Laurel knows my ISP - She is a pawn in my sick games

seriously hann's i hope you don't get into huge trouble over this (you could)

and if you do own an ISP you should know that a large isp can trace you regardless of what details you put in especially if criminal activity is filled against you

is it really worth it ? surely you don't need that kind of hassle and worry in your life ... laurels a nice person but this site is huge its not a little bbs setup by some friends (the site has been mentioned in the new york times) ... i expect they have lawyers and everything
Your ISP?

Who cares, Hanns? That is your service provider....
aol, a local dial up, or whatever.

Silly man.

That's like saying, "Laurel knows what major chain store I shop at."

Hanns_Schmidt said:
I want to die in a gun battle

Hanns, you are one dumb fucker!

That's like saying "You will never take me alive copper!"

If they read your threads and postings they are going to think you are one fucked in the head madman.

What makes you think they are going to want to take you alive?:confused: