but that's their problem, not mine.)
Incest is a funny thing (not funny ha-ha, but funny strange) to write about. When I first came to Lit, I read quite a few stories at random, and I would say a good third of them were incest. Not one of the ones I read depicted incest the way it very often truly is, which is a criminal, violating act of one person on a family member. I've known people who were the victims of incestuous rape, and their experiences were anything but loving.

Given that, the fantasy of incest as a mutually consensual, loving relationship is obviously a very powerful one. Maybe it goes back to that basic instinct to rebel against authority. "You tell me I can't fuck and fall in love with my sister, then that's what I want to do." The dichotomy of the fantasy versus the reality is a strange one.

Several of my first stories on Lit were incest fantasies. Not fantasies I specifically have -- I've never lusted after a member of my immediate or extended family -- but fantasies I figured would be popular with readers. My Cousin Lacey could very well have been about two young sweethearts, but I added the additional dimension of incest as a sort of extra ingredient. Likewise with One Blissful Night. The idea that a young woman would want her brother to take her virginity was a tantalizing one. Why? I'm honestly not sure. But the fact that it is taboo made the scenario twistedly hot. The story could have been about the brother and his sister's hot friend, with pretty much the same elements. But again, that extra element of incest transformed a story that would otherwise have been placed in EC or FT into something specifically keyed to tug at a sexual taboo.

Those were early stories, though, essentially strokers that I wrote for other people's sexual gratification. I also consider them personal exercises in character development and rationalization within a story. My more recent incestuous story, the first I've written in a long time with that element, depicted it as the disgusting act most people see it as, perpetrated by twin brothers who were psychologically unsound. If most incest stories were written with the idea of what incest in real life almost always is, they would be ugly, domineering tales with no happy endings.

But that's not what incest readers want. They want the happy fantasy that doesn't exist.
That 'death by fuck' bit has been making me laugh most of the day.

also: post #21 or 2:1 or 3

pro Laurel.