Lately, I've been thinking about dating.

Calamity Jane

Reverend Blue Jeans
Sep 19, 2001
No, not actually going out and finding someone to date. The act of dating.

I miss little things, like first kisses and anticipation.

How it feels when he takes your hand for the first time.
Or puts his arm around you and pulls you closer to him.

I miss making out.

Sex with the lights on because you can't get enough of looking at the other person.

Fumbling through sex, finding out what makes the other person moan or giggle or cum so hard they think they're dying.

That "I hope it's him!" feeling everytime the phone rings.

I miss someone asking what's on my mind and actually waiting to hear the answer.

Gods, that grass on the other side of my white picket fence looks green.
Should you actually decide to date someone they will be lucky indeed. I hope when that time comes they realize how lucky they are.
pagancowgirl said:

I miss little things, like first kisses and anticipation.

How it feels when he takes your hand for the first time.
Or puts his arm around you and pulls you closer to him.

I miss making out.

That "I hope it's him!" feeling everytime the phone rings.

I know exactly what you mean. A chat friend of mine here, daisie, used to have the greatest poem on this subject. I think she removed it, though. I'll look it up and report back. ;)
pagancowgirl said:
No, not actually going out and finding someone to date. The act of dating.

I miss little things, like first kisses and anticipation.

How it feels when he takes your hand for the first time.
Or puts his arm around you and pulls you closer to him.

I miss making out.

Sex with the lights on because you can't get enough of looking at the other person.

Fumbling through sex, finding out what makes the other person moan or giggle or cum so hard they think they're dying.

That "I hope it's him!" feeling everytime the phone rings.

I miss someone asking what's on my mind and actually waiting to hear the answer.

Gods, that grass on the other side of my white picket fence looks green.


Wait I have half those things!
way to commiserate caly.

I hear you, sugah. I'm not sure if comfortable is a fair trade for all that, either.
pagancowgirl said:
No, not actually going out and finding someone to date. The act of dating.

I miss little things, like first kisses and anticipation.

How it feels when he takes your hand for the first time.
Or puts his arm around you and pulls you closer to him.

I miss making out.

Sex with the lights on because you can't get enough of looking at the other person.

Fumbling through sex, finding out what makes the other person moan or giggle or cum so hard they think they're dying.

That "I hope it's him!" feeling everytime the phone rings.

I miss someone asking what's on my mind and actually waiting to hear the answer.

Gods, that grass on the other side of my white picket fence looks green.
AMEN! Just try not to get caught up in the missing it though. Hell, who am I to talk. ;)
perky_baby said:
way to commiserate caly.

Sorry. ;)

I was thinking if you miss it go out and grab it...there are many ways to make these things happen again. I think more often than not we get stuck in our ways and forget that we can take charge...take action...make things we want actually happen. Just thoughts.
bad kitty said:
AMEN! Just try not to get caught up in the missing it though. Hell, who am I to talk. ;)

Your hair looks gorgeous. :)

I'm totally caught up in the missing it. I'm actually fondly remembering boyfriends that I hated at one point.

lol I'm a sap.

calypso_21 said:
Sorry. ;)

I was thinking if you miss it go out and grab it...there are many ways to make these things happen again. I think more often than not we get stuck in our ways and forget that we can take charge...take action...make things we want actually happen. Just thoughts.

But Mr PCG will get mad if I start dating again, I just know it. ;)
I don't know about other guys but I miss that stuff also. Fresh desire is a potent drug. I love it when I'm with a new woman. All things are possible.
CE ~ I don't think and Irish accent filtered through a german one, filtered through a minnesota one would do it for me.

RR ~ Throw you panties in too.
how mny times do i have to say it.....LEAVE YOUR HUSBAND FOR ME!!!

i can't promise it will last forever, but it will still be worth the risk.!
pagancowgirl said:
Your hair looks gorgeous. :)

I'm totally caught up in the missing it. I'm actually fondly remembering boyfriends that I hated at one point.
Thank you! I think I like it, it is SO much easier to take care of. I do so know how it is to look back at old boyfriends. You can drive yourself into a depression that way. ;)
pa ~ i don't really think it's my style to leave my husband for anyone but myself.

ce ~ saturday is perfect. bring lube.
Does this mean we will go out to a nice dinner, have a few drinks, chat about our favorite movies. Then we hold hands walking to the car while background music plays. We drive back to your place where I take pictures of you and hubby doing the nasty?

Dinner: yes
Drinks: yes
Conversation: yes
Holding hands: yes
Music: yes
My Place: yes
Pictures: yes
Hubby: NO